TSHE U. OF M. DAI y A Frsh $ock 0001 ~J1VIN$ iDiscount Sale on all Overcoats at Noble's. L OW1'1 P Stringed Instrument, This includes even our fine tailor made -- ='hocolatep T .1 11y4- recived. ( T1 111hev ice t cie ictl ill nic~ic~tVV!LEYS, garments. CA LKIN S'. ; Iatt(' Ieswvo 34 S. State Street. r .ORE &WET ORE, BOOK. STORPE, .i0 l 1c i fccci ; olc.,c ictlgolte G I 'h 1 tero pecc, Cla."l'Ihcrc s4ilil b ieno h l'iitll .i i . 0 icciipsid ' raIitcsV0,0c.cc X. 1L. tiailey of che o cci vstaic . college lprcsidentslvofth11c eMtlodist 'rrans cc ec icr a saningcc Icsicc- , for- c.i105 sch.ii i l t~owersi ofcitlprcu~c~red itelltfor Pontiac, S~ccatuday here 1 ctclChuchicor 11cecountry at11cc Rucssell - P. i cBil. I 15 tvC, Pres. sill Ispc.'dclthe Iholidays. icosc., in Detroit, tonighti. There Tl L PIT ALOR, Chc.c.scics a(iarles 9l. Eddyhc~Iadhhis litleic cl Ibc over fifty collcgeprisdents ORA~NOGER'S jicgcr crushedcil lie w1orking iccilice ill attcendancve. Is the plice ho g{1 focr licce 'lilcariiccu T limechac.ca1 laboratory last1Fvidlay.- 11ccCicago A~lmi llAssociaiionl IIlois the moccst select stckt1of i .A.S.Suteran, 9lla, asof thc. Unliversity- of tihichigan hecld 1tesII onL OFer 12,tay J93 Iaop a reccption at t1cc Univ ersity Club FALL AND WINTER GOODS! oRNW1LL.iscenrlylctdadbe lce ici or oms isev erycroii oac-s been mae to proot h Fiaynghinhno'f ak-' ecciiiIovt of hue lcpitrons. Theie castoales 1100cr for Muokegon count} circuil.Frdyliltincoool11k If)eeon, roiicd floor. ((Ificecat acadc.myv60Maynsardl-sY. issiaPearl Robicnoi, lit '96, anc llarricsgtocc, Chief of itce «'fctthcrin Stligs. Ironserilgs, aiid Fancy - Sb lil c25 lieor3511 forhiam- Mliss Etta Wilbur , lit 'gs, of number Bureau ateWaihyneand pitai fox byexpress f S. T aye trect gv reception A rcception sias givcn Saturday «volild be pleased to hiase il iltltvi'CAN~ritC hlies riua aura' eeinnight, by the girls of the S. C. A, yctondeauie ~ PREENT'S.ExprecsscaigesI Instrumsental music, charades, and to Mtiss Silver, stale secretary of thce prepa C Oid.TRe-toCa letio. Yacn reeteIlaalco h . W. C. A. of IMichigan, and to nmakesa aspeciatty of wal C. ItNTHR, onfctoer istis Martin, secretary of Illinois. Full Dreas Suits. Refrabmeta xerc erse No. 2 E. Washington-St., Ann Arbor.