U.of W~f. T"tvh.
Published Daily (undaa excepted) drng
tat, College year, by
'.u bscipt iot.aprice V-1.0 pee year, invariably
Isadranee inl topi:3caltsot. Subscrip-
tions may ito left at the offic of the DstLY,
at StoffetS, with sty of b editoror
CamnioAtiono should ro~bthlb tce by
7 s'cloch . t. i they ae o appee the next
'toy. Address all oatter intended o publica-
tion to the Managig Edito. All bsntat
comunicationa should be sent to the Bui-
nsst aManage
Anna Aeor, Mih.
F. B. lAneVaT.Lit. '1143,Mnginga.Edtr.
lERIt t'ttttt a ltmc. Lit. '94, Asistntot
J. I. ERDLta ata, ot' tt, dAtitan.
E. J. 1-ttat, Lit.1'ii, Asitutti-
L, . XJit. ii't A ittaatL it 'l'BtisisnoM nge.
IV, V. ttVTaItattvtt, lit. '94, A rtitut.
A. IV.JaEaatot-. Ita (I'9%Ar~al.tot
JR. Aotatttt. Meict "N
I V. RItCETtISit ',
WIAtE, ittLaw
F. tI it Ail', Lii. a)
C.ii t tt'avNvot''Httttttttt.,e't9t.
C.niversity,ofurittebe9 hp; icet
is C. ioutcl toegtea ia ee
one theiquiegemofrheaptudgnthe
Unevberihip ior ketserwere potkon
issc atuhmreyexnalmornn. he
tfredirectors eeaaterrepeckive
suitytiorottgioteforie fonia
auhtemarp andtheawhochavtint
availedsipthemelets ofetiepor-
saleuat yetjoning onintee Te o
idirectors eeatoneu- their setv
ttaamesenroeavnd thereb be n-
oaisealtowvoesie ojin.te tilTicec
vaaesee throughout the frno a
enitie lege nyte. ae o
whichto are iohe uppletithew
tion, at receiv llofe msanyticke
vntgs offtlereatronugoet oe
gntrunds.le hldear o uhsa
ing atiisegeastlrekigaes of foo
brallofbase hais orfie ayhlexer-;
cis easiuysuietenhim.coutse
mayhdvnge are to besple hlodeh
avntsofthe enwharjonthe asocia
tion and pays hit fee of only $3.00. 1\.Z 7 , = .
Tloe privilege of using the tennis ~ e o
courts can only he obtained by join- New F-irm,Ne Goods, and Lo Prices.
tag tlhe association. Titere is sothidis like a SLIM FIGURE to put it in itoiotiolt.
BY ELECTRIC LIGHT. We have laid in a very Latge Stock of Seasonable Goods. We
A novel game of foot hail is being Bought Cheap. We Sell Cheap. Fitie Footwear, Boots atid Shoes.
arranged betweeto the 'Varsities atod _ A 11Tlc~, MI l l 7 R
flit M. "M. A\'s of Detroit. 48 SOUTHI MAIN STREET, - ANN ARBOR, ThCII.
The gatn ill bii e played its the
at Detroit. IElegant Fall Shiti1)gsy <<
The grounds are to he lighted top) j anod r~u Things i n eckuear.
for the occasion. From present
appearances our team will he its
good practice for thet game, and it 21 South Main Street. Tailors and Furnishers.
is probable that a hootly contesterl lV_ Tolo Ann Arbor and North
game will he played. 191 o eu, Ralwa
Every stident sionuid arrange to Mihia
go to Detroit on the evening of tochTaeeor t ttt Stoti oiitat iti
11 Departue oV Tecintaitt AnntaAettor.
gatose to ciheer oatr team on to var- 1 (-
to ry. We can pronsise altlivho go a -T-~ ii
rare treat. As soon as definite ar- atV 7'~ N(.)1.e:). taa asv n il bo-co C t .eaa -2 1)t.ntat
Nat.t5t. lataiiMail t4a-25ao1atatt m.a
rangeuseats arenmad~eire willigiveN.10.Teoand Owosa-(tatda
thenmto outr readers. taste LEADING OnO OtUSINSS. SMng- Nit 10"). iiTotetdo lttand oss i tlai
atoicneitatilditaca iiit ah ers; tlageaten a nc;l)...i......... t. . t.
good1diataiatttii- ae ieiorw ta awelt taptlietareadingt. 0171t111.
room;tadaily ietitaets; atraa veen reic teptions
I'ioe Statdeasts' Lectutre Astoria- eajtat othaiyttid gaduatetsiallteureosti oncs No 4. Toledo aitlExptess 8 1)t ii
taiacaoexienisest$2.toOP.titpertweektiii i"ttate fami- Na-TotiledoiAccommdati on .... *oo . m
tiota last iear s-uteri onae tattotreat Ilet. atF o ar tEw ATa .oatv tiad LisoXttia ilideats wlt. oNtll iai1a1alIit-lttttli
atnd seventy-fit-c ioilars foir a ntwaetv Ps . . CLEART, Peo. on I n at lsaiiaa ....-a*a i ,,i,,at , liattai!2t. ll
chiandoelier to he placedi n the attii We Advise Studetnts en See aentrtaal Stiandtarime
ence rootot of'Netvherry iHall. Th e Q ~ ~ jITinsIV' initit ittti betwenAtni'nttArboitan
xts 'aatlaaaaaatrt',aaile l tul lavu a ttaVt
coni it tee, ihowvever, .used .the ''Doty c& Feiner I aa 0, 2I- v'-ri-t0at btee o
aiseil floe ~ealitait Owosa, Sna ysaliionil ly edotai Faltar.
ninyfrfrihn h ete F 0J =0 a SOtheri teitii l xc-e-lt Suay.
tootneyforfaraisoin thegratie ST ONV.itIt.litENNETT, IL .Gltt-bNXV0i1).
noen's recetptitoto room.s - A nase oreIYat-liali 11tati l iSitias il inie S a lt ii I Gl-i Pats. Agen. b a Atitl -
selection of chairs, se ttees, s of as,
portiers atotl winorvshardes ihas
been noadie, as wvell as a choandeier
for this roono.'The nosmbers of tiot
Christian Association want tio tak
the members of last year's Lectare
Association hoard very notch for the
present of nmoney.
-"\.TA lIfE--
Tiiur Daily ttalo Alto itloe latest Gt-eek, Entilit French, Getitati atir all College Text-Books, Ne-w
college daily float comes to our table. titiri Secoid-Hatid.
It is publishoed by the studetots of
Leland Stanford, jr., (Ttiversity. A LA WI AND MY1.I)1AYA BOO~KS
hright, newvsy, antI relpresentative
paper is floe usanitmoatsopinion of AT WHOLESALE PRICES.
its readers.
Tfle '95 Oracle hoard trill looldl
its first moeetisog for ltis year to-
niglot, at 7:415, in room t, S. C . A.
NOTICE.-iWill those svhao are
soliciting subscriptiotos for floe
l)Atc please leave the toames asod
addresses on floe hooks so that papers
may he forwarded promptly to sth-
)iNolices inserted in this aolumn at ttaerat
on coaets per line. Special rates for longer
time, and extra lines furnished by applyintg as
the DAILY office.1
Buy your Beaks at wAholesale prictes
from t he Nationial Library Associatiosi,
243 Wabash avenute, Chicago, 111. Ad-
dress the Assoeiations fur particulars.
end-I no
Type writing dotte at 48 E. Catlhe-
rinj street. 13-10
Front suite of rooms, fttrttaee heat-
ed, 1f)Chtureci street. 3-It
A. E. Rose, for the Galdent Eagle
Clothting Co., will be at the Cook
house every Tssesday daring the college
BicYCLE FRaSALV-Cesstlry Colutma- REN TSCH LER,
bits. in good con~ditiont. GSoad reasosis
for selisug. Apply to F. 1). Gteeti, 21 1 L
S. 12th street. 1-7
AGENTS isANT-Liberl ssalay hotra h r
paid to active, ssiite-awamkeyoaiig ales, CORCNERf MAIN AND HURLI-TSN
ottidetfopreferred; etathlaystellt pleas-
mtittad peruan~etis 10 taiok peddlisig.':G 1N ER 7 JS
Addiress, Nationsal Library Assofiatiosi, ULU.J ~ IU 3
24:3 Wtibashi Avesnai, Chiictigo, Ill. ~-=- T =mzm
If 7001 are goistg tt rderaitut., Ar~t. TEDY c.4 2
Iovercoat, or pair if trou~ser'shat stire to M TNE USAOT .'92
(tall onl Mr. Rose at the Cotok b1lat,
Tuesday', Oaataber 4th, asia see tile ele: Sousa's New Marine Band!
gttsit litme af clattles the Gioldeti EaleatUndae the personal directaon of Mr. Johan
are siiossiai this seasoti. 'Tiis firti Philipt Sousa.
have- ttade regttlar visits to.AimixAbaar
every Tuesaty for the patst fiatr years Rentemrbel-Toesday Afternicont.
and hiave the repittatioti of ttsrliiigoiat Seals 011 sale at the t'ostolfiee nests stand.
rte iobbiest styles, tmost perfect lit, at
thea 11sf reasosiabie prices, mtidl Cdi Prices, 50cB~, 75c, and $1 00.
fursi isitalt-reabsof retetetices aitotigot
the botys. Be sure to pay hiitt a visit
wlietliet- Y(OU Wishi ftcrder or 110t, it
twill pay youa.
To renlt, a tiiee hallasia) soomst11
E. Waslisigtaou. Rooms usitt~tle faio rO RA I
society purposeas. Fortoerly accteiiP T GR P E
by thle N. S. N. Medical socet.r 3)-6t NO. 12 W. HURON ST.