THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING ALL ()VE-l'{UATS AT 2Y OFF. ALL, SUITS AT OFF. ALL SINGLE YAN. See these bargains before buyii WADA/AMS, KENNEDY c S ALE, LAUSI yE h:1ATTERS AND 11' SIlS Youmans, Knox's, Silverman's Hats, Exquisite Gdent' unhns ,.l ath lobes, llouse Rbes, snioiil" Jackets, Pojanias, N1ilt Rubes, 1Perint IDress and Walking (ikoves. TSAT~OF.HOI3GEMKN'IS, ~MACKJNTOSHES g.Earl & Wilso ti iiCollars and (uffs. ~ THETWOSF\MS II I. LiL..L. . . . Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE Ann Arbnr Mich. Capitnl Stnck, $50,000, OWEN 'S BARBER SHOP ! Surplus, $1300. Organized under the GeneralBnking Lnnaws tnI othin tte. Receives Depnsits, buysaned selnls channgenn the principanl cities of the United Stntes. tDrnfts canhed uoen proper 1THE ARGUSR- OnnTisMACn, Pres., fj' 11O1 3 r Tj VIu +to W. D. HAnesMAN, Vice ten., CHAS. I0. HincocK,(Cashier. Al' LilOV IUtCcS 01. .1-lRITZ, Asst.l'ooltiot. NOTICE! )las1t, e~ell ! 5l 110 LInS. lit lHIII'5llA'l' M, N 11105. SWe II 11110111 11to eepthfill11t0 f ill eciy. load ,uesinlt'ttet I stye'. RE. JOLLY & CO., 26 South Coal! 11 W. Washington St. HOT LUNCHES '; Served at all Hour, 1 'T UTTL E'S,'r 401I!V COMMUNICATION. pritle would coerce the moajority 1111 Cpaj I ''o lie U. >t, fit Dac.Y.the ticket holders inti paying the 1111j 1 I.I ~t extra lprice, andt thus tIe ultiniate 'Fle SL. A. was instituitetd fur result would tbe to make the price of the lionelit of oil U. of NI1. stud~ents, a ticket three dolllars instead of twvo. -- T utthe present commuittee hovelpre- Ti suolrsao iresie jL l,*,,sumi 0eto covertoa plon of justice anthrfe nis. comte FIN PHTORAPS, to ail mieiiibers o the assocition which vitotes a trust shouildlie ide- INE PHOTOGR41Z~AHS, I itii sceoi ofiescymilost i MILLINERY AND ART GOODS' f introf si upiie oe lie Teipoed. . t O loot Cosi 30 East Hur0nStren, Iscee s hs:Eer atrnterw tthe 'I hilolocl soieyias iif seals ini I inipersits-hll 1is to be H5tCt >lIo brllolelltl c reserved for those who1310111 \r.XlWeeks gave the results of IS 51111110 lire aible 01nd1wi1lhug to pay-a onius, I some0 ver1y inIterestng l''0xpelrimlents H FOR1i1y FO' R 1'15 tie li o poys the cxtra 1price1'set-crs E110 lii lllialll research. ity means tosleIl11.the absolute 1111 C to te 51a -lt 0till rilitc ot YOUR 1'OAIII 11711 heofa0cn0toion fomtI sftpolate o l.ll10TE1 1 oletllurinig tile0entire 11)ur1e0as1til 0 11mographlliehd eisee Ell EI aigainist oll others. The lest of theteel Uylor & Son:peoiple,(the suppoedl omo n 111101jthe movemens111 that ogninl Op.Court)H0os. crow(1iI) liasvethe 1h ih riviloge po 1 1111111 llcin diferen-11t 0111ds, aniu I ettinig whiat is loft oii the oldtlon. from this5 1had 1colstructed (1a propor- Thepla ui er110111110 h Iichthtie stuideios tiona-l taboh of01soulnds. Stomeo 05- ' L 's 1fbou- htlheir tickets seuredl to eaih pt -ililnts 0w1--0 performed behfiorel the thepilege,11not0111nl f tloisor sity00oclety 1iinorerto 011ow tte 01011n01 holl, hut also if chooising 0a3y 501till roltsterlllg thte 5soun11s. dr. I in it tiot olrooily taken by lair and1 l oks 1s the first to prove 1110 reol ft ft fl ff 100111honorabl0300135. If this is so, re 1 iotl1 1 11 -1-1 B uOK S T U I . seatsn a single soot or any nounober ortnans. feront prce, s00 0s to take theout (11 1 The New Dances. --joftile reachloIf a3n ember by flat prohibitioni, or boy adding 0a0 extra Jin on1111olftthe classes at(Grangher's SpeialDicoutlnoLw o1k5 before the Iholidaly. (lasses- daIInIl- Spcanal0ll lotk,10 contract aiod a gross injuostice. eii 0111s0fur ladiesnd0111genltlemsenl, Medical, Detattltand All Unitvesity ThFle comnmoittee attempo~t to cover 0110 Iluesilay eveinlgs, 7::810'cllok. Ladies Text-Ituoks. The 1111get .thteir discriminatiuon by thte''sand- (lus'llively), Satulrday7 after'noons11, 4 wicl sosten.'' (f course it0w0u1d11onclock;, part tot 011011lesusoll i11tis class he outtrgeotis to divide 1110 h1011 11- devot edxote wdni ces. 'l Genlil 5tl'11e1' tf ot ritorayon one side and theloni100- 10 1101110k. Timelevoitedl lt tile stand,- 1111)10 oti 111and da~nes. .1uvlleti0 Slltllrlay Of0c01010 the se aternoonlts, 2 o'clock. A series of live I felrete - l~itO ~t00inlstructive' h '1-510515souil he giveti. ];or jin the city for 2.5 cenlts. Agenlt florl the injustice of siuich a sdivisiono. particulasncail at the Anlademsy. No Ketffe & sse MaheutotcalllltlI 'heyswouildl lot ottemopt such un visittors adm~itted ts the adult11cllssen, mets Udr rie o eeytin.I Iting. Ilt let us say thoat siichlo puils. Tuitincar 11- eIr11terinpaale~l noeots totlr rics oi vertlI. umtiou nlan is exactly the i111a1va1. 1 i4l0l fn 1 3t(1-s. ahs -- --i scloeme (If thoe comumittee 0e100501. _-__ ..,__ - S'171DEIIIS 111B1tlhere is one other possible wvay 1' OR.1RETx'.-single roso 111wit'oet ; IS jfr the schoeme of the cuonmittee to 111011btht. South State Street and Main Street.(:-t 'S.ronpnsre. (Ontillit t lltlels). I11perate. Atollit is, that perso5nal j411 .'~uimolsrd Excelsior Laundryq '01EATlor IlON ' It hO'. and11delivered. I A. F. COVERT, 'cool. 21 Years in the Busifless. CITY' LAUNDRY, M. M. Seca IOs ' 1teo.F4N ih St. 0_ K_ A -3D E S==OE 50 BATHS FOR $5.00. 1In11 adtion'- wllallowl'i pt1O'l allll511ofe se Caplital, $50,000l. .Surplusl011lll. ot, $17,100. Doest a general Bannhng busliness. Pays in- lereon 11Savin~g Deposit. Hoe safety Detpost BeIfo r ReHnt. It. KENh'M Pr s. '. H. OtiLSEll, t'ashoier. - Ban k ve n Sa; tuav even Oin' SPECIAL SALES. I LI.INIolIINI Ill101'A N+VI. 115O0 111 A GO0OD PEED'SI TAILORING .~ I) I IUI 11 . ON usI.R OLYft 10 11 15 1 'i N1. 1,1 111U111) ONE; WEEK ONLY. GOODSPEED'SI