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November 21, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-11-21

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"'AC.0cof W.j T"t :.. red to the various literary societies. ?FINE AND ELEGANT
p 'fiItThey are sot ouly worthy of the sup-
port of students but offer training SITOES
Pubatthedt taily (~Sndays exepted) during that can ill be missed by the consci- Of all hinds for Ladies and Gentle-
he Csseeare. by cntious studlent. ment of course.
le...t vaureics It ttri FTnTLEi1g0\A R& MILLER
--- - annual report on the statistics tof 4S SOUTH MAIN ST.
THE OBERLIN CAME. aiays ini the It S., compiled
Atfter iplaying a stronig game ,ast- unier the sittersison of Prof. I. C i
ii-dy ftrnon Oerin neutral- Aitunis. ItCis the est neck of te 1I17E(IAJ SALL, -N ovembier 14-1 i
i/edl the good imnpession they kid this ar issued. i15 ~ ~ A ~ -A-~
had mtade, byeasvingthfelBU I E S UTS
Several minutes tefore tie wtell. ThmaBUSINESSra SUITS.t
aihgabitoutetttieses O Iesia artl t- WAGNER & CO., Tailors and Furnishers.
icia ha t balyardissp Obterit's territory, atl as____________________________________________
reptortetd in outr newrs columns weree Granger's Academy. Toledo Ann Arbor and North
playing a rapid anstt brilliant gaine Michigan Railway.
toreovr hele efrefltewa Vesh stto ietttention ttlt the I
to reess- t te teisi efose titic vas .tttatges offered thtose pl i('tg thiettt
talles. ''hlestnaIr. tstrs iica lt1 setses imdtttr ottt ftstrueti . Otr I sStn. t i tttle Ssis,',ust t
ismeitetity is cents-stit located,leittghttbutO Q ~ .~ t t 'y e-s~i i '
ite J eset cartieel the bali r1 one blocttusk lsrutof te lassbuislitig. - - '5ittsiiii.
the line. mait ngtptie sore it tisv} lees(tareto' 55stai5s tto ituti, lt'tte - AlG I Nr
stn ntr int t. sio tttett-ustttstIlniss- s . it5 ,
Alllisiiscaie uCttltatti itsses tt- in. ~iiesi uits ~
ini isi 'si-areetundetr-the
y1'iliasss siznd t issi ge -ititrsoiat i striett isttof ;tli and, rsitSCHOL r ci. , ii n tt eoo emsto5 Mn -o e ipt t 5. .i . --
iss1isg. i I1irsec si s tc (icitugec. 'lissis sttIitt> rsuit . _r r ,, sut iiuuiuein i' uu.i ~
iltf i ins. li sit i ts ( Is sitilt esn o a.ti ,l drs us - t i;
-h~ii si st w u -t ire e eh tl-! s- i r is -t slst in-i t"it'li tttsOO $ w $ ssii- i istit'c5 nti e. ts
uec l n o i n t h L n b y p s it i e t s n i vi s t s i g l s t sr fi t ' s -c t i t s-sten ou I t s . u itc , t4_s i i i i ,i t ,
ltactieK.sG,._..ui tue lsu Prest.sIssCutsi ris'srstr ct - 5I5-
aasultt is-s us.c11rpett fet- 't ~ ' its- uFie .,ittturt '5t-, -i~ i
ttss' rifeptinit,(if tisittilMI .\llu.{,tSti.fttes.00,4$4.00,air
sit lervsscl ti'Isisil i t t thuglipsilehsbte emtttett2.eti- t S t EI SS .r I A l U 11 iI IO Er hAI'N ) Ut ,,
tlillfd hai timloftt catty a itrss:adpooe hu, on -e u~ ~
it - mat n hsacs nout est Iso i ut its It firtstt(tasst Nol I.'Illiss.ntosssisilt , ,e'do 't*.."' ""1', c( I't l i5und 3, R
siame th e t he N i el asss esttcie-tsa it u rIsigh st-st r;stus' elyif t e nisot tir ecilUlin
ofc gexsriisit g urets i a -ir. trsuFiliiiie,, itj rrta re(r
ca'use (fSe t idy s cojĀ°s cure. is sity &t Fiintr.sIiiGen. fIitsri.sit Iii's s-ititti ss
______op________ge stsor t it t 1 sitilto. sils. i ll nis
Wih(rsistlfthladeJtols nwad st lar slsisnr os sesught, i~ - esk siii ~'ssI,(itttt ss il(tlsp lsx iiI- iu
atlftg irthis ta i ll ei i~~~t is iti ig ureiisi'tofti ssti iltser list tis S UD NTtsut~" ILSsI'tYUsitl MONE isil.I
inSturas otessit teli th(i nsw kn-I 1istlsi ti-Ititt Ins sit es Nteis-it0 00sit-sit - -0 U-0 m
in"tie -ieie.russ .cetiss tste 5 esic lt 5situpealaithesi erals ilt' s 'soinists fd nsi- J tjI.1.
a 1 55 l'ss t ~ru' ssssumo ftti hntsteist1-A T l
ttar tes srisnt sInex stiee ltss te irlelitt-itt is fint' Joste h i-.AneIE A I P hf
torpe, et vitory i'tuupos htiliyif tuter_ seroa_ the______________hetI________ tha_ ,toeSTU ENT__BO O STO R,_STAEST
scell hs k fruts thefeld su hthisS1NESS OCALS.KENiTSC-1eLr"
sitesevrheha stiflireses ite Grek,.ati.utrnctiGeoi sanutl (has yee'ctoLohs Ac-
l ie (;s]Isesitlisutoo t' tis a 'b ot UULrfrmIU.L ~IVlIheN iitIhi'sis- t sud.tss SIe is et ia o he
gruseer,,li e sdil, snsitto rtiti eni' talt
ssosto m 'list' go ou s ossne of ibu " s ts slusutbstillfisales tsrtsu'tsssY'hki suits
tents tIoghen shessulsitUisp- psissereitselost-st
fo t al lit s.nd t rferu ng.wst. p atut he liroaidti 5' Theatitesuitse"is
thecgaesry Nseotettusti' esle I t't'.5 '.s 'ou'ght.is tsto ,s]sheu
- --s--s-Ii
Its- Ib re ov dsurnsshe ba ebalss,( o toi_. lt. pi t eStts-I Nl'. ittnrtufr e es-httusuas u nu itst pt t i itsSut
sas.'til ei goodiseseofthe ISit-t 'ie tst t tthltistu-u- dent5.stlf ( i r pu.S e sussstiu h' lO S E PHm-
Iensloutt a t nu atepItll-u, tis tt-Is-sit 5 1ast Irceritt ow . chur iuuutsss's luihtrs-_i
ne e si .I el ci g'irS cit t s sitsr t suits's~ uct urnsis-nuiskustI GE 'liASD ii' itts i tt. StS
bad( 0 I l5 ft - ilii csuhisuiser sha be ''o. s' iuut.'pltf10 ttahs-' a% esiu e rntss ut Rtu'tisissu'stitnt
asnic st sit erutshectan bIsst- i l. On ep ttinis1sithedib . ,st t u t ksil s lt su euc-
eisto thf enIl theuuh r e he foo sl s uineseaso.niuStue. - Nsuuhssus utustilt sussl isitiss-l-Gin iB shed c ,
highest for tbis ort, aml t, o sle oftilt s trnets'uiin
membershipssissscomtarelis'itistliesgtstss e lists
oftetrituss ienteaslss soc em, Ihilr iloferstothosm tttmode- tli ~u psaytilaesty Mleiolits
at les s oi dge b rsuf sot uhsie ssssatothe l ieLer ." NO. 2 W n.,HR ON T.l dn

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