TE 12. OF M. DAILY THAT IRL you eft;Q)1 S11Q behin-1 n Stringjed Isrmn CALKINS' FINS.CC~Oo-- LATES ~W I SZEY'S,I thiV l o g l oni r ( liituiis. are Low 34S..taejtret F.romei le ud iii ci rails to the best iianufiatcturd, at EXTRIA VALUE I7 NATUIC'A WOOL, Also the Weii-IiDOiw1i WA'INEII'S IEALTII l'NIEIIWEAI1C atli WtVIIIT'S IU-LEJ-ZWEAtf. MOORE & WETMORE, BOOK STORE, ')NO-) 'AEN 6 SLOUiT.H M51VAIN STREET Stoclk oif ' Keiilel aiid Esser I rliftiiig listrmie it Our Stock will be fournd Complete and' our Prices as Low as the Lowest. "oi G O A. E O L. EXTl~. _s ,.Call on W mn. Fulde.the ____ 't 'ailor, opposite the Liaw Buildinig, Oil lT ohesi'te'ilie tiosal, aid The Jlirfectirin StudlettltLams hvedm-Williaiii-st., first door Nweot of State-st. onstrateil that they Five the most perf ect light of any laops made. iltijie ttie ('leasiing,, rcnpah-iigasdprcsning donenety LOeW'Myra j t rices sary' freomt0 ceiits to ti-5 each, they alt give tile sonie quaill itiilnd(lillli- Suits toi rder a specialty. All i-ark tiliseclass. itofligh t. ikrgand Laimp, with lporcelain shades, at - - - - - I65 ctts aIF OU WANT TO ltat Star Oil, that buirns without odor, (toes not char ttie wick. ARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY!l and gives a tiure white light, delivered at - - - I10 cents per ;al3uy am6A1arnaOlock Oil ('anm, according to capacity, fronm - - - - .0 rents to $6 each. 'To see is toi believe. See osir stuck andtyou will tbe coniedcthta~t we sell is hasve someicRetiring danic(go is the tiest Jamti ont heat Oilt for the teast msoney of any house in this city. ' 'm Arijoltkl 6MinSre -Al- 144 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. Li I3OW N'S DRUG Sr(TORi, THE CAMPUS. A speciatlrhcarsat of the Chorat ___________________________Un_ tiions will tic hclid tomorrrow' crci- Prof. Rolfe soill giivc his firsthag at the usual hour. W ill You Look writtenu irini iL atinriting, to I.I XckistutriiIrri umorrows. is cuugigeil upionsisnestigationus of At rShuowo'indo11wIt tlltto Iv1. S nicss siiitgive- al;-hiiir lrolllllt.:loeii nt-t 10111st~lv' ibiit crurse ill iiioieriiEnltisthhistory IHecwill sooniipubihtitile vt-s iof GUnR ext semzester. his stuid sUIT RSt rot. I lecish as en ual toi 1111 lsiintrilf-i PRICES. sleet lila classsforoseerat'l as ibylistiat tie Univiersity diuring 'ug-'y)i reasonl ifiilliness. has chiargceiii tie dcpartmecnt 01 1'llE \.NN \ttilhltO t ItGAN COI., 'the suhscriputionu paper heiiigrir Ihioglisi titcratiire at (tie Sti 1 sttgrin street:. rclateut 110the intcrests iii athletics UTriy MTCT-TTA'VT G A t ilreaudy fouls up $7oo. Cornel is menioined as a possible o i- Mr.ll Goridoii,lit'g i, noowi'a ilitOX'successor to Wcsicyais in thictelr- FAS.ii7M lctii'lla. in. tier lof the faculty of Virginia tii., Collcgiatc toothalilLeague. 'tic l~arS 0 iseco- 0 i iss istilo frcisis lire.lattcr teaml is altogctlicr too swcak N.ag' ra fil s s 1)'N1 (_ilil'iI1l It oill tlke four seceks ret to lilt for the other clesciis. Y.;lii'Ol- 11 i"p. 5. a in, C fleailllpresso. 1 po5suitionthe i rotn sork ifrrthe M.Ciaoatllrsu i- I.N. pr,, >s tit. h lli 1 55> 8 in dr Cinon-'-rwil iva song A51ltlanti l s 05 i igun-Ill9105 1(0roof of thc gynus lasuunu. <.1. 1 tapren'---- 10 40 Ptcitic 5-ailesa 10 2"trecital, ouder the ausp1iUceofelthe E/. 55'.1t ; l iec. H. W.14A(l i , - (1. P'.&vt'. Agenut, ('iraga. Agol. cni Arlior. Total use ot general lihrarr last Ladies Aitd society at the .i1. F.. nyear, t,39,437 voluiies, a gait of clhurcls totmorrioa' tighut. yt r. tirher FIRST NATIONAL BANK Iioonso over any previous recorid. conies weell recomnmetnded by thec iOF ANN ARBORI. teliltal, li0i. Oli(Surlu110andl( Profl5itsO3,'000. Prof. tMtctauglihttas in press r--ntpress. Atnardimissiontaolft25 rto. silt Transcts, ee-al banking binlesa, fr elan eehue-es oldi.lcttrof icdit (irociuced ''"Ouitline ut the H-istorv and (o,- be chuargcet. frc trle aecoadlcs. P'. BACH,Ptees. erlnment of 'Michiugan,''intendeitfor Owng to a misuderstaninglu of s.W.ftkRSNCahir uIse ill ther tower 'secondary schools. thse '9playersesrdy the ganoe GR.1NGR'SGeorge Hathaway, '94 denut, itid swhicti should hlave been played with P11001 AN JN not spend Ihis Thanksgiving vacation '9 thsen, has been piostpsonedt until ' invain. lHe brought back with bins as tomtorrowa afternoots at Atthletic 1thS eW ason isOctenls. o aiyn93.dis if bis . Martin, of Chelsea. Field, ata 2: o. every provision hanbeen madertopromote the Prof.I-. IV. Morley, of Cleve- comtort of aue pairons. Thereare nonstairs D. C. Heath & Co. wilt soon isaac so maut, the tdanahcanahousbeingonthe land, will address the Cheicachats groend (tsar. Offieearaeademty,6Mayardt-st. three works by U. of at. professors, Seed $125, V, or $:3 5scfr Sam- as follows: ' A Text-book on Sani- in the tecture room of the phsysicat ... ple Railstoanbtipexpress or the3L TCNDEInI rctryScee, by Prof. Vaughan; laboratory, Thursday evening, Dec. mu' autbp Grelngnmarxeandd < zbeginning at half-past seven o'- estit'ypare. Suitable car "An Old-Englishclock. an PRiESENT ST exrpresslrhsr 'asRedr"b Pofan C Readere;e" by ll Phcago.Hempt; adclc.Subject:,'"Volsnsclric Corn- CryFiGUnc eR, c'rese, "Practical Exercises in the Study of position of Water." Alt interested 21' State Streec.Iaeivtdt ted 42 CHItCAGO, ILLINOtS. Plants," by Prof. Spaulding. aeictdt ted 42 STAWFORD, If s-ou ne i n nit-u- )fIfinetu Ilv'a Sulit, I n-iz'Ac-s suit, Over- cotl iir