THE U OF M. D AILY_ A F pcsh Stock GOO0D STRINQ$ Discount Sale on all Overcoats at Noble's. L.O~eY ~StringJed Instrument,( This includes even our fine tailor made - Chocolates .1 tt ried.l.l ey arectheIt lost Xiotit V ILS~'S, garments. CALI iINS'. '' e i~ e'1 34 S. State Street MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, %.I) NiEttR OF ' Ttit .\ND) IttLIJkiisrarFT". t' it t' lcD Teat'ha, l ci'i ira oiS, ai,' Itota, Denital Ila. i-h oilStudets' I\oti Books.1Blank 1>ook, Stationert. oAlelts a larc Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest t , S VlE XY OU -6 I:Y3:! - Cll on Wi. Fulde. tie ---SOTZZ'S OOOT _--'ailr, (I]))sthe iss a talditgo 'te.Phst(',T'1heIoati. and TheIetet tootStdtetitLampsjohae it it Wittin titfto(otit 'wet o State-.,t St ittt( ttiha t h e ise thne most pfet lti"ht o tattitto ts utle . Whie ite ttciititgc,jireittt'ioiit t tioe tttcatt. P K ~ ~ ~ ~ lt'ttces vir ont.:A) cettts to alai eact, te' atlgive te Same itiiti 1and(Juan-tl it s 5itotOoeteea peeat. Alt 0-aetfitstttrlt ArgantitLampi, witithorettaisiates atI - . - centt t I5O t iVt ANIT '1 Rotid Stat Oithtttbttrns wittout odor, dioes ot char tte, ',wict, LARGEST STOCK INi THE. C TY tiandgives i itture thititoligitt.delivtrl'tiat - - - it itten its rglt I r a7 &l.azri Clock (it ('tis, aeetrtiit to ctptcity ront 20- i cent'to b ea'cit, 't'oste is ft heies. See otr stok antttt i li le ctnv tii inc t t is ettl to ott i eodtettt thte' hstLatmpitnortbhst (Oit for te east moecu ity thiou ttts ittthis ctty. ' 1 Ar o;IJ,3 Mi Sr sr 14 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY ________3_ Main______ fi4ROXN'S 1)RUG STO~IE. THE CAMPUS. The MiihigtiiSrtottttastrs'rtsh STAFFO RZPI ______________________ tmeet,. tonm rrott at to it'c kirttnt u. jJ.~oo . Iittar' hGutilgiies its opeig Roomsna.2. rrPu tltproramtisee, tllA iH you roiriteetlistatta is hbitt lbs een-tiflv vof No. t. Ctit .'.17. Sweet 'qt lit', sas etedl ' itt t ur S"hovvWA'idowi Ittel Is itMr. I. lox rIgas,.his tlasses ii proseutingatttfiritr5of (ass ountiy tiit' s tistitryabotiit fi r st tr trit t tttzin s i oog't- by the largest republican tiajoritly'of GUIARS j ia). anitoinothetticiket G I"ARSiThe mteeitg iof Ito' trotitbitionte lRfrs C. Laitrop, 'qlattis at Ir .( P R ICES. igi.tetinig the iatiotatotisetutitns ol the Delta Kapa Esitn i fateetity, iii'tN Athttit Ot~i.~ '0, ''Itte Choral t'nioni hols its. re LT1 1N ARBR el(; O",at Chilanoota 'lerun. stt,.soutttrin titaSeet. earstl this eietingo og ttt iunt of ° ' 1I6s sli t 'i i st-t't'las huicit of C s trR1l0 ET aation ti awtieek. J C Fibe ws cl t otte yes JWCHi A j Dr. Hilgh, ittChicgo. swill lecture terday lty a telegramn tioning) ress tati Busies0 'Siitings, Trin""ale uevied~une . Iaz.tle serious illness oh lis father at totttottecti.oo t 5 tttotelaws'sthis afternitnoit.0 'sis- T osrn n a c rsig _-t. 1'. t2tca.eisp ino.ttslis sat.icset. his htmne ini Hillsoro, Ohio. ITosrostihFtir'Nchig Y, LN. t.d U. A I I. Jatteleleft yesterday ater- A l inteet tf Freerik C. Clark, it1 . to, 'ite ilatktt ott or OtessoFanteite Ite eavesforuerly of tias city, appears itt ther t N Ex tress- 53s G(. t. iaott'i .S tto for H antcock,.brick. tiv.laslast issue of the Setui, torgan oh titti at teist 4-,itAttio cicco P.' 10 E I. Fep .-is 7 atific I c petaih Prf. Cetctil drs h its elatid Sanford, jutior, university. 2 $oth $itte $treet, G' . Agnt IChicago At. Ann iAt:Ioe. I giteerittg societetlis-esenitg on Rootti24 ias crosdeI lst een -____________________ I'iJST NATIONAL BANK 1JN The Progress of Engiering."t tsg to listen tt Prof. Statley's le- H OtF'ANN AtOt. 'Inusitationso at ecitenissuedii os'lctor hri uhite GH. IL , t'.littutSi )t . Sirtetsitaid trefls.its, )ol. thePrsytranso ityfra" n , usic le xiiirentier nit 'tMondtay >inxh sf let c soforecht p the Pebveat ""tt t lo Seior ciil engineers have flish-ia - 7 LEPIIt TG TAILOL,~t P rciastsetoiC. lees. 'ing. edhis the iwork ott Bridge Ticses, antIP It tias Ieeni decdedt to postiontetilluet 'take ip art ; of Graphia- GRANGERS 4cat:atalsisofSrcuewihIthplctogfrfieTlrn. A1q TI1hb iteli+gtt(eloonaser'treats of the onstructioti of arches. Ie ias the utiost seestock fitt Oitobor, ~ cout epreti of coongsottrs' i~ tulrs vil sflette i ofrlt 'itig tOth Season, Otbr 9,to Nyay, rf19o3.i IottodeieraFALL AND WINTER GOODS! 'irtit NEW HtAL is centrallip ctoetd anti I The t'nity Club social attiounced lecture before the School of Music 's.eep provitiohas tees mdtto ttpomote to cotortior Ioutos. Tte'teatrtue oatifor Mnayeventgsill be gvnott "Music as aOttpn t ndou- to moutte t(ttcig roomtin onttttheitin oirtugvenhypoti, Trotserigs, and Faney guned floor. office oh academy, s Moyn-s. tomtorrow on account of Thuonas or- ence." Yesterday lie regaled his Slk'sttshuteCi',il , sed ip,2.,Ptor ys S tr.'ssu-. heta ocrclass ini aesthetics swith several tunes1 rtl etlae ohv o Y. ttetteSiAxNlEisn America.' At the eeting off te Mahlienati- from a nmusic bo, including "Mc- Su pineeatioxandu a vnngadone atll adexamine.Il 1goaev nd I"' clclub tonorrowsevenng . R. inty" ad"Home Sweet andnlie PRiE et'TS. Nprso e br" e pti editakes a secialtyoh' prepid. trer iott hcai.o. Cole sill read a paper on "Boselefluqize heclass uponth le effectp 9 1 'S-piGUtonon. Addre. Tr aylor.t' Problems swill le dis. land swill oake use of his ansters Full ress Sits. y I10stain Street ( usdb h lb CHlICltAGOILINOII. e( ' t for data for the lecure. o E2 E. Wahington-St. An Abor-