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November 19, 1892 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-11-19

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AFresh $tock GOOD SThJNQ$ Discount Sale on all Overcoats at Noble's.

L owney'p .~

Stringed* Instrument,' This includes even our fine tailor made

0_ list lr ve-ei

Ill. Jihoy are te ie 1(
ill niore~i \AII L ~Y S, garments.
CAL KINS 'I A iteibcies 34 S. State Street.

1 1.1 l'ilv r it eXt-loiIe 1iitlial 130111 is, Law ' 13114.5, Deftal 1ook, ,Studlentslte111t12 hil)O 111kil Ilok , tatil_)ers.. We haI v aiarz)e
Our S ock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest.

Will You Look
-A It 1(1how1051 \Xndol ItI
ii- 111 tll ' lli)0111
TH Al 'NN AtIZOlt 011(5.N (10.,


: A VL Yx(oUIZi 13Xv4s.
Till iochesIter, Tilelloyal, and Tile Perfection Stuldent Lamsleave 11em131-
onsitate~d that they give tileemlot perfect lgilt of aniy lamps madeli. Whille tile
plricts vary from 90) cents to $15 each, they all give Ithe saii dulity an1111qlan-
tity of light.
Argand La~mp, with porcelain shadea, at - - - - - tC- cents
li-d Star Oil, that hurny without odor, does lot char the ick,
and gives a pore white light. delivered at - - - 10 cents per gal
Oail Cans, accordling to capacity, from. - - - - 211 cents to,$6 each.
To see is to believe. See our stockc and you~ will be conivinced thait we sell
the best Lamop and heat Oil for the least money of aiiy house iii this city.
44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.

Call on Win. Fulde. the
Tailor, opposite the Lane Building, 011
William-st., first door west of State-al.
Cieaning, repairivgeavd pressing loen neatly.
Sails toverder a speeilty. All wvork leecs-ciavo.
B3uy an Alarm. lock
oreihave saleItepaiinag dove ge Is
Wip. ArnolJ, 36 Main Street

THE CAMPUS. Miss Ncttic Metcalf, folrmerly l
- 1svith lit '94, 1s taking hindelrgartili ST AF O
Va;, plan1s1 Harvardiitoday-at dl tIlitacl~rla
Springfied.l Tieijanior lawsswsill be [111///4
TIllere (re betlveell,2 anii 0 P.onlt~lhefrst lie leictures oil I loibes-
- _- 3f1
1r. sthis 9year tlCic Rlationlstbegining11/'Nov.128. 1
f . L asy101,.!)2 -a,0.is i localted . I.La5011, law '92, las fornlleli
at L elandl, Miichi. I a 111 ilieslilli with thle states' alter-
Icof. 'ThompsIoni Jectures ii lnlaS, 11C3 of Ka1115coun~ty, it Elil, III. j7 ,IL
:(III 'cci. Iileclll l/Tusdlasy-. -3teelc301 51a15receisedl estertlac A L
WV. -. Dowvling1, formlerly *94 flt1,1111 11113, 1conta~iing1the announc1e-
FI 011 " t rl eitria sal I ilet" v lls-ct . ~ ifl v{F~ lf


is ou the editorial staff of the Olivet

51uhal51 i Street. LEho.
M H GA ENwAL I1. F. J ohnistolle has be/I lctedi
I_________ orator of p. g. lawe class by unanl~i-
1110 3111f1b ltee ise)Juve il .,1fi3.
1,,1'r. p. ii. F15/. . in. 1110115svote.
Maiil 0--------42 CliI SelRleeCia - lil
Eiy xln -----It S vDtyExpess - 015"ts Mis ittie tCihristophler, '93lit,
N..Lmied e-6 2 Mil ----- -- 9a01
N.Y int .itI4,; N. S.Limsitedl ..5t)Kt,/gaaspread 1to1 a number If frienids
a vi. 1111050 Expris. I9 yestertday eening.
1% N Exres - - (. tExs s 1 51 5 0I
Itlanlilxpbal.s__I. A 1111 1-aa anHp 11f;1 I. Popprc, '92 Ilellic, is elljoying
f, It. lpvss---- 1 I47Paific aespeva s i1
0II 15~xcr HI 5.W5. 1 an e, 11xtenlsive racl~tic It James3town1
G.5P5&3'. Agent, Chiciill. Agt. 01111A lr.Cltriie.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK Trie senlior liwseR eteriiay elcI I'll
ofI-ANN ARBiOR.I '.i - Spurae assistanlt 1Marshall11to(I
Trasacs Iillral bing lusivI'ete'fr. 911 a ivacancty.
for trAviiiiiabr-oa( ~do ei RiedI'll '19 indupendienlt cauis1.
P.IBAl 111're. 1 Rvi i CII 1a35to ilavebersceld lltodtai
GRANGlls been pos0tp)onedI until tile Satuc-
;. ;daybefore electionl.
V1 C 0 'OF 6 " 'Tilt A3orld's lFair seitll. ned ifrom~
tOtiaSeavan. October, '92. to a a, '95. 1,200 to ,800 guides, wlho are to be
OUR NEil' FALL is centallloaean+chsnfoclegstdt.
evry provion has beenc'maideltiponlieiiae i
/llvifotelofoduii ritros.Thereeare eelltairs Iss Illcua Marquardt, ofMt.
111ont tilhedanc' ing riloomiaibeivg on th1110
se-olivdlflosr. fficev at acad~emyv,Ii Miovnarist. I Clcmens, is visiting her brother,
sendR$125, V, or V350 cor Sam- Carl E. Marquardt, class of '96.
p thel ill sTCby ISin~trss 01At MctMillan hall last cvening a
Pu 5t up iv elegavt 1boxesand
strictly pureC.Saleifor scrics of scenes froni Japan wvere
PRISENTS. Eprevsaehargev
Trypa o, eri viCiiag.slhown by nicans of a magic lantern
all iyioaee Addreevs,
TflYC. F.htIvPHER, Confectioner~, and were explained by Mr. T'aka
21'2 3(5Slate Street
7 CHICtAO, ILi.INtIs. lawacla.

fatiher. 1 ill
G5. A. Jeffers, tosw, 9,lias locatetd ~ i is-llsheo
at Sioulx falls, anldlmcets with good Dress anid Businless Sutilngs,
success. Tile firrm readls Jeffers & Trouscringaan anc ctig
tslndnllitc _'ell.n
R. 'V. Newetonl, tC.-E.-.. alters, for Vall111111 illte-c.
aindiJ . J. Danhlof retulrn~edithisavece
to continuleCthleir Swork w5itihtile
se.or 1. Sllciu,'110112], 42 $outh $tate $treet.
who is practicing at La P~orte, Ind.,
iias beell visiting th~e hospitals the GI H W LD
plast clay or twvo.
TDr. A.1A1. Ifuber, class 1of 'o -
s isi ted the hospital yesterday swith a -I-. - LEAIiT7& lAILOP,
patienlt. lIe is plracticingd at Rasv-
kasvinI, clear Bay City. Is till place to go for fineliloiring .
The tDemiocratic ciub hled asl ci- lte 111s5the inust Select stock. of
Sthulsiastic llledtillg last night, at the
lay building. Speecehes were made FALL AND WINTER GOODS!
by 13lcssrs. Bordeaux, .Bradley, Mc-
Cabe, ideoul, King and Hegner. in Suitings, Trouserings,andl Fancy
'A committee, consisting of Messrs. Silk Vestings in lhe Cite, aiid
Jones, King, and Hegner, were ap- avotild be pleased to have youl
pointed to scud leiters of congratu- call anld examine. Ite
-lations to Cleveland and Stevcnson.
The club will march'in the Demo- mksaseilyo
I cratic parade tonight. Full Dress Snits.
No. 2 E. Washington-St., Ann Arbor.

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