Amftv e ' of Vill *aN Vo .. I.H.--No. 4,'-;. Vos. 111-No.48. UN[VE[RSITY OF 1\ICIIIGAN, MONL)AY, INOVEIB11i t>; s, 1892f ~ tos oss j~rs ilI (r' ff r {{ ii b/7 1 v A. L i'". f S.1 L . S Y..J 1 . 1 J ~i~FIt~ ~ cNT aVNliled lossn the plitsts of the CAN IT BE TRUE? li__ e handdI IIla on voo le ,Some5 Infot-natiom on the tRumored , But Made a Great Sholwing. Iaitdtss te5Cne nhddl.ooth Tyg~A o Ting "onell in Secon After IX thes iee ad'o ''e hd- -_ tiscre fti oror os usnil Xscis''n i ulse 5555i555ttCi ltstitV5' vofth Hale. r t , Cr- nsveo;:ts',was so~-,risit to 'a con- l dF~~I~ The Score Wa.s 30 to t0-Sushi-a 4 t_ ti te or. r1li In t1' lli ") lliile Feels Elated Over the SRsuit and Ii's'4 c0tt, ti1s4wor^cr Prospects for NexCt Year A ' i~l It)s-s ilistiss-lsto-it t i f ,, )at.s 0 8'olii~r- tl Ca1 e sistered Exe1ltn O05a5st 'wr CS,.s s~~ ss t h ot ' -Ptstrios or ti ol v. ) e th cca 'r Isatidser s or S sttes insthis esomteo- Miga i d not go into 'I'ts tils 5 ls sstia s i iii1 is ces fu nel 2 ;i i i s)it sin i stssoeiton. l a ordesrlto sc silay asiisst ss ill tt itcln avi tys, ssriotss- 'is-;et atto eati s l ins thelcse,05antlt i ve i Itithstandissgtr ansistl exp e s rot -t1I Ie I i-rs issi 31 C s Ises t hsds o t hqesslsi tinsasr tost 'lioast the ssoltraryolslCotnesls iie aoe i n slotsnel n I ssls o et Ilsit tie tniosatsass selt - 1 toaIte1ssesit te ni s it e lt Ct the sali i 55 tta t inobse sotss o r thI) al ey sntyesetat- II ts'issts tstookit e sialt iasithinois ly otti tls lise rsityf sit shsuls. tot, iS, S-SO ii'ho s ss.5 tss1 pir ees tro thenn No.icinenssot,(ftlss asois tatis ftsalottet tti sioi sluh cosiistsy ssst ineO t-,,tsif ~iN Butlsec atsst dSidtis et sn st sss t sscoets; Ti thacsr e s i st se isis ube ssi t se r of stadth scoItt has.F80y seassstwlie radtol d ithCo ttrn sselItfltsdouwsn1 i 2tP issea 1 t shis fh so oseatiscs h atl isn Staiht Q tel cste C srsei tatl ii tisists Jsewett isitilse al intshera (sssl stssbak be ol ishied, oatruteg toy, h t to a o ess etansheI t adeS i n e'o r hI sssless a m I startsssed, -iI5 fl IIsi CbteotttoIItssoputus 51 litthesesausi ~ te i lis isl ss ap lii woua ldotsi osisois is(sitty isist s such 01, 1SS-15 C~tIG lA VTTES th o ., a e. I oh o seifsso ,tot e etsa ctJ wet at r fcion ich oult o niss.resiii in as is1s is ts i- M -555 (AS i Iexpec 5t iso s 'isly 0 isssnist istitiaIfe-a s ,aspsi re at t e rig t lss si fisi mbsrtosways.1It ha pritss erfrs nds. In hesi rst C in- csi sttso l s C eilss iss idly ant beenis own.or toestistthstRsi tonds SaIg t slQ t. nells issm stttC o sl s siss's Is poisssl aeanIOttz, f he Ilmepah mo e S aIic i a ,M c is c r l i ss tliss i i h e ieino ito 'form 'ss is R s . ''5e5gallsseandisroppitd1hardsonstibuti a ss toisis a nsi wl i ch ha~i s n tI~twlln t , yalitl 5isirsI s ssl ssewetsosi, al(, sPben ssssnl issa s Sitt h s o st'shed , - itt.'er n'theisse, t e ;essts I Is-isis las iii T r tai 111 S ssslsrtoi twsstosuchsdownsi and a r tall "~ larief''ssre'eis ti itiii s l lrstt 11'its1 i lst tis i iltissl11. Il\1 \ 21i 'lt'',I o l5 r~ri sel Th'issis I.-issdlIisie3 ls5 a ilil asgrlsr I er tat r s-asl e C1 . ide ttainst o cte Oa lt -,Noul t i tr isinn, frth hebris sti sIsl au sists sa it illhsplsuce55beoss ,55 Sssi I iictI scsssscssst.s I seI ssittiTto El~t_ i~R < irT n J W iEL ',- attn is,'abytCoste ll s ls' dts l stsasssitst hu iiscsisl5 wa ie 5s inytoos 11 red y is s zit s1,ttish s5 iii 5-5 ii sis 111atesslsathic l ViOiilIsles IX e si e se eli lis C.a.s>iisessss 5 iiis 5tt stie esotep aredtospeea.i. I tl ROEHM Y'~ tiiitt.r t", t lSONe hfttl )nsIc ts ll stsi l fci ura ft i--c Ssns ests iiciis eiaeerni-n- s . isils til I t-lssii'r , bi - i - Xc er nktt-ss. oooissicarhe-tclas1Iown s s its a(te I i :e . c itse, froisste sOitsnlt Wls l t..c11 i ii1lsiiC li1,de-isi _1_,°____ra cl Itr acrflisrsllthesto a so,I Micillsni1oltathic faculty sty s I istseCo fornt ticlsigaus -ssslesl1r!-tsS1 c a its-esI sisl te re cdonaiste eltesl hItheip tall oc0a1iostale rbrlait lokied t(, ol- e >sOleas t the nfassilt of t he so rsil a4 ts isi oi l anJluuso st~on ooilD} c rtlsti at 3 vi cl ssIlteIsi'stitseIiI-LX N rloeissiit. alfiia Oirtte'lilsa esvt sltae a fnt s t cemeat(lal utesarl I(osi" o rnellgol.has r Msl Ile abol Itiotsf thes Ioneoplatlc 'al uLO . receivegcolan scrwith tasgebl i ttil Raee re tt ctchbun t oue,' c helusd e canre yourD re aders th tle rtilassir."ot healfs Cornell, 20;ricign, . Iyitealdedht ehaent sottyA 15502st tol tie scndoafwcianI '~ejnibeorelaws are rtasead}s-.tscweotaitsais D.Il ezsa itw e to haced (op aI el sidetoed theb orkiatlpi setn i. siersork ndinirop rtinlly pasiian scostrg-I! podin s. Johnson tas rtied in naryaveysuja etoredh-po ngrtshotot s o os r. ahospital1; s A ,oti to cener. Iansonlaed ry ball, Grhe IffnstlIiclds oertre aedfulloevninsp of the o d sr- i asoals l. MigOsgoord. W. baGriffin-o t. - ciiain aantu nfvro deDIsunslr ---- taked pages lins tlsO te reenlr scholrtntDntiatio fbi-:,RN I chigaB