TH UOF7-" XT THAT GIRL you left GO T1Q behind you Litiii(Kii ld i' Stringed Instrument.' CALKINs' FINE CHoco- A, l1Ii lte uiii il tti 'iidc" i()the lbetIoianufactii reilat EXTRA VALU E IN 1NiATUR"AL WAOOL. Also th~e Weli-Kiivwis WAlItNERS IhEALTh UNI'DERW7EAR oil WR EIGHT'S UNI)E{RWtEAR. LATES WILSEYfS, ii'iC IA 4Y.l 34 S. State Street.; Whlere you gui ioilifri' lisistnos". -MO ORE &WETMO RE', BOOK STORE, NO -7 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ADSRES I siiser:-ifly' Toxt-Books, SMedicalIlooiks, L-iw' Iliok-.. D)ental I ook., stilnts' Note Books. Blan~k IA Si< ,,Shi liio rv. - We liaic. aiaro'e Stock if Neiilcl aild Esiv r rating Iaostl men, (S- Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. L!ii 50lifC .K LARGEST STOCK IN TIHI CITY!I T7OWN' DRUG STORE. Call ext lWin. Fulde. tile SAVE Y(ZI)U~. ICY" VT.ilorci, opposite the lacy lil) il i Tue l1ii-liesti-r, The loyali and The Perfections Stiidest LEir~s hav "Ie- Williamr-st., ist dlooi- iiest of State-st. iiuitutcitthat they 1give thei'mosttiesfeetlc t I sirt oo NlampsI)simile.- Itlsl~e tie ileaiia, iepiiiiasidpissinsaiisosenet li-ices vary tiroms9l0cents tio $15 cachtieIy-sll g;ise flei- asse sqiuality 10 iaind uisiiiidi-asir-aivA uu-i ---as tity of light. As-ganit Lanmp, with porcelain shiades, at - - - - 65 ceiits 11 YU AtW AIT TO1 Ied Star Oil, that toiois withiouit oiler, dtoes not cha~r the wick, ait gives ia ture white light, ideliv ereid at - - -101 cents ptergal 3 y a 1 rmz Oloo] Oil (ans, according to capacity, frons--- - - ----- cesits to $6 each. 1 iirhaeesomieRepairingsidone g t To s eis to beliese. See our stock anit you wcill be coinvincedl that we sell the liest Lamp and best Oil for the least msoney cf aisy hosuse inothis city.M I IM~ 1 6ManSre 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. ArohGn Set THE CAMPUS. W/Jill YOU .L.ook ls1rost condiicctdthe last scssion in Latin seminary' coursc. At ocr' Shows Wundocrt It tills The clinics in tlic regular hoissitial il's iowiistorys about arces-cry' fiullthis y-car suit especially intcrcsting. GUITAR S Slasssoss, '92ildist, iow- pracliciiig AND) at Bay- City', is visiting IticeIU. ofAl PRICES. for afewvdays- Franki Crawford has returiied froms THIE AVNN AtRBOtR ORiIIN CO., Kansas to rcsunme tis svork swithi the s5South Mainistieeti _____________________________ senior lass class. MILGH IGAN C~JENT Th le ' ' aisity' football teans sil1 Iet liL.RAL tonmorrowr morning at 9:30 o'clock TitTablie (Rsvisei)November 20, 58955 sASs, p. r*. WEST. sa. n to elect a captain for niext seasoss. Miail -------4 5 Chcao S pecvil-30805 1) a nipeus__-_- - 5a:ii Oay r es-i, s it; IG.- De I.rfae left last evening for NC-S imsiteid -_-- 6:.' Mail------- 3 N. .soiLi'imisid--..9 a N . timsited---ac59Poughikeepsie, NewsvYork, to attenit Niagasea Falis Opt 'tt ii-2ip.. a. Ohiesga tuspeess. N li an centertaisnment at Vassar College. 0. N. i xisess --5ii . It. Sispiess - 5 48 Atlant i Epress__ii8 Sii PaifNic Exer '.l tse Iteneage Gibbs still esntertaiss ().NV.ttcrc iS Ii W.H~v~s, thesceiior inedical girls, at hecr]ionse 55. ~ ~ ' P~ r sei iiiai g.aiiAi0I1 osForest avcntic, tomorroiw after- FIRST NATIONAL BANK 101. 01' ANN AitiOit. i A special idespatchi fromIssthaica to i'raeiiait giiieral aisingbisaiPess,0for-i.the Chicago Istlr-(Oceans,-statcid tha:i eiga ietichsii a.oldieters iof creiitiprocured1OsodhslfCrelfr c car travseler, abi-roa. hslftCsinlifrli S. AV. cLRKSsiss.Cashsier-. Univ.oof ta. GRANGER'S The Prohibition dishbeets this T fleveninsg isn lair lecture roomi at 7:30. S OF UAN~ii~ SpeechIes aiii songs srill be the order iOth Season, Octaber, '92, to swY,. of the prograims. O1I'st NEW HALL is centsrally loated aid i The EpwrorthL eague gives a corn- esver iravisiois has Seesnsmade is proasoie thestikocatoigtn ,csmfari or sue patroas. Thsere are ns stairs saksca tngt nthse parlors of ao mounti.tue dancinsg aomibeing an she grounsd floo. Ofihce aiaademay~siMaynard-si. the At. E'. church. A futll harvest heed $1i5i $2' or 't 50 fr Sams- prograns will be rendered. fl . pie iRetai nos y esxpresse The following officers haavc been t.ff1 he OESI cANDIE'5in America. egn ~~~~gflboxece opp su eleg.iable ardelected is irsr-tsesad by the '96 lionaeops Presi- peadResressallChcargesdent, J. it. Babcock' vice-president, f i Trystasre Address., isK .Gier ertr n C. F_ _c S LNIHER, tConfectioner, MS .E egr ertr n c1Saootstreiett. treasurer, Miss J. H. Griffin. Mlr. Roster, a studeist Irons Ger- mansaiviersity, gasve a svery inter- esting iscuission sbefore the class irsn pedtagogy yesterday, on the iiietlsodI ot teactdiig sistoryiniiGecrmsan-. Next Siiisday-imoirniingatlthlla p- tist chusrch, the piastori Rci.A. S. Cariman swill spieakc cit"A.Ifiii iey Along the Appian WIa ," and iii the esveniiig of "T'he Suiclide of a Soul.'' At tse i-ahnemnsinian society this! eveniing in Newberry hall the folloir- ing program wrill he delivered: AMusic, Geo. Clark ansd Frank Rich: recitation, Al iss Irmo Psillen; papter, "Gernms and Cause oif Disease,' iAt. R. Bentley; isuisic, I-1.FE. Whitiney. After the regular programs of thec Jetfersiusian society last evening, officers secre elected as follosws: Adark Sands, president;IE. 1. Bean, vice-p~residlenit; D)(). Rideout, re- ceiinig secretary:WC. It. Evans, cor- responding secretary: A. 1. Lanae, t reasurer;l'-. 1. Johniisons, marshal.- It was ilecidedl to gisve a putblic pro- graini the lasr lecture rooim, lDe- censher 25. Prof. E. W.- Atorley, of Adelbert college, gas-c a veryiinterestinsg talk to the chemical studlents iii room A., of the physical laboratory. is theme was "Atousic;sweighst of oxy- gen and the volumsetric composition of water." Miany of the instru- ments that lie made were upon the table for the inspection of visitors. While in the city lie will be the Iguest of Msr. and Mrs. P. C. Freer. If youi asrei in ne oflasit ue Dii-ss.Shit, Ili.iiss Suit, Osver- s-scsI oiv cevtlnisg ii ii' urHe, call iin Stafford. AMr. Staff'ord is again dosinhis scownsu t itinig wid flue finest gradce of wiork is tassiu-ed. 42 $outh $tate lireet. G. H. WILD, THE LEIID.-7G TAILOR, is the placc to go for -hne 'Tailosring. lie lhas thc most select sticlk of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! inl Suitisngs, '1rosserissgs, asid aniey Silk Vestisigs ill the City, andl wousld be pleasedl to have you call asnd examinse. liHe msakes a specialty of Fll Dress Stilts. No. 2 E. Washington-St., Anan.Arbor.