THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. -zi zTH=Er--TWO JV-\/E1 __-GNTS IFQ01- GENT REN- iRODGEMAIN 9S MACKIN T'OSHES We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that our Stock, as tonal, includes a general andi complete line of high class Are the('fhnest i the Ns orit. Examtine our new line of (lothling. Yonng MnoFUliL. L.. DRESS SHIR ~.T S. TT2 .A AT O R . T SOLI AGl NTS OlI miade up with all the (detail, care anti skill which characterizes the *' - ,YO iiMANS AND KNOX HATS, =- )smecattioiIwork, ___ hadsts Kennedy & Reule. 'THF TVVO SAMS. Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE - r TEB LE .,-_]xesorL u dy Ann Arbor Mih. Captal Stck, oaw, OWEN'S BARBER SHOP! E >ocElsi oNSRELau dry 0rganized understhe GSeeal nanking Laws N. -4 EAST HRSTRE ETc. (y io twkaanh cttiteed.1 (t;ased fsitis C ott this state. Reccives SDeposits, bysanal!E Eantadivt ed. A. F. COVERT, lrop. sals exchange on the pincippa cities at the ; _________________ united States. Drafts cas eil pan pisopr? -LTE ARGUS,- IdnIV. . HsOffic iees: ., IN 03 j j I 11W. Washington St. 1Years inthe 1Busines CHItSTn ACK, fPre., 11Uf4Kf W is. a D . H iccaPrse.I 1 CITY LAUNDRY, 5. .FTttv, Asst. Cashier. ATLjVPb .I I~~fs S .M M . Sea I c? I 11a- 4 N Fosurth St R. E. JOLLY a. Co.,1 HOT LUNCHES . . BARBER SHOP. IServeda alHor, nlocion aalHunFine Shower Baths, New Porcelain ii hiTubs. I It I . i ll'J S ttC' 0 J 1' O M.CAENDR.Grangerns Academy. tt-hl 5iii o-~n utIiilt l~ i * Dioe a gatner athlan ng tsites. Pys i- (fli otis Ii-AdlpitisNtucl.rt~ttt ocilitt .Lietiti tetost ;havng eitg posis. ilt safety tt'iimu si iatgasm coil debite. Vae0wihlito direit'attetiotl ot heCsslesist toes tr (Ri'nt. __________________________________ INy 1-Sotaa mell Clo',I. s. solllinlt. atvattages iiffered tihe slacitg th mItao-t. SIP, Pea. . H. BELtE ttCasirt ill-No 1-Addressl ete 1PstOma's 1brcatta 1(Isolves titoir I ns titruictiotn. Gist Staoh sen Osftutdacas-asin. Nm i-yetis iter heis,,.siel(, 51,. 1one1'block wsest of te law Istildg aI t@f4 C T R R No-'ThelttoreisrhIota c tsctrtssctncert Th'lucretIPnitstairs ttotitiut, ttas ~e- .I 1;0t' . Iithig ttttStret. FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Nots aliss ais ars, e ei toe tol oioblitintil 11te gountllooSr.t MILLItNERY AND ART GOODS ! Iltitti hscirteeet'is thrite 'ays. '.ndte-. All (lassesin lanlcing lrs tunsderthe---- 35CstOio lict mte5-et. ieii Manee Issil '"litiss (irttgr. u i s stfrct ly aoc 30 Est HronStret, ov Ioi\valer h "Mnta jtt-r1 ostaangertiti ~tityasc Goods peed & Sons., PeltS.Hinvallioisi'Garfieldit,,as tdetleaIn0111Noi liotntolls tancessallowtedT he G o'111d&0 T elie,"leftireslsint teasici- sutot ca11e'is exirised ill the aumsd1- S NSIABLE00 nds, n ;troitelllernintwitoetill It A ' asTAILORS. sEUI ONrvS I-----*"+- poI sitis lyntovsisitots .asmttdto tothe iei~ta~lns.ENGINEERS ELECT OFFCERS. isult clsslesi.Ini sitr new acadtemiy roc; sanE1 eery asoisin 1w, tienmade to hi- ,j )I>ER t & IlProf. Greene Tells of the Growth of cm~foslt osit1titronsttss. A perfet lINE E 'S~l~r the Department. Isystetm of vettilaitngli-iaseetn dopteth 1 0;E Op.ettitoue- - ss'sstttgl'forthia llelislthe avnltage \OES At themtnt' oflo tht ltIgisi e - of exerisinig n lur irleaCnscnses o tog sociey, last eeninag, P ro. 05)111ftIthrtites'c'tinof itppiils. Al G re e n e a v e to a d d re ilssi w ic h ie ' ltv w 5an d s t n d a r d il am s 5i t a t u g lt, I tt W1i tyleis i i'(e-la.Il-t1 9 . Mai. amct of engincrinsg. lProf. trecnec haseeinlbthrested insitv u it ettly TheKid-"_-onihtGoodspeed & Sons., v t eeiatceslotlAIll foltwenigtThy51 ongt BO K T R ears ntl it its ciefl 'lig hs t' Post. ('sliwt, Conn says: S O S UN effo rts that thit'cihairs ofbmechanieal 'Ilihe s isil eledaitscontinuites fiiilo 5jc's' rittNWCRZ antdielectrical entgineering-so-rc es- it lausgter tast vening. It is a asit EW RAE talshed here. full of 1'new anspki n ea~tur tles andc TAN CAb 1- 131 nsrS - -I lhe Lt.of 1I. wsathebite blst col- j fully sdesersiedi tllthe pt-risc said oh' it ll advanceirs. lDsttie htie Iprsvedhis FultIM NS 01- loseginAmerurict to esalihltasies- slaver soubtrete antshelre chick ansd Sliet l~scisttttiii aw ~ giticertogidepartet swithoutiten- viatcity tmttte the Iis's-ago with utnti- ?olnfIAN Bist'ss dosvnalitisctIuse oilsiLaIsogrsltatcet-olttulle Swsig. ''Teeuwas liftofS Muadicual, Dentatl ital 111Univs-ity a pp1lgittge itftil ius i ltliIioSec dittxtSitu 'laxtlli~kS 'lse ii tlt'tliiit ii 'lelisswhitli gim i, Ollutit sap ln iez.'le story TetTo~ TelairgetAeetin fjehncoficters cosistsof little sstoryuti isitss175 Man is 1hldt resutiitg as folows: jmieans ofst iesiug s-itsesver speope ito 1 .M it tas tf osutl Itilleo hul- ui'stils'scc It seroedthebts'prpose - usBooilad it estlil. is lles' dsatiswsi wit crrepodin- ccetz y, 1, '1-vvnlsesltt sugtraceful sitandutlslli'. it oodspeed & Sn. SIField.o B o! Qohbloi 'crehfI. .u'tudefftslenr'styi plateBicadistG 1 A t Sos. ('lrissie wstattgreat sitisess ate slt HA~TT'ERS Demtocratic Stuidents. Tnkerswsoth as susidtetly liftsdtto 25 cens. Ag nt for-- - alllue ce b strl irnly sill on. l s am ii thte city 1) -fsor o aitlo All ettitietic sttdets soill as Next eos -s3ale .1. 1 ty'etts'tcllat'ctri FUJRNISHERS. Keuttel 6,LssrMaitetitatical Instid l ttrltlconthle t'atmputs iafront Of etaiott uf the tugi,wsicll w it-0a1g11, lilt songs 5were atctiest ratturoutstsly Sl dt u ie'iiu mntst. t'tttlee uricaa tll everything. the lia' bitlintg,att ft:30 asarp, this Alots Tlle Sltleis, onte itt Ameias S l aetnfr te ° M le "eveniog, for thte purpoe of takisig best catirtcte enastiia exeileit io lIlt" Fite Lte of part its the demtttiratioi. ttte'steeti Mrst Neso ic- It. Mr. Wl Mckintoshies. S R S.By trder of Ithe Exeutive Coi. litums ioilsosilltotlf tte slit-It soil tilt singitgtsd dntcing mutoo ttiotMan South State Street and Main Street. -- ' - - be oscaoskek. Altogetuet,te Kid'tist 15 S.Man Otpesite Caut;oassa. (Go to the gtae today. ilt assredsucs ts. -