VOL. III1-No. 41. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1892. PRIocE TRiES;F CENTS. VICO on ola (difficutlt kick aganst THOMAS, TONIGHT, O wi Bray was ruledl oif by I- sI A worth fit . o r deeug t I.ir i ti t o ok hIi T ie Program to be Renderno by the Saturday, 26 to 24, Jesnotd w tto ori IIhe (Cticao ' ais of (Ot. 2,I 1P tO - - donbefore time wsal~sIled, i sr ,onn ag ntefis oneto Oberl in Comromnsed H erselt by c an sat, bbll over line.liars icki edl onsteeIi' sn te I r ( ver t s Leaving the aiid Before Time goa.t''detrlscccn ~ atanlice s-~ ste[ou rhtta EROlIH Wa uOn-A Stroin Game From tisti'.Ia lr aingihis-plitre ys : riiat.ulcc wih- Start to Finsh-The ast ,Home l l lsdwt ali lcl ncmltl ildteadtrii Game ct toe Season. 11IloilStltsitsitlel iilite \tltutsiI - _lteiitory.S soretOeli f yi l-reeled I lirorore Tloms sand lthe "teOelnteamtS se s ( ga CIt testsusorchestra last tnight. It wsS. higo st suliti-e ooutleitn Ile isesig cotncet f le sioti "as t sttv a teresiret. Ihit s iten M itt- sis1ha iwsen t saI sith-i sea son I le orhesta a sliibent het hetavstste thansuposedli and a itSIthe ir harks.OberinItiIedl\lss V ri liib atsnsctgs i eve e lis tri i ned, bu t 'i i ig-n si rshSieS1 Isask 4 yards. Freis , tittel hndintesrnga d a coultd rush timiandiiwoniibyisbettr ly gers -and J ewetniade igosodendete it ow sandts is perfectly ba~latcei. lay, the score sanidinag 26to 24. nun siidedby scienatitclocking 1Tle frreign svssitors aisot littt be (S tvheuviiiwintic I 0-t.:,c ,u+, o btuatnml Great regret Ias been exrt~ese t ansI 5ooff sila51y.IFretnd maadtlitreldby Ite finishtad niform stsstlori Sit asliatint in ptires sts te mtanner in whictie. bgamse losed.18 yard gaintaaroutned rit eii, and Iexcellienceeoffthewo-k o hstuyA tAt rcs edfrt Sits gee Iteferee itissiortl an (Oberlitsusti-aballsas finally foceid by ygert gremttbiid.this 11 stlO ,tituit, lost all taba of the tiiie, andthi rough centter over Obelit s gatbn R.H2YE5 calledel isgIame at foirte eti sminttes syadline.ThIlens Freunidl iiaie zo I le selec ttons shsosw t igh order A. ) ie, swbile the caltafin oi actbfollosed by it goodlgain by ittIand figetiusas nwmell as a thoroughs 101, t83-85anw toatit . teattihad agreeid 1o playustal t etshsioirt rash. Fivteesoe see talled shoolingit.,toall forts iif tinslost -__ETROIT,_______-__-__MICHIGAN._____ uitastes f itat hurit. imtie-keeler fot Michigatn ot a ftnt tackleioatd asinitititae aqulainltaee . Spangler also etrifies thils.(Cptantwhven all w5et to fObelin nat Ileessres 1-Qhmonbl traLtgh Qct. Williamis cle disistesn ioifl theteld 1 tens's fttmble on Iberlisisayard wiihtit rsourcs of themdri I MIto tid thtey timmeditely gotittu thn e.IsThtIlen rctrreid tle Isletonte orelhestrn -sinwsell asiaicompllet tas CG RTE bivs and ervieItrisets to their hirtel.ial play tf the dIns Sayase gol hetnerI1y of the at Iof itssnstueatin.' IiGARTTEni , Sn. eIt posltIltioitsls it ltie (Ilititib al and it-I aggve trouihtefeld 'lie protnamnuforsthit s eit- ir in it~u to Ianayalii Si Siii -ii I ita-tae i 1 i s --tittit titn te price 2ati n in c ee o o f n bri' ad ]n o isd gor i-tt hanit it leii S llows:ueI t_> irtt othe u it .i. Irpr rt r n Iac tei cliear gin ofii:tJyattds, lit Jeset ptt r i iwiti et indO t~te rn statitt i sisirtlsi ws ia-fter itu nd ani ng , sttt a r-dt lv alnit iv ut i rteh ditn ttks11alu inutles tvait tlie madSie 5a ie tackei a d hru-si-irtt... t iut ia... tritimu ti ii -rt stia ie - e olt toeuut-i- d ui tit l ttset pat of te tll dousingtueSavti n 5 ltit -i ns i s ti ii i ien t- 5 i -ot--ti (tu aei t t irs ii {uiuutuelan i ghrSSS0t post 5tei iuif i iistsiCi eiti(I rllueddes iii tlI ~ntif.it growntiiittiit iriuiuFl i si tseiOtn ,tg nto eoftl I]v n e s r o~r a d ie A ihti n nrce _ n a l ii tItti ittitiiiI itdt ri clliii iititai t i i hiitie CtrlCiv t t -iig ftint ai nit urv.ttS ost s tiit liiaiyibuti -Hartiwarfin l ivI tetof iii ttittit antiti i -iiI fti an-e tthtet It.1)liesChritoe~i.tiin . i trmtiiin't-s helt-ti ini-isanttir e tutn lit tti- n h-is1ball ait ti nllor eid sover seli e ftit e rl iisil n-a -i- e tea ha isu t i i nit loi S ii st indtt L eIdcl tff at "l5 withit fourths tiuc-do n dlssti gti oal ias trI n - cut - - iiieittt.rnatii ) tteugtni --d gitlatu i 0in oy rids nirtitght by iaIksckeid. fibserins24 icihitg taan siPATe 11. M mrcues tcmnie gruidirn. leetctI fiihlissediwithltia Micthiganssball.IFreundtclmad ee snitt honikS tu titus, Or.. votcU q et na l hi in lsngbll ons (berlins sto right, aned eswet ti1lft the '_tti nq eto a l ar is e. W ite sidlTIt rcis risn p-ayig ardlanoelfst to regastuS n c tiutcatn rti i .Tl] trurrcan tichtosot ahll listk to yatrsbit it that lenid.Befoe thec tan rcsuld . ,. tas FRATERNITY JEWELRY, ie t to Michugast iitt foiti thusns. ittac tp aain Ref erec Ilissworth a 55 Ouisia, it itiuitit netet Siesetisi h"Isy y" tiot hia tl riints Satnietr isn aledti and(O berlin ran off the Dt ish a t , ti Aii iwi"n te tutuet asoetnntut a ad re-itasseciltii-lesselt, sshitsImaite filtd soquittiklytt Sit altiost seemed - m sI^ s artsla-riundsigtltdiuiaittrdhtidpre rratngei. Jewetsslkedl oerrTHE HARVARD-YALE GAME JZTN D7"JVihiZ! IiIEEiS fur IHiisessscrig first tostihI-idiwnisObherlis iline witthithe ali for AnsiMADE ts 1ritig guilsh Times0 inuts. aichstian'smfifthi touci-eoivi, nakitng The Crimson Goes Down Before the W~iliastntext asciresd fr (hltiitit theico-ire 26 to 2-1 in Mihigan's I BnI RE1[& S N after ri2 tiltsitu lay, ittinit 1ihfvr e idid not try- at goalt.-The '[le event of th iotbiall sesont, i;tit-. - - totti 1ll si-is ltst atndiregainted. ls ts tutudtip as folloscilng ookedh forwrsteIosi isvet antid___ luoh isots, ITecet s aniih eiii15ntatutu! th titi-Si i5111t.5 oiu iIt,',titiand sit iailitittns matude this'is tbyht-gr uiiro ,endsihrtns %i mm s ..... e..... etssnttn Hairvardi is defeatesh by ter sisre - atth tackhe 4)lays. lrt kickd'oa, easont user. itclever antnagonst aeb easoreI S-itIlt tBi-ur"-dsie o insnP. J. KINNUCAN, 5e 6 6 'rh~r .. ;; ._ ... .W i of 6 t . I a gret game Leoiardsid e io SJwt lnC ett(paed onIissdline feld, bfore a iDg- utlidltoi Iilii tii cit I tillwtesiMERCHANTssb5 i an line, where 1 Ia gotit landwas H(,titntiv 7r. - a - - - - - y e th sistc audienceeof fifthstho - s 1aw' 'eees rtiiiiheiss-r 'E "n- N 1 ittmet-tiatehy drohesuuad ott hi So utht- i i- - - irstteso.. . csndiipeotle. 'Ihbis is thie scmecisth aut li - nautsr, c i hiti aid ITeeteri, ttia t tritn - t - ritmitsGtutuigaite Vale lastswstits ftotisHlstsard auieFarafitentll tshital ud Joh-2tnson sine i11,8inwile Harard hanss wnr TAILORJ. tacke rushesntasvatcesi hanl 461Jeettt.- - -r It - stvtge' frottalte bit onsenithe smve yards.Michignagot hbaslon four aine, totiut - 5 ii- - -Hurt cloawnrs. Jewmett, .I Vs (riffintieachn titiprresal rttnrne-MrStu tnc t, nif Obe- time. .lAU) trYii'1ili iOFi muasie fiveatid Oniert 30 on phunt.in.t11111 Si. Pntcymn .oC.n a. 'io thosemwho have folhlowed hte Savage finally got ball and made A party of about 2, adies ansi gatesplayedi by the contesting t berlit's eonsd touch-domn.Islte entleinen caeeupl froms Toledo inh teams this year the sefeat of Ifr F N Zr N puted out for trial to Johnisona and the hrvate car of Manager Ashley, vard was coofisetly predicted. Haurt kickedl goal. Score, 12 to G. '. & A. A. railroad, by special trao Ylnst r ie okmih 05'V~O TSV Mih onaetae nr od osee the match. Thhe hparty and 'stao Mnhtn downs io this hlsftwno by Jewett, Mr Ashley wee heartily ceered Princeton'tem ooMnatn one by Wi.VW. Griffin. Jemwett failed when they appeared on the fled. fel, Newe York, Thaksgiving Day. Detroit, Michigan.