THE. U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. THE, GENTLEMEN:- We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that our WE ARE AGEI Stock, as usual, includes a general and] compicte line of high class clothing. Young MNen's -v miade up with all the detail, care and skill which characterizes theS best mterchanit tailoring work. Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. - TWO -SAMS,. NTS FOR row~jpaqss 1ats, Ciox( $ats, ilviermpal'ss jats, AND lIODGEMAN'S MACKINTOSHES. Ann Arbor Savings Bank0 .BRE HP' EQIIEFRIHNS Ann Arbor AinI, capital Stock, $50,000t, E Q IIE F R IH N S OrganizetI under the Genneal Canhing Laws Fine Shower Baths, lNew Porcelain of this ntate. iReceivenstDepostits, buyn and t ohnin Tubs. sel xhneon the prncia ties of the 1'3 .WahntnSt. .. 'TRimJANOdtcsItiPE R IN'S GLOVES. dentifieatiott. otbeee. CHRISTIANs MACK, Pres., A.- ~ ' l~ W. . HARIANa inCe Pen., T 4il zgnf V (;IAn. I. Hisnetca, Cashier. M. .1. Pitonr. AsM a shttiert. tCapittl,$5,0001. Sup neos ite s oitttt, $1,000. Doen a geneal Itanking buninesn. Pitsti- We mrisli to niinotniec that we aire g it ot it lie I etidy Matle teestnCon Saving Deposits. Hitnsafety D1tMIIepoisit tBoxes tor Rent. ilt nBtiio si ~it ~ s' nnd' li~n oten~turay venng. Shotes. z)Ott acct orsthis clititge we slitdisell till out lFINEF1,30X PATRONIZE OWEN'S BARBER SHOP. 'COA~)TS AND) SUITS AT ACTUAL COST. Ciii11tand WHEELS BGN OTURN. A H W A S hR.. /\~ 41L~j~ practical analtomy wa teconragedl. BusinEss C _____ ____ FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Fo e' iceilgywste IfBuinssTransacted Last Night~__ MILLINERY AND ART GOODS!l knows. Base Balt Manager Eieoted. 30 ECs HurnsStreet,. lr. Fordl was folloivedlly lDr. I- T eII II~e'~ Vaughn, (lean of the dlepartmnt. The directors if tie Athletic As- ihp enatlit s Amng olnerlinigs ic sal: ocseation niet last evetniog atid trans- tlreyasstceln ~,teacted inmportant husiness. t1illsD ge U IMniCTATIONI itsnts505.Untoversity of Micigao was theeIswere accepted anti ordered ptaid. * 0 YORnsRDEain oinly medlical schnool in the country 'The vacainries on thne hoard were o perf ectiol) EA havitng a three years' coarse. I filled. Messrs. Wentworthn, '94 lit A, Iswas the first, also, to establish a Soittlisortli, '93 lit, and Chapman, S Opt.Canrteonoe. Comnpulsory four years' course. Ito '96 lit, wvere selected toi represet the various states swhere esamina- IbI d 1'ar1utn, ohie 1r.T1-e-, Wahrxs BOOKSTORE. Special lDiscouttt ottI ,tw oouks, Medical. Denital tutu All IT'ioersity tions are required for the practice of medicine, fesver students fronm the U. of M. fail thain fronm any other college. Creidentials f rom tiis University are accepnted at atty(Ger- msan schnool of mtedicitne., anti at once admit tine person to exantina- lion, if he iesires.'' In tine afterinoon interesting clin- ics were hled by Dr. Carroso and Naincreile. THE INLANDER. Iwas elected to took alter athltettc iterests in the lasw departmtent. It was decidedl that hereafter lashes shnould be admnitted free of ulnarge to all base ball aind foot-ball gantes played on tine home grosunsds. Manager (Griffin repnorted fint- tiall prospects whsichs clearly iidi- cated a successful season. Probably tineniost impotrtattblus- ness transarted woas tine election of base ball manager. Mr. 11. GI. Cleveland, was the sunanintous chnoice for this positioin. Its duseiedis toii o mldtieFildllas Text-Ilsisns.'hi largest The Board for '92 and Contents of o tct. 2911h, or Nonv. 5th. Numbe One.Manager G"rifhin swas istrtictetI to 'FeIn tlandier, the literary nnonthly have tinetbathn rootn enlarged so as publi!shed by tine setniuor literary to accommodate all tinose whio are UUUI. I las, iillsoo apear 'Pne resnttrying for the foot-ball team. Stll~ellboarh is connposetd of 10. . Hall, in te cty or 5 cnts Agnt or anaingedior;H. A. Friedman, 'Fie first numober of th( S. C. A. in inecit fo 24cois. gett fr business manager; .11. 'F. Briggs anti Bulletin for this semester will Inc Kenifisi & Esi'r Matinennatictal Itistrsi- S. Hurid.'tine first issue promises distribtutedi Sunday. meints. l'udn~er prices on everything. to be a very interestling one. It ill contain cointribustions 1my Hon. Blyroin M. Citeoin and Editor 'REPUBItCAsN Cijuis,. - Business S'TO~S: Pattengill, of tine Schnool Modera- meeting will be held in the law quiz South State street and Main Street. tor. Besides otiner articles swill he a Irotngt t73 '..ok (Oppuosite Court Hoosel. I remtniscence of tine first law class. Iroi oiha :0ocok High G'asS Tailoriqg, IS EXEMPLIFIEo BY OUR QorrsefQt vefiflg D e Uits GOOdspOWI1 & SOls, OUTFITTERS, 1~ 0 1j, 1 i9 SO. MAdin S.