_ o o VOL. III.--No.4. I' fERlhTY OF ATICHIGAIN, ESDAX OX 4 MD 1129, 159f2. I'r ics Tea. im iNTS. T UJ UP TO THE MARK. nlmelited conmcendationi last mionth,j BASEBALL PROSPECTS, ________and his echings in the cooming ntars- The November Inlander Will Con- tier are as b~righttas usual. Many Old Players Remnain.-"Phe- - taln a Fine Array of Timely and I n01 S" Are Expected-A Win- Interesting Articles. AlL rep ml ta ig T-mF ihgn - very f2ineitic iism ni 1tiletioenis aindt ____ The Nos-eiitr nnitier of the Ini- altegories rif Aila lsaacs Aterk-en, a I Tiie procspeicts for a twiniiing teami tanider itill tie issiieittomorrow aindinoteciaiticessi liii appeared ith tithe ronniing-'seasoii are unuslstly CO placeit oiiisale in ttie iiaiiihnilcling grcit succitsitiotit tr-eitly-fire byears tsbirit. liiiearkinowledtgetl e r~e aisii- durng ti psel time. -lThe niailage- agoil th iiis cnrisiliandabiriiail.-Ifer (tiles atretPearisoitandiSiitzer, trimo setruwtiulies tis offer cii -apology for i fetins iiarlkeitbiy-sorroii, aiiil ter ilay~eithtliridlise aniilshiort stp~ tlue late atipiaransce of thIntulandeit, wirtinigstrere tiiiged wvitli a suetan- respiediuirirng; the seasoiis if which n-as rauseit by iinior sieiinhb- elicitthat gace thlemlclmarnu, indc r ainsisit ; J efiferis, first base; stacles. AMautagig Editoir tHall wh ichl Atr. hGarisett endtearor'stoSituiriseysecoisit tisel Craiwford, states that it will tbe the ceiteaioriiofiianalyze. ciet fieldt Sthieluts, renter fietl. the boarti hereafter tIi av tie aAtpemeiititleit "iKifttyFihser"'T'htucs nnilildssutenititwrcrk last ptalper friomi the psress laboiut teiidsui istprobuabily riie of the niost clererly year sisnd ticy tiill nick-c riral raisii-. dIle of earls nionts. writen that tite Inlaisder has ever dtdes pierform01 woinierfutl feats oniifV),$ 'Thte tahle of coistensts o f the foirtli- lsphbishied. It is a starreid article, Itedianiondl to oust thieii froiii their Anni Ar continigiiiimher promsises titat it ttill sail tile samne gentlemian also wities pstaces. As usual, tieie are a nunsi- f isrove as interestinsg anid attrartive as01! nts'owiGoethteand Ca rlisle regarded hei of "pIhenlomsenal"' ncwv plnyensin eeastrlcoe lefcicuIthe psrohlems of Chiristianty antd ins- the University thsis year, hut as there i tianshivel eisoiigh to t. tisfyailI read-l nortality of the Soul. Thie triter has heeis little opplortunity tius farl ET youi wntthie Latest Oletriipsilss tiMles ii r $ii Shoes at tile to $1 a li less than 1-li prices, said Stir Cataloue to HeF Y FE & CO0 01,18-185 WiosirsceAvg., ROIT, - - MICH-IGAN. hmond 5trtiht Qat. t No. 1 '~CIGARETTES. 'Cigarette 5Sinokersnwh a5renwililigtotiti l ittis it t ttieuri oopiiit ir i ,ii llu-ri bit - llotiiers.ii itnys TheiRichmondii Straight ers. 4 'The inst irticleis -a "Bilographty ofi DntM'it Dickinsois, en-t'ost- clatter Gcncra] iif the hUniiteid States." It inns isritten bh a geintleisan into is iintimatelI issociateulitihiAIr. Diickinisoiii sodiappeairinig 5sioni hatis sliestntiuci time aidsctudyi on the siihject, anrd Iis article stiots great rdetpth of thioiighst and atioroughs concepstions of the qutesticti. Blesides the sisecial articles absoste referreid to, the Inulaisder tins the usual editorials, revieir ofiieiw for the disiplay of their abilities, thirt real merits Swill lnt he kinowni iiitil sping.l-lowevcr, dringtithe tiractice hefore ill D. A. C.tanse this fail a studeint by thces nime if lacks cliiisonic veutb-cvr pitct- iisg aisdlgteatithints-ire cuiserted ofj hiiiiinext spiringt Mnge leie- latcidtittill o iteooot- imtcitter iihoiMade a Itrilialtuirec-ord ini Cczt No. G o-M f. mut 0z-;j tuia wa- i «k' WZ1 I I firth rich 'Flip d aftier the successfuil ternsi init i io i lsiiandl iaiiisiumary ofcfurrent lie catt; paigin iwliichtir.l i tick inslont'rcollege ev-ents. mlanlaged in.patcantiltt fail to at- ---- traci the atteriitin if all interesirid CLASS FOOTBALL, in poilitics. ---j Juge Clauiuts Ii. Cratiioftiechediunlelitios-theo Ciu-sisionsiDteEs atsao ayetrteuiatiua s-il-iilSichoii li i iua Class Caneos.J Siupreilie Coturt of AMichintauwl-ites -_,__tUsniver-silythis tit ec. l Woil til L1,titor andh Politics,"afavotinte- Beginnusing ithi Tuesiay-, Nov. 29, undoubtetdly muake aii i lca cu- Uuquestionably theise if his. it iillsanlswer tos art -the clissit-inetstrill he tplayedh an- sitiousto the icn51e. i i i rliii airticletiy lBishoip D oaiiettwliiiha-fcorinig to the fitllou-lug schedule. Mrii Clcvecinsui s corkcsuuuilit. FRATERNITY JEWELRYidi n ftercn ubr ih h aealxheettvso l lueuei's li ftlcIciiii'iihsi5iIf thic iweathuci is illsfit for a pnaie mtsheoaenireits i u so r' eastersn andh wester it colleges, and I Awiiliii- I ii tot Atim-sttiilcto of the No01thu Amiericii Revie. 1thuechuledchltiy' it wiill he. post- sonic attractive gamles Potts at homune "A D isptetAbihout ITusticsmthucitunneluitil thecflust Ifavorabicday aisdiabhoadh arc alreadly'assuredu. It ]iJ E' iJS title if -iiiiiariic by Prof.iII N. ansdthe ucseqsuncit it-liies iip-ed is cuteiprohabilethat Yale muay hue aFUD Y( Scotit.IThueartuuic wis uchi tis sincI thseureaftcr us their orer.secuirethfor a gamue lit Detirlilt.Pos- i. ben eodlldwa oiinll c dsiistv core thansonseganecwilli icRbeiE N7IJ hces enusueltiliis-iugttnsi - r. I 95 hut is. '6 iut, 'liiisiiy,'Nov.arrnugedlwitllsCornuell, andhthere 1 isrn-c - - 'i tu. hy tirof. Scott hcforc his class iii 9, Athletic fcldi some talk of the Uiisersity - of Pennit~ x ,- - -______ ~ av iiiriiriilcs oh Stylec isuhf oh ii s 5' nt3isaw v s i t I, uecsy, Sylvania nencding tier teamutsoa aitcst- cut-lie lte ititi ii i'ts' II ttot 1 iwill he of unulsiualinsterect ausdibhnei Nov. 29, camspuis.ernstrip; if so, it is quite likely' that fit lnt ciily to that classlint also to '3, '3 it vs. '94hut, Wednitsday, a glis tl ehntdwt tct- P. J., all stucents in 3Prof. Scott s classes. Novc. to rampius. gafin. Sanely, if thue present iisdica-, 'Ite 'iras ot' naerycevr hih> Sil v.Inuler o hoiusregardnoilatyehin-candssganses Th OgnLf"i ir lvr 4- nincoo s.wnnrofmterialize,thue seasoun of i893 ; an ttltractiie little sketch iwrittcn ,Tfhurstday-, Dec. r, rcamplsus. wilt he one of the Pest us thuc sistals MER..i I..CHANT bsy William A. MlcAndrewr. f5. Winner of i1i-s. winner of 3,ofteUOfA lirof. A. C. Atcahalinendeai-- lriday, her. ,amanpus. I How 0 TAILOR. urn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 tofnW ooin o h ak ~ Iinner of 4 vs. innuer sif 5,' HowOur -Teasn Stands. of college and class spirit in Iis Saturday, Tier. 3, Athlectic fieldl. 'The record of oar foothall team article, "Collegc Siriit," handling ----- .-.---th- . is season is appended and out of ANDIi l tlltiih t'i the subject in a masterly stay'. The S. C. A. is arranging a ner- the twelve games playedi Se have AMr. H. H. Porter, whso wrote in ies of lectures hy George RT. lWend- won seven as followst U. an M.174.M.A. A. i0;1.n.ofan M. 6s, . .A. A. -=NE - =OOJ71-TS, the Octoher number under the nom hang on "Thne Man of Galilee,' and o; C. ef M. lit. U. sic W. 6ciUC. at .6, Ccii- of de plume of "Amir Nath" again lass hy Prof. Stagg on "The Modern nntiae>>; U. atfit. s, Northweitarn 10; U. at bii sonse of his clever etchings. 1Mr. Athlete.'' IHon. Johan Wanamaker 60, Alions8; v. ofM.0, Cornell 44;CUatof M.518 5 5 W_ FOIR'TST_, J Un~Cii. an Chicago10;U. CatM.2t, Obelin 2'; Li Porter's "Piastels in Prose' received myalso he secured. at M. il0. Cornell:3o; U. on i, , iDeOpaw 0;U" mayotf5M.0, Perdue 24. Detroit, Michigan.