AFrcsl StocA
Lowney'v.> Strin eeL't nstrumet,J~~V h
-&Cho olatop
J st 1 ccittd l nTey rthi esICt
Ovecoat Sale Eserv5 laus
.J.j..J O lt 34 S. State Street.
.lRinos D iscount.
I nivesh V Taj lxt- hooki, '10sie'l Books, I'awcTroop;, I loistat Ilo bsStnleat ., Note hook,,blank Books.,StatelS W Ae ishavairc
"teck of nutlel Iand Esser 0-aft r Instruments.
Our Stock will be found Comiplete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest.
rOTZ T O QZES_- ~4 V E "O UI I VE S. TiCall on Win. Fulde. the ' h ohse h oa n h efcinSuetLm~ aedn ilimpoieteLwBidno
TieItolseter Th RoalandThePerecton tudnt amp hae dlii Wilia-st., first door w est of State-st.
onstrated that they give the most perfect light of any lamps tmsde. While the Cleaning, reeaii-iandpressjngdone neatly.
LsOv PRCESI rices vary fromnt90 cents to $15 each, they all give the same duality anid quail- suitsmtosrder aspecialty. All work fist-ciass.
tity of light.
Argand Lamp, with porcelain shades, ait - . - - - - 65- cents IF YOU WANT TO
Red Star Oil, that horns without odor, does not char thei wick,
LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY! and gives a pure white light, delivered ait - - - 14 cents per gal Buy am,,, Irm Clock
Oil Cans, according to capacity, from - - - - 20 cents to $6 each.
To see is to believe. See our stock and yisu will he cisiviinced that we sell si°rhave same Repairing dens goeto
the best Lamp and heat Oil for the least money of any house in this city. Wm Ariiohk5 36 Main Street
AT44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.
BROWVN'S DRUG STORE. THE CAMPUS. are dead sure to bother Cornell. STAFFORPs
Pearsons was tried at right Ilalf, but{
W illYouThe Theodore Thomas orchlestra the change only served to emaizellll }
W 1 1 You ook plays in Detroit this evening. hits value as a line mnl.
'4 lit-Mliss Minnie Waltou is Prf.T lmp l's lectureon l
At o)1ur Show Windowt It tells 9 e.Topo etr n
visting friends at ; Geddes avecuse. Mosaic Law avlos beenl postponed
il's 55551 story aboult 'c92 lawe.-J I. 7McCorkle, is plrar- utlnx ~cdc11 c 111o
GU ITAR S tiring with sulccss at Pueblo, C olo- the recess.
AND itleferaisciitiig Thle V. IV. C. 1. U. sof thle Uti-T A II 0 IR
PRICES. Miss FaniLitteiedisvsiigversity will give a social thisevceci- . L
her sister, Miss Jennie Littlefield, ing at tlhe residence of Miss Auna
PTHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN (:0., '95 lit. Richards, 30 E. 'Liherty street.
S1osath Mlain Street. Pres .land lMrs. Aiigell will give a The Jeffersollian society will elect Is shisswing a first-clasp lhue of 'Lrcpin oiht h nvriynwofcr tisnx eua
_ __CH G LN N R senate. netiug. The society will not hold Picas antI Buiiness Siiitiuigs,
Time Tiblie (Revised) Nosemsbe .', 1892.0}
EAST. p5 n. WES.ap. . 'Thle Journal Club will illect this any meetinlg 1111the ereninsg sf Trouserings and11 Fancy' Meetings
aisi__---- A ?a('himiso 5speciali0 Thnk11vng
V. S. Limte -s a. .2s ma5l---------ss.-- 9 aevening, at ,7:i;, iln Dr. Abiel's Theaisksgivndng.er
N. . Limid--. 9 1: N. S.Lismited--959~ laboratory. The Oracle Board hlas pllacedl all sihl511Wntr
.Niagar a llsepl 1 i p. in.
a, mi. Chies sF Exsris. 2 1-a ,,,. ...:.. ,, - ... its roimpetitive articlesini tile haiids
. N Eprss... ) 5 8.L. Expres- 5 i e ne ivsersity closes tonligit lor
Wianlie Expi-ess.58 0)51Chi. Nighlt HEcu 5 t)54
x). 5. Enpes 15 5540Pacific'Express--Us tithle Tlianksaicin ' recss, uwhel asts
W, RUG-. Etusus. HW. HA.YES
(t.P. & r. Agentiicaego. Agt. Aisn Abo. uritil ?Monday.
P rot. Ten lirook Iha(s been ii(
FIRST NATIONAL BANK de]cleIt e ok yt ei
IO- ANN ARORO. 515rie oNwYr s h t
:;fpilsl, st10 0~t. Sulsa n d lProfit'ss,55r0,000, of s of Iis s1 ier.
Trn ssa s aI , irali-banking lisinies, foi tie
ogs exehanige;ol, ltels oiiiedo-(it ii-ssused It. N . oddardlIlS s on lp {
P. 11.5(1, lies. his duties in Sagilsaw, andirietuirci I
S. W s~l. Ci, iisN asir t hose 11n Aunn rbor.
GIRANIGER'S llt.-.A. Voung, swhos sas
bC tiF 0IcIalJed to rooklyn on account ssf
~l0tl b- - I sster'sillness, has returnsed.
Scassi, ~m~d5A~ s~ai Irot, and Mrs. StanleyplleasaIntl
, vir vasisisi ihs bolaesima Istss 5siaisvsiiethis entertainled IDirector a d -, . lo
1isi)msountth.(hn i nll rosia iT i on ss tunhaso tr.t.o
groundflooruOffi e cdessis , daMss lid -st iore 'tioruas arlter tii' concert 1l1st
of I seraI93 2 , -orni:35sforSan- night.
{ ilt l lssus Ii by exprss'ostf
thefhlJ BESTC5 5511> sinvlssi le teamlidrtlist jlay the cegular
In it1in I is altlix tfo r practicega eaeterdlay. -A full
1ti . ttbe o 111 4PSt Express Achares hour w~as spenit on signais, and
dia. Coachs Barhour anilCptinDygert.
C. F .50 vrnsNTu, s andceoer, Cpan y
112 Stae Set hveeole om ewgssswichI
I 11CA 0 ,ILIsit)S. i2 c i-cl55i Ie ISSC
of the judges, 1'rofs. yScott, Stanley,
Drake and Weeks. Prospects are
ceportedl to he good.
Mr. Silas 1R. Mills, ofsthte tuscec-
sity Schiooi of Music, lois bl elI-
gagesd by thle Jefferson Ass. liecs-
tslterials churchl of Detcoit, at the
largest salasry I-aertpsisi a bass si spec
s' intat cite.
AIletihosdist collegeipresaidlentssirs
hld~sinsg thir scond ai iial co'n-j
Steltiols in tDetroii. 'lbhis imorning.
they diSsicusse, amsonsgsthser ssus-
jests. A thlltirs iss coleges-hosw
tar 5sould they be esseouraget?"
It is reporterd a feewslays ago that
a certain student, wshose inamie we
are onable to learn, had one~ of lils
little lingers takein off by accident
G42 $outh State Street.
Is thss Ile tos psI fal-Sills Tsilrisa.
IlIs15.15 flost sele.-t 'Istocksit
i isititiisp,'Trassseriiigs, list 1 llnlt
Silk N estslsgs ini the City, ansI
SI wntlsd te Ipleasedhavisle yasi
(I111ll111d1examine. 11l'
makes a secialty sof
wvhiliesworkininl the mechlanical Full Dress Shits.
laboratory. No. 2£E. Washington-St., Ann Arbor