THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. T7TQAVE GiENTLEMtEN:-I HOIDGEMIAN 'S MACKIN TOSHFS We wisi to call your particular attention to the fact that our4 Stock, as usual , includes a general and complete line of high class Are the hincst in the Nvorild. ;vinline our new line of clothling. Young Metre WtJ'1FULL O RE SS SH1I IRT S. ~JITS~IT~ O~~~O~TSSOiLEAG1-:NTS 11 made up with all tlho detail, care and skill which characterizes the .a oYO1JMA'NS AND KNOX H T heat mechant tailoring work. Wadhams, Keri Ann Arbor Savings BankI Ann Arbor Mich. Capital Stotk, $0,000, Srpusa, $15.000. Organized under the General Flaning Law at this state. Rieeivsetposits, butys asd sells exchange sos the priaeipal cities o the liied States. iDrafttiscashed apes teepee idntification. Officers: CHIsSAN MAsts, Prees., «5. Ii. llaARI, VieCt ies. grast F-Hiscota,lCashie.. MILINE Y ND RT GOOS SAND.-:L' medy & Reule. THE TVVO SAMS. PATRONIZE - -X3 STAEB3LE;- Excelsior Launudry, OWEN'S BARBER SHOP ! 3sLns VlEliON 'EItEFSI Nit..1 EASa HUttONSTEET. 10 a 1 ®1(Seal S iatitniatel SGodal li 11o _______________IO a ,i.3144c iisil d. A. F.COVERT, lop. --sITR-E ARGUS,- caI121 Years in the u~sInet a, FINE J013 FRWN @11 W. Washington TAUNRY R. L. JOLLY CO.,; HOT LUNCHES >c NSlN -S ,I Ti''im - " TS rvedca S II u I z i tci: isiItII ilo N11:) 1 I a -usi 1i ti. 1_. F l.c A1t; ' ll J. OMEN IN THE UNIVERSITY, co" ls 1Ir, l(jlIIliI11,'f.5, Q NorI. "-' ooe hi .1,., dale~ iscnr. lI daiaag 5t ueen a gc ,1'c1151 i il l Pll. i s ii - 11 51 111 llIl I )II l l g'i1])("posIIit. y ii atc ; ce o tred1 ild -iU iversities. 1r 11s. P , Pley". I. I. 11. 311 1;I1, Casliilr Prot Ilille on 1111 l lll 11s l lila II. nd la ici i baillI ii iiels. illedisat' "I~ I all".-Feli'otT'. I liiifern on or11lS.Il0)nilli i i 0y 'I, \ 111. tn t t 1511.M' '1 wl Cornlil elli, .1111+ at II. A. . ile i 11cture i \'IIthe 51.111 I f. gee _________________ 111!1111 sel ll nderpalid. 'ii us. lloliisol, iniI Iood t),-""ed & Sons., I rf ;-ct eiee a1111 IllrIe on ~ ~ iil 11111 I111 iili51 aIlaat ai-rtodo h in1- S1 illy ac lIi 111 l)11llli 15 .is i .1 h)li tie'thetics, 11.1tliiI n- __ { I f 1t ) i tI I liivi, pilllI a II ci .](, on 1 III Ni l-lly 1niht, i}y '<1111.W 11 i1 t11 he . liade1 H) ll I I tilc.slutnIlilly iii till illItnt 5501111 wI lIe scIcli to a11ilc as slill llliilIaI 121 un111irsity liftsIIfor111111 IIini-Hulrlli IlillithatIll),llmrica. NrIrtIrs lhsof ('%Pc'l I'isl 1121and 1.\ Sir' coi rs il siilllic I rach 1111 alliissiolliiio soillic ofi lic eleclii s CC1-111 c itsetiic 11111 1 IISS .L1ood'speed & Sons., Nti urle s.', iII i llillS ml-,1yist iii a s1ses1. tlll, N s aoii'e i 11 X (I / Ta Stsisents I Spec111ia is'ounlt l(,m I iii hash., 11 11-lill Mrsli 11 N' . 111 lii 15115e 1111 i >11SIN s2Il il i For tI e lii t l i i cli t;ctt I , 1. 5 i 111 211121~ .N~edialDenalant .\t I-nie i.. N. II . 111111 Is li1i I a i i liaslhortsbutis1tme_______talk. Tex-B ok. helamst ice s o =11 ol~ 11 Aici li. 111 5 1h1111111l-t'Women , ul iiiiiiid- iaalii ioliol1oel xt } 1. .& _i t Il 1217 . M in in ~ ~ ~ I tir a \1111 il l ll ii I Tick l i 1staIi v 2,I I )ciiiin i t ~i i ll to Meda e .';id, Iiiii'eii toSI ili's 5p 12 ~ .I silill isircast i'll' Ill111i11t 11211111- l tl'tlrlt lii o S015 5 S 115 111011 15I lltlii sitii. i oiltii i, is15 . .V Sa n s. Io1iIhwtate)Steet anmMait(Sreet. iteitithe Itarilorliylill ii 5d1'Ihil i M o s w B 00lc aitlcie. 11 121ota lglt. tiiilii ash, ass_____________________________