THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDE;NTS. .Z=7? TTO A2zxlf I XCL UTXIVIA TI IJS 1,3 D FII IERS. We i'sh tio(i (all yoiii' partirclar' attentioni to lie facrt that om r Stcas iisral, u-bis a ccii ('l and coniplete lie' of high ClassI ceiotlizig. iic ut, tMci Yoiuiman's, Knox's ,ilorinan.'s Hats, Exquiisite (Gent' I 's rnkie gs , 1I.ll)bi lo'alHulso RblW' Smioking Jackets, biajanias. Night Liiis,lI 'mi's Press iiid Yk y(dvis ii, cii lii~ icH1OD(GE lAIN '%s -:- 1l CKINTOS lIES mad upwih ,llthedeail cae indskll hi.11chalaterze th Earl Wilson's C ar and Cuiff:;. Wadhams, Kennedy &Reule. TH ; T0 S MS I Ann Arbor Savings BankI PATRIONIZE MI TA , LER,- Ann Aibor Mich. capital Stock, $505,0, OWEN 'S BARBER SHOP !--x Surpiius, $115 Ili. Organized under the General Banking Lawe No.-4 EiSTHURiON STREEFT. iftchis state. IRecoeesiepoits, imys and helis exchange on (he princi'ai cities of the j C a United Statet. Drafntsalhed ipon proper ! - -T HE ~AR GUS.- odentification. Officersa: S C 1W ahn lt St. CrITANMoCn, l j1j , PetNs O '~I~ .Wsig ton1)HARMNViePe. CHoS. Iv. l1auCaC, Ciahiier. Aii Z~0T s Al. J. tRn 0, A.5 Cai sh ier. A utlLIF.' 1Tr N R. E. JOLLY 3& CO., HOT LUNCHES kSE.LL-- :1 (it Servecdatall Hours, STIOI 7 W l-AT *'TUTTLe'S,' ANSD XELSTUE'aNT'iS S iPLIs4 -5 I iiLrtl STArE S'o'usa'u1'. I. tF N1. CALEND)AR. I Mlle'. Fihea, Tomorrow Night. j TK< '7hanicsg i n r '1ea'o"'threed nys. Aide It t~il( ittle. lthca, who will partments. appeitr at the opera houise on Wedaico- Nut a22--eeroc. Wlter on "Motaignee:.' d owl Is t~ e o ci o A Nv. -Wbstr sciey. Emres oftheFrenchl," that were FES HO OG AP S, No.21-Seon CrThgae Na t II. A.C.Pe00 sci eedii ioiteiodtoitic ta'sthea 3J i~'i15Aiii5 'the b -irl *na ---r-o-\ - ace t ofitit5 hi Os ito iii'urit- er iietose 30Es uo teeo UNIVE SITY ElOR . iiega lientpn1isl cii'ea sh cewillya The-ri ci N.o v m rlimer11 as thelaes br'it ter romsivThares wther ti HAV iiEiRiiD oN ; sl y ' utery-. nIS aOil. iS 1 inei n. ddiy ti on tole heloles thels' ENVIcAaBLiE u' ilii irges fasioia'lt tis ife "isle c is. Th or e S :12 ~oti he ird ofu1mberiof Voiue nIrintooiiucha sate oi-eeitemaenal overi ,Or~r~cchU 1lie lywicMile lellM ic of isc a'r $ z 1-nprsi, uriel3ll, W al w s is u ' l IdPal of er; ''li row o ii eii'-ai' i s-th eIitt llats. Ihe ifOppseurt-usiiiecriiigr of i'Iool;hem r IoEitn ceerp t s out hat Ix-I it l o he laoosslsor V(Ii'y t ' l ii tiapoen anouthr lu-. noe orh rtce ae a "litr n pessa ci Ilii liil i it leipalireloftsiof oie -ar (luae., o' k ato he 'i j_ ustlien' ocursgohchofthe projit otir krcin , title lsii~ris utiey cli t(e i-s-i ag s- n a e" h eu Gownhs iiiietiibiy lihelcratysal oliranut, whe IN& a sk ich of ut er r o fed wok goin t e doftispor ci- ' ieItrdringt iipl O il tlis t'pbiti o s by'' i ue's epi ae insiftxthle divorcli e - 1llmember010 ofkU.. ofli AShne fai u l stor psenc ot kiIinerii a lCuc;an ise ear ialt. Semi, t hisc . 'gasi-l Jua' st lii'soi'ursioess ioif'temt tir- 0r011) l~l~5 iiftlic team nguiidntsl in ii the pi~layilwhen tills a (tn il Ic i 5 iih h it c tp yl(evncl umn~ ~ i'I iisS ebcbs-.ibiii'i impto s i'iichiliiiiii 1 i , 5 i X Mediec a ertal aid liail U n o litern'siity! J doneriai, toiiiaiiiiJo se itenc es hii liiis i'g- niest-B s. T e ll-eg eti I ue t i s-R c iity a law lb umn-iius,all Jin iiunli'lltl flilti i t .N d ad eliares M iss 'iersaIits.('er ,o as n ng, he (ilcs ui'the .M'('1%Tic th ir at ' is T0anSi- n dua cls fesodle ineat isutise pringe-i SuhSaeSrean Man hintIir etrapiiiil rctii fru in(lt'erie lstadieriig n i'it'i of t o-i Oppreli- 'ucrhioun Is'iiiac i a fc- Iis. titshrowsiJri epiii e lam onfle] i eve of - k+:ufel& aser atem ticl nstuWili heexepton of lo er an, A~tl ve'I'is i l itl'li'hIenai ti ( ~a Excelsior Laundry, ('cowotr~k G uaaitied. ,iooaeaie n+i Oail, 'istred. A. F.COVERT, lisp. ~Years in the Business CITY LAUNDRY, Iii:. M. Sea eli.- No. 4 N- FourthSt- 50 BATHS FOR $5.00. Inltditioii cillii 01:00' esei'i"u-iof t heS- tiv.isato haveteii-'TosrialitWork issiti-l Ou lh same iotietatuiegularpries. 30 EAST WAiSI'TON. 0 opihil, $Sii.i.Suirpio atol Pofits, $17(0). Bope a geareal iciihlng tbisiness. iPays iii- teustin Saving Deposits. H-as safety Diepoisit iBoxes toerBent. I. IPE, Peso. 5'.(1. lBEiUSER, Casitcs- Bank cae Stturday evening. Goods peed &Sonsi ITAILORS. 19 S. Main. SHOES. iim 1i.NE(-wZE _NO1A N - ruh 81'tiutrua( siiiii 17 S. Main. u oodspced & Sons., HATTERS AN 11