THE TT. OF M. DAIL THAT GIRL you left GOOD STRING N ID 5 R. VV S R Stringed aInstrument CAL KINS' FINE CHOCO- LATES I 1'otxihi tiletlit[till rad'' toxthe lest iiaxi iilacturxedl EXTItA AUtE IN INATItAL WOOL. Alsoi the lMeltl- nWfl WVATI El' S HEALTH UNDEEW EM'iand t'vI(UT IT' 17NI)EIIWEAIR. WI 1LS EY1'S4 W~zli you oa gh ome for Christmas11. are iLow.xcx 34 S. State Street.I MOO RE &WETM'ORE,, BOOK STORE, O- F0)F6. SOUT.H SMIAIN STREET Uivxeirsity Text Ltxixks, Iii dixil Iloxxiki. LxxxilBtoioks, IDenitalix Vtxxks Stiideixlo' Nile lI (kI' itlxk liioks, Slit ilneeY. Mi' lxxxe'a arxge Stdxk xxf Kelel xaniiiEsser Driaxftinig nhut xl i itats. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Lowr as the Lowest. m 'The Roetietr, The RolxyiandxxiThe PerfectioiniStudiexin ct ms lxxxix lii- 'Vilixxiist., irstfdxoxr xxest if Stxaie-st. ixixti sled thixttthey gist the mxost perfect llit if xany lamips imiixde. Wlii Ithe Cleaniiiing, riinganipress iciig dixe neatly. i()xixR iICic. Prices vary from9tic enits tox $1'Seaichx,they all give tie samet'iqiality adaixxi-Silicuits xioi' xx xiecialis'. All w ist i-claxs. lily of light. .krganid Lamp, iwithi porcelain shades, at - - - - 65 tents I1 YOU WANT TO tet Stxar Oil, thxat burnis without otor, iloes not ceixr the wick, LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY il and gives ii pure white light, delivered at - - - 10i ttnts ptrigit Buy a A1ar= lCock~ Oil'axis, according to capacity, fromn - - - - 20) cents to $i6eaitli To see is to believe. See our stock anti yon will lie ciovintcd tha t ixe sel i aessi ixxxiigdu x the best Lamp anid hest Oil for the lexast money of any ioniceiii this city. 36 .ikrStree '"r' 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. [BROWN'S DRUG SORE. THE CAMPUS.