0 f/
. 1a.
VOL. 11J.-No. 40'.
Voc. IlNo. 4. UNIV~ER{SITY OF MICHIIGA N, T1~itL)AY. iDE(EMi)'I, 1, 18I9.
S. C. A. DIVISION, j Purdy, Reese, George, Snider; 2nd
basses, T'homson, Worilen. Weitde-
Sh-all the Association Reorg anize man. Mlr. i'iintermna, 211d1 tenor,
The Junior Lits Go Down to the i
.on a More Liberal Basis' The Itsliandedin i his resignatt (ion on c' inI Hot Game AKc
Question toust be Decided.
__-count of other wvorkI-
For sonie time thequsti ott of the i.. etfiftr
retsarittitt fu ativ asitieisip Cornell aod Our Last Game. t oontshtii.setont1 Ite-criss -anse
is thte S. C. A. has beein discusseuldi. 1illPt oicstssiutt
Several 01 ectiligs of the oficiers andTti ''esilav catainstisetiltotit (ittlitI
trustees tare beeia htld;ibltt hieITIhanksgivinhg game.ItWe laotice ia a ali atiltiisi ali
" Ioilthe sitre si tutu ti--ia to It at
tlatiter lie1nottconitcebefor h a-'fete of the store iutietestis" ointas. I i t ies tt ttf I
sotiatiotsuitlitlast evening, hentalltt <e great goamie at Detrit.1 4111itt
se' as a close conti est t rotitbut, atnd
wilterii aottsasitrtia tstsociatitinlier sas ritaracterisediiy russiisg, enid
sal fa i5te I, ilts 'sst asittt a pircy giile ottboth sitst. ts tiic' i
on tse ibasis twhicht it iadiifortwtss vilUof M. eartedieri etpoattsid site rriclyiaiisl
fi -vas .e ni 8 ; nI lieca-iseoflistftittr iiseites.of.s I
t '
lie ""'z;1.V.1 1 1" u j v is swelcoea to ittett. eer teams 115 ott egoitdhar es coitit t tyosit'irat the Latest.meropoiliinieii aii
atv me brhp w s litiiteti to ton'therground. attetaelitwaisirtetstleii
mete in e esb tprs ofproertainiis tcterrooheoait- erable slusggii n the line, tand AnIt Arbt",picers, tend for Caleta~toPeoli
oeTheprose cane lle. npsseetetletottiheasi. plenty of iicks againstltereisitai
Tis laoissee chngestil pit se Calsgoodi sas temsporatrily nameid of the umpiire aind referees.l lt C
associatiotn on tihe santefooting as 'Witiskers'isy tihe croswd, andei ttRNiet-iteel. ffsils s tl
the 'University of Clhicago aisdlC(ir- antiheeldofwthtebl o, 8-8 onwtn v-
nell associations. The memlbersipilsjeed Withterbee were swere the oh- bitt lost it, anti'gc arrieti it within )ETIOIT1,- - MticiliflAN.
seeas isie eetly livnleI o tec~tif Jeseett s special antagon- o yatds of 9 ;s goaiiwseree titer
t~isisst lericssossilism.le)i) s Sedtssly lttolst tihe ballioitfoist dows. s iQhIl fnd Straight Quit.
silcaneeiet eiesaythiessseason tsas beeit satisfaetorin CIGAREteaiTsTEaeeS3,aei
evensing pronmises to be searmsansdlreg-ardltoiBastnesticit a big"debt iaaiflsisafe iissIa ostsfCi ga re loesh
r n it is center ataritartlets, nd enditrusis be R i re igt i tyaliti
taepsliianseS Oser ts iia etsc i tlses r tl iIashtslii m' eItIIrgeiltianthe price
-E- probab1 l tat Capatai J ohsaissonsIcalrriedi the ball 1ovcr 'q t's ie. y -ro lgt et, wilind is
THE GLEE AND BANJO CLUBS, 'liroitailthue ibest srtentlit'fott -' i utirazspeirt
B ert kickredsthte 'sail. -: iiiTh e'uuiiiususStraighss
--- .;_ i ttNo. Ii ign tt Sare'Iiiieeroiiit t e ighit-
1hall pliayer Coirinell eerhdsisi >teiris555~ 15 e liifori tmttiittt liiitieii ilus ss
Both Working Har-New anti At- thedu Gtosildlssrt tl tu La ~tc ea seowniniri il T is,itistshe t
tractive MeictoReceived-The Iatndsee tra lt 4 iis broiiiugh taout aby50it,;i icyrat icriea
Bo sM y ot m h . to Co0rnell nectSI 'easr, t icls~ii ts t t h ir cne,( H wr oriitt e aio, tdo ta th
Boysen Maye t ron' t a-gornnaitos Gmaiha.t,,eypakae
'T'ise 4'arsily ''leea d atnlsji chutbs te'sailthe I of P.' niseotf itteI rc tor ie Tio titco sale
are stilltaos ite' isasd ansiu iaski"g - - -
considterabale lpro ress. (ithue batniti Lectures on Mosaic Law. I s o Icte, tite'e it sesi
' j!to lthe seniorseil acifusible. ''They U q esi aby
clu, iuIa Sirsel isas caces ciare i Aliti Iso lisaaittiaiil ill s c a ~ rriedet awae sll u se field ity rushes ~ t
of th1a alel~t flstlitssa a rf ltoat oa ; aindioccasional attettsal endri plays. FRATERNITY JEW1TELRY,
plane rof dli.tu gas whotihass betnin tg lecture at the lat ecres rt oum tet'fitgo a isIee o
stllw i tecluasiafotr is three yers. II illsI s T esdaty eseining. Aniots" ttseAndheoidstal aay;aad, gettinig liar ball, t itlti't-- titit
thse excelatiolaof tase onatwlasspieres, seere aaumtber prsomnienat ctilesIth iey trushit atfrottithe2ites arat1ii T_ OF V _R,12JTr-"'F'IF EJS
all tite music5i15newrt11tn speieally, anadIseveral cof the local tiergy. sT ethesga ite ileeslaa isi i i
to.t.:..ass as......iat isere as-aIIie, _... . .:,,..,._ ...... .. ]n o'-sga ie _he~~ .a-AEMi.B
tao wiateetlisp as wsas at ir stpro
ioseid,stat thse shrng 1t111will tie
ntearletlis aste as last yac( ,
111111 tle buys swilatot gotoI- iiue
1iois, St. I ausi os Dluthsisbut theseI
is atiossiis'ts'of g"0515 fr s
Onsathte batnjo claublsthe imiiihrt
sipa sis tesatmitas sasanointed
int hue Dvrsia sotniecsweeks ago, bait
titere ihave been sev-eral chaanges int
psositionas: Bodiman andai Uliter haste
changed froml first to second baljos,
and Slhermnl, whso played second
last year cost plays first.
The glee club is .shsort of first
tenors, otherswise its membership is
as follosws: itt tenors, W~ebster,
Potey, Blarlow; 2nd tenors, Richard-
son, Biodman, Pratt; Itt basset,
cour se 15 0f espteciatiniiterest, as jisa',the touchaist-iswn. sCasseli failedt Q, (SOyJ
nsothinginhis in huesasbeein "itengoal RE OL
se tfie ls ex ccisesil naset) ilalee "ot nt eruls toucht- I li ii iMCHIAN
ie rusdtoown sebst'i iis siy livekeass thse seaonsisal af. - lc'iitlea'z, l's- ~r ~~t itcts
CI sttla I(ue it'r l lltr I seralauedt goa.' l Iuse seas calledi
stwill 'tive onse of Iis famosrso50guie- soont after, witilshayheall 15n 9, s P. J. KIiINN"U'CAN,
citals ltislat at the 41 ellioulusi I
-- alCccrels Ikte 1ishiihy lraisedi by - sseitosszt____ l __ Nz~ia e M R H N
thse critical press of thse counltry. I ctee ------ t ----- etot
Tihe follostinag prograisl siltl ibe Tha s. ...1 - -------i(e
relaciereni at tile--effers-i-----s---e-----TA ILO
redrda -te efroca oit Br ------- "--ts--- IleT I O
mseetinag toisigist: r.to L lcassaiiolI teBaltin ---------rIt--l------- e iel.
Clifford fThaxtont; a. iration, C.IE. Sasnierson----------- ti- wll (tapit) i tti iI i
tieetouilin--- ---1i--------ShieldsADil ~l7Pr >
Dedrick; 3. Debate: Resolved, Whitehedsit ----it ---i-- t-- ti-tar
Tisat the jury systenm sholdii be hI hit------ -- .-_ --rditeldl
abolished. Affirmtative, D1 ). so.1naiire snilreferee-JewvettBaied caidthtPear- ''T T7OOTS=N Ss
RduanJ.RBetneaieV. ---'--D. Norton and '1. PR. Todd. lilec- The evening of Jan. a7 has been 55 W_ F'ORW'ST_
tion of new officers still take iplace thse date fixed for thte tophontore eril~ihgn
at the business ameeting. ihop.D toitX ehg