THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE, r ALOVERCOATS AT _L OFF.Yom nKlr, iv m nsHts - ~Ex(Istsite cGout s Illitison s, .Iaatli isibes, II onse Lobes, ALL SUITS AT. OFF.j Smoking JaI~ckets, _Pajamas, !Nigh1t Rob)es, I'errin'o ______ IDress and Walkinsg Gloves. ALL SINGLE PANTS AT _ I'{. HODGEMKN'S_ _ MACK1 IN rlSIIES See these bargains before buying. Earl & Wilson's Collars and Cliffs. WADHAM8,KENDc RU. THE TVVO Sf\M S. Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE --C. STAE3LE, Excelsior Laundry, Ann Arbor Mich. Capital Stock, $50,00, OWEN 'S BARBER SHOP ! o l Organized under the General Banking Laws No.14 PasT Ht Sric t Sl . ofodhdsistateed.cA.ves.DCOVERT,.bayotan sells esettageoet the erineiptal cities ot the 1 W .2 Y ar in -e Bu n s. Uatted States. Grafts catshed11uponipropte eH E A RGU S- 1 y ~ . ~ V0e ~ f~n~ dt antialcation. Offcs:e . v y slig o t oAVos.t'D.MI tOPros~ e e. fI N JO pIf 1f II@CCITY LAUNDRY. W.xm~r1D H Prets.,Vicee.....O1~2N0.0. MM.Sea I5r st .In o.4 t.ff nthSS-I.M 'TA.F xC CK :sir A O RCS M. J.t roe,Ass.'ushier. HOT LUNCHES 0 IA.1OOi E2VL$50 .7 NOTICE! °" Inddtiowll____pn ______f tes 9-. w ,,,,ticeis tohavte tt 'tosri aWrkpsslir eh ~ Served at all H ou ofthsl tt ite gulaos rsc ttrie,,,o- ]ls cct ' 50 OIlS, of ('HICOI. T',-AT- i) PASS' ASHINGTI)N. S IuN 51N5, t'e qcctrs.tsto ltcss thelrtc fs.t , 4' in hesiy. l-Fine ioisrlo'es tnd Osttes in t)evU T 1 L tle. R E. JOLLY & C®",26 South tSOT1 I'r!S l, r. v ln State Street ls""tIlftl.Sito1 iflwis t 5 ct a sta,t,$50,00.stos . rplU8 ando o,,Pofits, $1 0(,f. F M c ir ;v , T' A AYTtHiEl'HAVE ATYALE Doesatgeeral IBanking tstsiness. lays in- ' ! teyterPecttr ontheCitvingovDeie. ________Has___ safety__ 1"t i Iso .- liltDrtSnyder lbeforeLUnity C( Il - rDeposit Iloen for heat. I"etlg', to i,,sssOcken'sChisitina -,sro." heFreshmein Take Possession o kotv l et r,.da.IIP,ti e i er. Thelu leak t:E.N Blie voins. ir , tP:rl T Teniic FINE PHOTOGRAPHS., 05.5 5. iep. I.. aeesbyMss..rsFs-inch; o asrcaplsss ad dF5iltoS MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! asore Ilet by "is work. , trene. lbcsideo virtuially breaking 30eeO t, 5 st.iidgie 5. It. Granst I's et'e onthertup aislay atIthe New Marea oipera 30 astHurn Sree, ''I fi i 's sst ofimss,"' sithe I' lis.sls.-c~i a church. hostheiy broke int) adimnie s- sTie - Wester tsliersry Ossis-sy. etumtand playeid havoc wsith the pro- S ENVIABEsssi s .stoossscsosy. prieti''s chattels, tiesi si1tsCCoesc- H EUATO DioeCi ~ iss. 151 sctri-sfor os-s'iaisi.- ofis is., 1 sicfully to ceeltsnentransce o soa fair O URoo re t.Aits'-LD buP~ c,,iss relst cs-rcrepuslsesd by a pcarty of idoor- S ICITis e ils o l 's a't E t 551tn n, in e the tl ' o' 0s . 5.Newbierysall. keepers whso, armied wth isClitbs and Op DioSsaylo o. "". isasebalbats, cdrove thteothack. o~pcortous. RM FAR XHBITON (Ile ittth ileists recei ivdawovstcs _____________________________ W RLD' FAI EXHBITIN. onthlice the blow of a shovel. An Interesting and Instructive En' A restauiranctteas next visited. Mere W a r stertainment to Ge Given Under the rotwties overturinedl all the futr- the Auspices of the S. C. A. nitrasiotteidaoctwtat p kfcr ooidcableectrt ic iceto stanssicci a table ancil make a 11 -part ocf tise official hoard of lice S. speecht. -ti masse the freshmeis tainacent has been afeured. TIhe in a rush with the sophomores. 'The company twill stop off ccn its wa t celebration concluded icy the freshc- Pltiadielphtia and give an interesting mcen breaking a nuttmbcer of winidows Special Discount oflit 'Law scoks, programc, consisting of stereopticaninte"lBrcRo. Furf Medical, D~ental and All tnfverity views of the Wuorlid's Pair buiilinogs, the party were arrestesi iiuriiiglice .legit-Boos.h l argest I grounds, statuary andI dediciatory eeig icarade. :Xnl s asi additional attractfoni, the BUSINESS LOCALS. StIn1ts ii iB011 rucmmer Boy of the Rappahanuce It Nilfi be to the iteruest sit ever'y has been secured, anti wiil give sonce sttiienit readifig tifs notiee to calils Mr. illose, isf the Goilenl.I ogle, Deturoft, oflW1~ ~ w D V his icopular imitatins. it the Hokhue tedy hii nst, in the city for 25 cenits. Agent for 'Thsey otter tis mntke as ills1111osercosat Keieffel . Essor Mathencatfcad 1nstrn_ (It wciii be reumemberedI withc swhat ssr suit fosr $2.5 as ftistisually insde fsir meuts. t'nder prices io evsryting. ttusas icsdrumiming w ires:3 til0,te keat 35sitit ial4 h fedfwit ceivedi when he was icere last Aicril, dsuitisphat '1'iiey$40,pisstned iythe during lice G. A. R. encamcpment. sut as hine Nc-rh us any taflsrfng hloulse -S2'0RES . Ontewoeteetrane t i ietroift. It youi expect to orider aiiy South State Street and Main Street. Cohsfrtehldy e hnln tpori coieuert Rowe)r. one cwell worthc attending. aciiiicies. SPECIAL, SALES ItiEZW ti GOODSPEED'S TAILORINGl- I ci xi 'It I 25; OO. X3 .0 'RDCDONL Viii t.ONLY . GOODSPEED'S SHOE- 1 O Is -,OIIC ) ON.VE WEE lx K OLY. IGOODSPEED'SI