THE U. OFi.M. DAILY. yti fP ijihet tDily (Sndas excepted) durig the Colleege year, by THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION THE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME. Probably the best playedl ted most interestitng game of footbsall its Ann Arbor thtis year seas playedi at thte athtletic lieldi, Satutrtday after- nloon. 'I'te greatest surprise of the gamee is regardto tsittdividuaal playing wsas the swork sfi Cottkling as htalf lunch. 'litte anst again he brstke tlsrourls the strottg rush linte of te lawt s, t trie twottor thsree ttetn lent course to the students. The itlea of disturbitg te student bsodyj with a foolisht sar on thse bosardl oaght to be discountenanced by all fair msindled studtents. The intard tmadle a msistake such as any body of mtes woutldl be liable to, ansd furtber thantthlis tse I . st stnot one wourdlof (tlislroval. .\t.a3iOl\lt i instituted the sport of te "hsare andtlhounds'' and mtadleter first riot Saturday. Al. A. A. didl likewcise. Both events are reported to be nmarkedl successes. The DAtLY has repeatedly called at- tentiotn to the lack of interest in that recreauiotn tere, and hsas stug- gestedth lat steps be taken toward 'FINE AND ELEGANT Of ail ksnds for Ladies antd Gentle- tout, of courtsxe. -j: TJ OE co WAH R & MILLER 48 SOUTH MAIN ST. $PECJAL $ALE.-Nov. 98--D)ee. fo OVERCOATINGS. WAGNER & C0., Tailors and Furnishers. x RY_-- Toledo, Ann Arbor and North . MiciganRailway. witih tlint for ,eott I in. itmnaking, at least, a trial of cthe sport. G1 imn Cardtt inteetbtiStny, N n. 6thti(+ gane astletsossttstsltlsI cas Matyof te westernt colleges and Itt tItnretntt.itSit ted ated thattnt cleass... Isi t i-'ssieiellslcthle sltort and its every case it Ihas ,No.t1.nMail tAeacndtxpes.. ."0 in. rivati intierests refrainietdfrtotm utni-r.Sil lt Isl.'l. ethe LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS.ttMag- No 1()lsngt 'ertSne"On).....1015ain be last in lite? cistceetnttidig; nineteacers;arettenattentdance;, N.S ieie nsaet necessary ttstse andttt( tierferenice _good______disci teepline;. supeioretork; etwellsptlied readineg ( M ettetoomtdaiy lecturest; Satuerday evening reeptions; wcitwit tlth asi 'le 'I1tt il ti-i :e \ ii . e clY ispuite is giisg th ee yenthettentteyear; centttttetetngraduates tn peens No. L 'Mai its t taESeit eec...... :a.I. rtall. Iil( 1 I yte-cetnntiteshothandgraduatnstalltsecurenttostins; tstn~s~tete titre seas thltence of a c ottn- roitntds tf tite college press int regartll .e oeoAcomdto s oivwAAOU ns Suetnteewho No 1.t. Ptnten;e(Sititttsstttt__ -knttpositn frotteekn t to week,natdreess ."tt"Pcetne"t t1ien tne:ofc-d.It Is to be ItopedItte amntof reading ittatter ts- tP. R. CLEARY, Pres. lesCentalttaardtetTinie. tttyttglsd stslstlI ot-suted per sweels. Ily tte teasitreent 'Danilyexesett st;tinay that ounglady tudets wil Co1- . yc $f,00,$3.00, $4.00,1$5 sTrains Inn1ettrnnsnt Steel'oedn n. tttue tt attettt gamtes at te atlsletic takets by the Citrntell Sutt, Ite U. otFeOwsso nlyt.ReudFa. fieldl. smothser fact wcth lis (gatue *M. D Yandte Spincastkat tt.e IsFrtC~ adWratd iTledoonets, dailt, excettsundeil-. csonspictuttusly demnissratedl is thaItuneldof the list."NI'- t5tY tts o tnetin dily(alit bSunday. E Doty ene. .11tBENNETTi. S - REnt ACOti class gamies shtoutlt e playedl earlier .\ceYON1 dcesirotus of joitting tlte *- y C Feiner. n. Pas.t Agernt. L.osstc l et in te seasttn itttrtler tot tratwoutt latnt atria tobedevelopetdfo ebber clttb mttray wt]antpirtismnttame to II. STUIDENTS, SAVE IIALF' YOUR iiIUiNLY i AM)BEUY lie 'Varsity teamt. Arnellnmedical; Towta r 1.. o seole, Q 1$ ~~ ('tss eststi 5 tttres Ises een i st Shaw or Miss 'Tatnner, literary. csatnifestetd amiong studienits regatrcl- lets's-A lies' seatcht fib wistth- Tl- ite -the arrassgsirCilt iti .t sebtelie- tisnelestlit standl Kftg's lltglster's (ern5st ' EN S T T Z'seceacedstnde 'lese Ie'nt O K TO E we h . tifAl. atitltsne of the S. Divisins. 45_6 weesterstulive rsitlies, as susggestesd its I" lt s E Rex .--Sittgle 1t l t i tslIadbth t eest Greck, I sht11, l ret'11lt. (I t''littt 1 ititl st11 (oll c ' IIcx.TCl :Ifol s t 't Salisetlay's DI),sithi'lseeeslettttstf5-ttl S. Thomp~c~tt's-t. .ittil S'('tstIl tts. exist a strioni'' i t i t iii ein"v r f51 'It 11( t 5i'sssla t(1(j 'ls iltls eli s saslovertteiit. Is orider itelo tsittttli''s'ttii AND M "DIV.AE. BOOKS Tleacselet' g't'ney,1115 Wabh st tsesste, t'e issttler ini definsiiiteistritt'e sitioid(',sicasgo. 'isA WiOLSLE11(E. i gge . t ltt thusehp1re sisi lI 1 si 11p.;ett ~i( f iTI -V II(,_ L S_, te foiirliterary societies, Alilnt a- -""" =& O17 - S o -,: 1= S Nui, Adelisii, Webister, asssli 'ter-- oa L_ _ soisin, btrisig thsestatler befo5re thicr .- . Huliday Rates. RENTSC.HLER, Sisrly geat lcastageteotidNc lor (Cristmstatid etc eatr's lli- forticuntos OLL GE IIENIIdatys, te Tttledo, Annt Arbor andt Nortlh g~t ra pher, crise fromithCie intserest that wsoiullIIMichsfgatn railwaty still sell ecur'tsei , natisrallyv center 1st sucshnaedebate. Itickets betweent all sttfets ontits liste CRIRMI N 11vSS Ii , I ~~~~~~~at wiieh tickets atre sold, stlso to pontss Its C tO II. tt 115t ' 'Ts'r '96 lit hsas taken tets to fstrnm a freshsissaIlanjo ansd Glee club, spteaks swell for tine enterprise of thai classand also augurs swell for use success of future 'Varsity dlubs. Wh'lse '95 hsas the hotnor of institust- itng thse freshmsascliub, it ought to be a matter of pride antd obligationt itn eachs succeesdieg freshsman class to itreserve use systems. APAs''EnTLYrth ie fate ofth ie nesw S.. T,. A. projectujo sett ed. All talk of b'dtihyal of trust ansd dfeposintg of thse commtsitee is arranst nonnense. T1he boartd has sowed itself to be capable, antI ins submsitted an excel- badge or 'antythting its jewselryI we0 wat youtt(ttto bearus 5inl tminsd. 0111' retlutationt is te highsest foth iis tsotrk an~d ice trill (1f1e1'yosthEle miost mtocle- rate ptrices i Michigan for thte best tw'tr'k. F.G. SITH, SONlS & CO,, Woodwarettd Ace., ista ttte St, 111 several connlectitng lines, sa to'e andt on~e-tirdefare fotr te roud~ltrfp. ''ickets tr-ill be gotod gointg lc. 24tht, 25tht, 20th tantdi31st,and1t n. 1stand51 2ndf, santdignttod r etringtfi ~l Jant. 8th New Route to the Northwest. Ott anld after MondtSay, November 28th, il92, teTledoiS.Ann lArbor tand NorthtisMichigan rafisway's sets'car ferrey, 'Ann Arbor Ne. ,' , still makle elsils trips buttseels Franlkfotrt, IMict., atnslKewaunsttee, Win. 'hisbobasE twill early freighst ears actssnc Lake Michtigant,nmakinthie trilp itt ( hotturs, so that all freightt siilpedi by Eliseroute still lie carried Ethrough .withoutt brealcilsebtulk, as hats beett ntecesary iherettfore stti freighst htandled;acroIssS te lake. As thsis is te shortest rtotte toElse nsorthwtest it shiouldl be is-elpatroedt by Michtiganltshtippers. 4- 51. 1,'93. GRMTP OPERA HO-USE ANN ARBOR. Friday, December, 9th- TWENTY-THIRD SEASOIN. f I]VANNERSON & MeDONALD, Wtith teie beaitiu sletrile Siare, the onely gentleemenwcn t~eeIteen single, doule sand trile soersaetis fentomtea. MOtNtOtIANS. One Lun~g and TeeoILunt. Melillsie end Nusbaums. Te SitxCity Brothteesie beand nete end eel- gnal spsecilties. GrneStitrSeete Paeade at 1i' o'clok. Pricese - - - 35, 50c andI 75c. Sealenson seP .O.Sews eSed GIBSON, PM OTO, GRAPIIRR NO. 12 w. IHURION ST DETRIuT)r -MICHIGAN.