P.10 sheilIDaily (Sundays exce pted) during the Coleve car, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION EDITORS. E. J. llT'eA'.xv, Lit.'114, Mfanagiaig Editor. C., A. DO.rsNiu, Lit. '131, Auistat. W. E. 111),1,1,Lit '96, Assistant. M1AR(.A iTE C 1. SHA4W, Lit. '14, Assistat. L. G. N ITEHE AD, Lit. '01, IBusiness Manager. Wi. W. WFIEMuEYERt~. Lit. '94, Assistant. A. BILEYr, D ieut.114, Assistat. P. A. Itunny, '91. IN. 14. Evans, '193. E. K. Tlole, 193. I . . Sw itzer, '91. 1H. It. l.artinf, '91. 1{. %V. (Vebber, '91. Norm11131Floners, '9(3. 0',1 11'A,. 1104l~tee l'ltc. C'.N. liotero, '11. C.K. Ster It.' j1. Arieill,'14. 9141313 1;. Mo-Farlaued, Special. THE U. oF:rM. DAILY. COMM UN ICATION. To the UI. 1)F A1. D11. By wehat right has the Lecture Course commnittee decided to make an additional charge for the privilege of reserving certain seats ? W~e - understand this has been done, and ..., ....,rtsagitsuh nabtay arid unfair if not dishonest action. It seemis tirat tirere can he no ohjectwhc woljutftisoreon P I L $ irtepr o h omite h olders of season tickets houghtO V I thenm wvitihtire understanding that they had the priviiege of selecting "WAGNER & CO., seais fronr any part of the hali, suh- TFINE AND ELEGANT SI=o-Ws Of all kinds for Ladies and Gentle- men, of course. WAHR & MILLER 48 SOUTH MAIN ST. b.--Nov. 98--Dee. 3 tCOATINGS. Tailors and Fumnishers. ject only to the cihoice of those 13110 R' Toledo. Ann Arbor and North THE RGUSPUBLSHIN HOUE. recededI tihen. We vorrld ask for ______________ Michigan Railway. MOR AOUTTH 'E -~some explanationl from tis coflI' fJ5I 56L 1 MOR AOUTTHSESEATS. mltec as to whiat tihey rilan' W.11 'li new114metlnod of reservinrg iOJri~ie t~~ 133 inefe) 1 S1113n11aoy.11183: Seays for 1113e. I. A. lectires,-if, TVl Ne Daces Indlied, it 'ay 1)e2cal 1311 a nesvw2/(/;tjiN ;111 I melthlod-dles nodt se3111to 145e 141ha1vI ie 193 a iner's\i.). P'l)11Ann1rbor1 19330413 . -noo Acad11311y adlasthe n iliiiiees No. -N91.il andl 4 p.vvvin, riet thelne ii1111(1 4)11105al iol vie before the hoillidy. ('lasses-Advarii'- Is 1he LEADNGaSCHcOOL OFnUSrINS. Ile ii. 11o.1). 'aiilolllii('3 01111114313110 5 n 01 1 lfo d ilan il enelifi leo)buoilding;nine btle;r.,laeg(ate nde;1.191 11 'I'udentlbodyf.n'olades gelltlerilo'rl. good diipline; 'superioeOwoek; well) eippiliecodiog .rt 57114 ~l. 11 laoiy fTl rehly 35 ellirgs, -7:80 11 1131113112..1115i ilromlily1I. 33110331Saturday eveningreeeptions t)'ir open thelientireear o me ciiile rade s i n l lgeat Ni . ,?. lMi and1l'113031101'F...i D, s'tudentis, for whlos3 e be efl i l h e"xltllisiely), .91turdlly iafte'rnoons11, 14 1'deiand; sorlthand raduates 13all sec'oe posiio ; N o 1 h9 1 1311 Expr4ess-......S"1 o clck; lart of 30111hlsoni Ii ti)i l Sl 94 11' .4('011p1n113 1.3to $2.5pievwekin priv at ao . . Toledo , ' I .5 oario n ...1111.111. 15 .~ . 1111)3 19 elevoltedito thlew133dan~rces. Gentle- .taoiion fooobooiu 9okt,ddress Nll' 11. 14 ovoe 01123 3ldelyVunlsatisfactory. 1113 aser- menr(eXellSiVely 'I'bll lsdlly evenings, e. R. CLEARYI, Pren. Central10111a3'4 dTime. age d:=3U1o'clok,%1and(1Saturd'ay 111111illgs, I(ily elipt binday. ageo slock. tLmeodsvrtot feelhalstento F $2.K $3.00, $4.003 $5 '139riir 0)114 11 110 'oedam pay one or todollars mrefor tile 11111da130s. Jiuveniles, Satulrday Ooss13331. aReduediarlole. 11 llrii~e3 o geonga "191 set fr afternloons5, 2zo'clock. A series of live I 111ff.Clas an1 warranted i3 loled adiiei3 31131 inolrstructive Germans swill he givers. For 1 931ry Wiy. (1ther t1111113 11il1y 3xc3)t 03111111 the series. aside fromi tile 11035'patiuairs call at the Acadoni. NO W . II. 3ENN11"l', J11.0 d3EEs45 dI)tino aresi osntse ovstr ditdt h dl lseE D t ei I Gn as gn. LclAet andgreat cae used in the admtlissioni of ohviate tire old dlifficultly of reserv-ilpupils. Turitiontl$9her terns, piltlhe lng the seats. tertalinly only ainadivarnce. . 10 ;lt" STITIENTS, SAVE IIAI{ V FOCR ]MO.NLX 'AlN) Ill limiitedi nunmbervswill lake advantage Los9- A ll:lys' tchi 13111 Chain). of thelew90metinocd, whlich illileave 1Finde1r iplease l101t093 ni Ii 'loecll5t. or =1'v, A anosas annnietoh.ro tis oficee. -14 it amsaslarge anmbrtob 'po Ot NT43.->111110 11o131 itin ls'at AT 'I 1 videdl forinl tie led111nnner. live and hbath.I s313113 le oeratedilbefore tlhe last en- 45-(it 2_r 'S101Tho0mpsotrt'et. ST UD E NTS' B oOaKSTOPR E, STATE S717 tetii enworkedldirby on '1''E9 '3 3.I'13431)321111s13availabl1 terliorent vinor hly ovvi at short notice Avahnted 11011. Fisk (1113n, and swithn a little lact 11would Teachers' Agency, 1011Wabh aenue,3131'.Greek. Lat inI? erncln, GorlIllas 11and1ll (.ollL..l'13T(l Ciii 1 ( \ d94 seenmthnat it cd b e 34411ly worked (nenIo.133 .loldSlicorol-I11)3(1. vine II (to to C'. A. Ma rnlld,tho' Staite street at the uptowvnl rervig lplace. I groceir, for' 11,o~ilia, frnits, it.'. Sf11- L W / O tlis p~lan shnould filthnere is still 11th e tets91111 11111 111313thll'11105tf 11130)1- IA VNII . EIYI...I'. BI 1 ( ClnralI 111)11nnellod Irnonsvnicn inodhotirng grocer intn1131. Choral__Unionmethod,_fron__which AT AWIIOIES ALE PRIICES. no trounble hnas cylt.arisen, nd1 wh111h431121 rIniglnt at leanst he givein a trial 113the c o-, 'i7 3 I iavu..o.atp..I 12132"NI'1"'iu"LT 12123 Ac hoe nneeninng of vile DAILY. hoard last evening ,.Miss .argorette Shnasw 5waselectedI to ltne positionrlof assistant mnanaging eitor, and Mr. A. Bailey was chlosenl as assistant bulsinsess mlanlager. J. 13. Spitzer was electedi to ill thoe sacarlfy exist- in~g ill tine numnber of enitors from the lavw departmnentl. 'T'nere are 110w3no vac anncies 1on1the siaff, 1)u11conmpeti- 11ion1for recommioendat~sion at the s113111g313111011nnay he taken up at any ine. 'i'lose 4311o3commence13 earliest swill receive fnrst attention fronnnv yhe oanrd. ,-.r: Salanider hoard consists of F. 1l. hall, Jr', ii. Friedmnan, F. F. BIriggs, andI 1. C'. lelder.-t.Jniver- ily Magazine. Prohably Inlander was intendedl. COLLEGE o MELT1 I selectinrg 90)1)'socety badge or'any)thng in jeswelr'y' 940 wnt yut o i)1)boartns ill intindi. Onnr'repuntationI is tlne higheostfofr'thlis workde )w1o5 wsill ofer)' 3o31 lhe monllsl hldl 'nat e ies 113itd il'higngirfor' thne bestl 9.11. F. G. SMI lh, SONS (LSo,, .DEAcoPInr - - 1 ITlehhhe. Forl'Icsta n dls Ne31111 r's 310i"1 3 30 9 11111 days9, tieledo~l, .9.1)1 Arhbor41111 No3111rthp e Mih1ielgallrwa4d1y 4will sell eY\dhi) 41)13 tickets hethween all stitio ol~ 13nitslie ht whnichntickets nare soldi, nlso LI) points 1311(41R31 9.4I_ ND101l1tIIN -i's. 311 sesennal 'onnrectin~g lines, at 31)10alnd olne-thnirdi fre for tile Irollnth 2 trill.D '39'F)T.'3 L'' Js7 ETiekets scillilhe good golin~g Iec.c.flithn, L IP ~ LU~U 5thin.21111313311list. a1111 n.1111Ist hatd l .ANN4131301. 2)13, -11111goo~di return'in nirl 1311 .11311. , ---1 inluelhi'. 4j1)111 Thursday, December L. New Route t the Northwest.33.4 ~,i..10 OnII m1311after M111131134N115e1113I r n'I MZTRM '9th 1892, thle 'lileiho, AAr oIrhlla)1d -Nort M~ .iehigantlrailws new 1141 rd11 il1l1 1n 1113illc 1) 131,. r in oi)a 01'( deris.''.11111.XArbor)'No. 1I 41113ill 19 adzt.sII 19iii 11 111113 1111ps hetsseeh t'rarhkf'ort,. i., =-11. t are Col Bup a111 1Ke1waunee, Wis. '_I&VI 1This 111141will corrhy freigiht curs Exqisite 3113 31114mus iciiloh' toos' SOn 1395 )s li331oMii'iignon. mak1in1g thne tiIp 3'l'ih luag 11e10133105. ',I-iohile 30 (ieomd 31r" inn G1 houncs, sothnat all freightn shipped eh). GanO retlol 0333' 3nltde. 1y 11.1s rou~te will hoe earrieod thnrough Pices: - .5C. 50eIhaltl75c.. wi.thoullt Ilceuiilnc11bu11, 134 inansbeen. nheeisary ieretoforoe swithfrinoghlt inanndled 11311155tine bike. .U o As thnis is tine sihortest rouhte tho thni n3orhw4est it slhuld lbe w4elillpatronrized by lllrn;Fishpprs -5 IJan. 1,91. NPH O. 12 W. HURON LT