THE U. OF M. DAILY. GR EAT CLOTHING SALES XLSV HTESAD UNSES ALOVERiCOATS AT 1 OFF. Youman's, AK nox's, Silverman's Hats, - ~Exquisite (Gent's Furnishings, Bath Robes, House Robes. ALL SUITS AT OFF. Smoking Jackets, Pajamas, Night Robes, Perrin's Dress and Walking Gloves. ALL SINGLE PANTS AT OFFr. HOIDGEMAiN'9S - M CKITOHE See these bargains before buying.Eal&WsosCoaiaidiit WA DHA MS. KENNED Y & R ULE. THE TWO SFNMS. -M_ STA.E=ER:- I1. Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE t'-m# ----ii nnAbrMc.caia tc,$5,0,O E SB RE H P!C oal!, cisexchange on the principal cities oi the United States. 5)raiis cashedIsuppoe -THE ARGUSS- 11 W. ,Washington S. iceatittlca. 11ITINNAK Ptre., VasIDNM. c, ret., Vic Pr sT JO0 fI ql itc W. . tAti ISCOCK, Pate P et. JT~ o Sti. J.Purre,1t'- t latier.