THE U. OF M. DAILY. PASTE THIS. IN YOUR HAT!I THAT SHABBY HAT! Soodblt rdutsotkoie dt (iftoti.i ot'-o - olsto lWILL SCP-:RCFLY DO IN AXNN R ROR. ~a~jn' Phrrrac, 3 Soth tae Sree. bt oi iie glad ftrettorn, anmd we tare certainuly plea-Csed to see yoti, No. 34 South State Steeet, (Overi (.lkttt-. iti-tore.)___________________________________ Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Violins,&o.. &c, at Lowest Prices. 12] Years in the B~usiner. xcelsior Laundry, STIINIS AS12C1LTY ~ '~zi~c ~CITY LAUNDRY. Good OA S U HULRtON Sti'tEFTi. It STENG A PEIALY.Z) M. M. Seabolt. No.4 N. Fourth St. laoddelisit-ot. A. F. COVERT.,t-ro p. MOO0*RE& WETMORE, BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, _________________AND CORN"R OFSTATE AND it 00111 M STI ttIiS. Iini versitv Text-BIoks, Mledical Books, Lajw Books, I lntal1 Books, Sttudents' Note Books, Blank Books. Stationterv.' We havne ,a lare Stock. of lKetffel and Esser IDrafting Instimnents. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. L. t 19 a'- 51 SA§V3 Y~I~1iL~ E~t-ES.Call on Win. Fulde. the Tie lhothester, The t-oyal, and The Perfection Student Lamps have dei- Tailorn, posethdo estw Bualein. LOW PRICES. onstroleil that they give the most perf ect lighlt ot any laops made . While th. o~ig earig n restg o Statlys. 0.00PiUAS.prices vary fronm 90 centts to $1.5 each, they all give the santetotality atnd tram- Suits tots-der aspecialty. Alltsoak first-cass, tity of light. ARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY!l Argand Lamp. with porcelain slhades, at 6.3- - -C cents tFTtWATT tied Stat- Oil, that horns without odor, does not char the wick, and gives a pore white light, delivered at - 110 cents pier gal 23u~r am lx l -AT- ~Oil Cans, according to capacity, frontm - 21) cents to $6 e Co2 To set, is to believe. See our stock and you will be conviniced Ithat w sell oti, tat. sotteItiepsiritig done gs to 3ROWN'S DRUG(*T STORE. tile best Lamip and best Oil for the leaot nmoney of any htouse itt this tity l n.A ioW 36Mi Sre 0N~--NB 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.Wi0AIok 3 anSre We Don't Want Much!.! IT__examnatiofordmissont StE SWANTyottrtttrdeittMusic THE CAMPUS. Teeaioto fraoiso o S"T 'PtF F 0RED, stltri ry s nthe 'Narsily banjo dltbwill bc lielil I AV 'WNIluSatsfe wt eer- D lirtbte fiBrlin s, i So dots Satiurday tiorning, tOct 0,.at 9:30 needsAM s ttt~irttits itct.o'clock, in roomit24. ot itt-tO, Coral 'isia tuots tnightat Prof. F. N . Scott swill tot tutrin stltSi stittesit. 7:30 ii' hitchiapcl. froitiabroadl ottil tic Tth 1tof this ow, What More Cao Yoo WantI A1iss Clara Lecslic, lit '94, swlluosi o sil lcsb t tt i 3 ~'"'~" \T ioato, tCtiitttot Banjos. Stttttttttit tc. to tteachi at Auirorti,Ill., this year. sonsehisbs-tritsll ttitscireits T- TH Til:AN Al~~t ~ONCO Dr.1Rodlgcrs, of Vassar, fornirmce lc'rccpio Iat s-vriL L.-itt 5tt NO MttttT er, assistatit to Dr. Glbbs, is its thc city.- OtiiS'ttts ite us icl-aySlobfriirl al, last cs-ciing, pacc a itleasat MIICHIGOAN CENTRAL. 94. lit, sas rcturnedl to finishs lircoppiortuinity- ftoroieciing and scel- WL PNOTBRIT T I II . . Icoatino us largetntimber of theic icc si.otstcvtt~ttt t p..a~ttut m . a . -ti. 0. N. E pess..-----tO Patt5 ito Etooteso i- : itSO.Limipteds - it- - it 0'8 .. i mied--. work oiths '95. Nearlys ooo ittlunrtrl latsics listtiacd to tugeopeintg lcctuires iittenici- cal tlepartaicit yesterday-, F-redi C. l)yas, fortitally '94~ lit, plays foot ball switlht ticew Chicago Univ-ersitytani thils yeatr. AIlos Kate Dopp, lit '92, so-Io left l 0. IV' R I,(ti.. o' TIS. H W .tAE4 aOtMe itto tutUot Uatst year, stilt G1 T. A-esi li, Chtitca oo.Agt.AsiAtiti. Ihbe noable to return this year. FIRST NATIONAL BANK . A. Wapits, '9--niedic, lis SF ANN ~it~s. beeonimarried to Miss Cora Riggs, ttpiailillt15.Otipa a5 ttiit, :OtO.I o ltlt, at Satee Missiotn, Nebt. Ti-ittsatti a t-ott-at banking titsititis, tfot- oiou ext-it-tint slli, ltts tt mrttittp-ocure~d Shelton Coletant, phartoic, '9,, for ravlersabrad. P. BCHct, Pr-es. oat since list first semester list S. W. cm. RSOts, Cashiet-. yerreuntoYadt whhi GRA\NGER'S clat-s ctrs. ttgatotes-ll0i fl'J1 01 . t-. Covert st-lo stas obliged to SCHO L OF b eavecollege early last year, has re- t0th Season, Ootobet-,'12, to May,. il.turrted to tgraduatswithla itrr OU-tNEit- HALLstentaiiy ltoated tI clss ot-ttrtprovisionstibaoett-ooade totprt-otetie c ss u jnot out-rpat-ons. Thorettt ii ostairs tI o~i1 outtoedantcing rottat titig-on the Registratioits for the School of grun tloot-. Oicec at acatdemy, It Matt- tt. Music may Ibeniade eitlacr at New- Scudfitt,or $3 u0-foiS toau-berry Hall or its the anusic noonm of Y tttotEST CANDtES it Atetito. tlit University. Putt up to elegantlib osad 1 tteieca'- atate tot- Chas. ALtt Harrison, medic '92, PRIESENTIS. Eat-toosttttgeo P, rpaisd efteouatCicao. made a short call last ot-ek, last-lg C.; P 6tjl CF ONIHERd. tutoetonet-, Come to set his brother started an I 7 ,12Sae tet thse nmedical department. girls. S. C. Sptitzer, lkrcsident tf tlic Atletic AVssot-latiota, is at Albiona to-dot' comleitintg arraisgeactsafttr the gsasc of loot-hall to be playced litre tOct. 8th. Librarian tDavis gav-e last cvcnits' in rotintAIsis first lectuarte01n tHow to Usc the Library.'' tt is tdesignted for tacit students atad osill irocce of great ssistancc 10 such. Thae Toapant Presbyteriaa hall still open to-mtorrowt-(AV'ednesday). Tickets to tmetmbers of the Presby- teriaa society, $3, to others, $.A limited nunsher will be isnued. Dr. Henrietta IDarr, who was ap- pointed assistant demonstrator of anatonmt', lisresigned, and ,Miss Clarissa Bigelowo, of iKalamazoo, has been apipointed to fill the vacancy. The '96 togineera art unable ho get out for foot-ball practice on ac- coutat of their mathematics conaing at that hour. Endeavors are to be .made to accommsodate thens with Ianothser class hour. 42 $outh $tate $treet, FALL AND WINIER GOODS. G. H. WILD, THlE LEIPI\G ITAILOR, Is thle placte to gYo for hine'Ttilorintg. Ile hits the msost select stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! its Soitiigs, 'Irotaserimags, and Famncy Silk Testings itt the City, amid sworild be pleased to have yout caill amid extiminte. Ile matkes a speciahlt' of Full Dress Sits. No. 2 E. Washington-St., Ann Arbor.