:THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'Z C.of 2- R. I~ti'~o. the publication department of that o xE 7 7 I = ~JC. '~( '4I~. university. Isl mecliatnical construc- Pulihe Dil (udas xcptd)dui tion it is' certainly well gotten tip, New Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices. Cours yea. 55 being printed on goodi paper and THE U.OFM.NePENyeNaSSCITON maybibllsraisso There is nothinig like a SLIM FIGURE to pttt it in mo1tion. _____ tne sivrsir, embrs f tse Wo have Ilaid in a very Lar-ge Stock of Seasonal)bie Goods. 'We tSttSenpftias prnce s ee y'nr, invariably faculity, etc. It conmbines literary Bought (Chuis.'We Sell Cheap. Finie Footwear, boots and Shoos. iads-amce hingrls's'spies a cnts. Salseip - and scicistilic articles of interest to _WJ- -:-=Ltr T. L_ R tisas may be lefts at the otee of' the (DILY. ast Stsdtest's, with any ofth~e Lditosnor the students, with ordiniary college 48 SOUTH. MAIN STREET, ANN ARBORC, ICIi. authorized solicitorn. tiews. WNe welcome the Weekly ON OTE ATACI SWE REStW G Cotmunications shouldrecach thtbefites by,.AON TE TRCI-SW R TO I 7se'lcs r. a. if they see to aupime she seastuto the field of college journalism, tiay. Address all msatte'r isnteaded foe pablica- aind extend our best wishes for its E-:egaya* Fall Shiji~gs, ionto itste SManaging FEditoe. Allblsoutest k__ < concains s ouse be seat to the tss-fitutre sutccess. and N~ew' Thirjgs fil Neck'iiiar. teas Manager.__ ______ TH Anno H Arbor. Hish. %VE asic our subscribers to be pa- 7'A -~ER tl n uil ui CteIOnoreiv 21 South Main Street. Tailors and Furnishers. EDITORS. teni h u, i he otrcev F. E. tAss;'revs.t. '9i, MasalgittgE santoe. tei paper rcgularly. Our carriers GtiETUE e tien, t. 'es, zsistazt are nesw men, ansI our subscription G oldAn rbrad ot E.0J. Ottattre, titl. ,A.stnt. lists are not, as yet, complete. Con- 45ihga aiwy t2.jO'5.5,.5s't~i.'l4,A~intttt 7 Tate Castdit effect Sundtay, Astt 1151 q 1,. G. WsetT s1Asu, tt'1 tiiteaSatss Ifission naturally results anti no one ...... D en1ure lTas t Ann iArbor. A. se. jiesettis, sits 2, ts5it smore thas the editors. In idn . v ' A5. . . Jus aw s 4, t 1Anneat reeH OD~~ i.j is ttu J. Rt. AisNtit. MtiCt'9'42course of a wneek we itope to be aisle L-C.5()5ItItaGtNet)Sit tttt1, 11. sl . s t7. W.tRsCKESs, lit. 'iito get everything its workinig order. d o. 5 t e .ttnAel t eie sttt...t'2 lilt0tittit is. i~~.No.:"). C' a SttMil 4.2nssn . 't5I1i. in. I.A AN, t 1. 1f our stibscribers wvil kindly rin-o. 101. Toldtottnd0%ttttSuntdaty r.nly. ....a.-,..it............ 9 C. N. Sotttsi, Nledic'tMt. port any irregularities it delivery, Is t'" 5. Dnts5 ' OOL Ott'BUSINESS. MAit- No. 1lit. Tleds,11 Oos Zitdl lu i cit t o .', jthe 1matter will lie tdj nstesl. gold 5 1* ;S I m..i-k- l u it pltt'ttt'tttt N '.'itliti19 ()It N 10 T- . 1 2 .it C . instnK . T R , - ' 1. 1'3 lotil rd it 551allsetirettt. plitints:' 4 T le oMiil lpens.......81 .Iu $2. to -...-.pv.. .-ek-..ateome ofTothe AAntitmodtirbor..s7se a.ics THE________________________HOUS-E. snhosweint tos ('iicago to coniplete FOOTBALL PROSPECTS, their medical course, have repented Aftet- carefsil observation we are convinaced that Mlichigain is to have a football teans,not sisiply in nane Lot in reality. Football traisninsg in ireviouis yeats has bien sonieting of a passive relaxation but tieneisasi- agemnest of this year's teanm has changedl it to a continitoits atid esner- getic campaigin of hard wvork. This is as it should be. Contisnued Irac- t.lce cosmbisned wish the cieterinina- tiot to win must ptroduce the proper results. Regularity in practice, careful at- tention to signals, rapidity of nose- meat, quickness in lisninsgtup anti obedience to orders froni coa'ch atid captains will give us a winning teaii. Tlhough the number of morn tiling for the team is large, yet there are niany strosig and active usen who shiould be out. No ont wino is able to play should svait to be asked, but sisould go out at once and receive the experience and practice to be had while tine leans is under tine present efficient mianagenient. Those who do not play should be exceedingly careful nost to crowd osn tint grounds during practice sours. 'rhey should be as muchs interested in the teamns welfare as all those who are taksing ass active part its the training. ToE intial number of the Univer- sity of Chicago Weekly comues to us fresh from the press. It is a six- teen-page weekly devoted to the in- terests of the students of the Uni- ve rsity of Ci icago, an d form s part of of thneir nasty action and have re- turned to hT. of AT. I'ip-o-tip, tineZuits prince whio, it will be resmenibered, lectured mere last May, is in jail in Oilo, accused of being a mnember osf a famous gaing of counterfeiters. P.4W j. 5L5AI- U.Pen.. k,5, .... i V"t. i ______________________from _____________________ Nit. 111. Owotss ns It '0101l0t~ttt We Advise Studsnts to See Ccn 5151.. 211.111.m it to ffydilv,(xet ~ itsita Dost&Fei er T sins-nit.t1i2,'10,ntts 1()el itI"e. e'op e=eaonS Othsetruis hlls exeti sittlt NV'. 55. ttNN'l'"i', R.iS.GREt-ENWOODIt. Feolt-Ilsl uand Tetssis Slices in Studs. lGen. Cuss. Ag' t. 10(aIA gett STUDENTS, SATE IHALF YOUR MONEY AND PW1Y ___ iT3"me. 'Tos Deltauw Record comes to us as an eight-page weekly. It covers STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE, STATE ST. boths a literary asnd news field. Grand Opera House Tontght. This, frons the ('hiceago Evening Neas:"HndsAeroisa the Sea," that popsular melodramau,Iwise presetited at tine Ottera IHouse last ntiglit, befsre a very large saudiencee. Tisers are many nsovel scenic feattres-soiue of tsetsn beinig qusits stasrtlinsg.T'eisp tery is tot absorbinsg olith lrousghouit, arnd hpictures as plet in which povterty tatnd wetltii virtute assi depravity, tirtlesatiess atid scheming villtsny are strikitigly ititer- wnovetn. inaner W. S. Reeves has givets the platy a nnagtificeett stage setting. Mr. Hlenry Pierson. as the villaitt, wats an realistic itthis work, that wh~ent lie appeatred blefore tht ettrtaits, the audiiettee complinmentesi him ly soetsvigosrisus Ihissing. BUSINESS LOCALS. [Notices tiasrrted insthis cotumnuat tir rate of1 ctosa ier lise. tipesiuI ratsuforelsagerI tme. arid extra sunes furnishted bty apptyinig at the DAILY utttse.2 Suit of rootiss to renit, No. 8I5 Southt Fouirtis avettus. 4-It Ness single roons. ttll moderinim- provemenits, hot tatis colsd waster, etc., at 22 North Itngalls street. 4-2t Type writing dotie tt 48 E. Cathe- rnisstrest. 3-10 Frotit suits of rooms, f urnace hteat- ed, 19 Chttrch street. I-It A. E. Rose, for the Goldetn Eagle Clotlhittg Co., will be at tite Cook itotts every Ttuesdasy during the college year. Gmook, Latin, FrtuciGermtamtantd all College Ioxt-Isokti. News atnd Seoetd-lHatns. LAW AND MEDICAL' BOOKS AT WHOLESALE PIC1"ES. ICsYCLE tet SAt I-Cetitury Usisus- t RE NTSCHIILEE., for selling. App~ly to F. 1). Gteet. 21 S. 1,2tin street. 1--7 h t g a h If yott tre going ts ortier a suitt, overcoat, or ptair of troutsers, be stirs to COtRNER MdAtN AND ov-toix- STS. casll ott Mr. Rlose at the Cools Ilosos Tusessday, Octhober 4th, amid see the ele- ~ gartt lists of cloheithe Goldens Eagle GLAiTE UFdJA 110 U3E are showingc this seasont. Tisfirlmn TO NIGHTS. htv mnthergslr'iis oAtsAhor A Genuine Melodranmatic Sensation!I every Tuesdmay for the past fottryeass G0etatd Prioductti n fto rtilon ansiav lt'htie reputtationef tssrmimscout Romassnce. the mobbiest sty lee. tunist perfect fit. tH N SA R S H E the mtostresosnabtlesprices, sm and HA DS C OcaT E furnshlhsusressof refsresceaaninmgSt A Car Load oftte -Menoistteeit Sits-is this iboys. lie stirs to pay Iint a nisit stud Esfetees. Witsiessed by spisaid sif wiseither yost wish to order ormiot, it FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND will pssy yost. OTiE EITEsAMICtaANi FAMtLIES t12And Acctaimed she G, naudest Romtautic Pro- iTo ri-nt, a ntice ltall amidlroonnasst12distiaon fthe kge. E. Wasingtomn. Rooms suitablie for Prices, - - - 35c, 5co, and 75c. society purposes. Formterly occtupied Seats sit sale atste Possotlite newsu stand. by the N. S. N. Medictal society. I-6it__________________ WANTExO-Am entergetic youtngstats of large acqusaintarmce and some bissi- GIBSON , nesa ability, to take charge of brsrmnci office for lesading etroit hoarse. Mumst AP I furmisht referentces aridStond. Cttlsin AAA.0T.OG A PL HER4A C. Bartont Smith, Cook Rhouse. 4.lt NO. 12 W. 11URON ST.