of Al. Wai
Vol .HIl-No. i81).
PRICE, T txssc CETS.
the foremost position as in orc best- i UNIOR LAW ELECTION.
TIIEDRE ralI cSonductor. Thle svrter remnens-
___bers the contrast between a perfor- Ninety-four Laws Finally Elect _ __0
i ac fa'etoes hn y President.-Michigan Man ,1A .U
ASketch of the Man and His mar faietoessnsio ychosen. R _
the hostois organization andthe sameui I
Superb Orchestra. 'IIoi'liai hog uu sis Te jis or lass sutsceetded lssi IPORIOE
soatli, tedfeec sss ecp-Iight in elitctiisg a few tif their clss DET OI I CH~ . ''irh an aly M sia ase--S'
New York for Fourteen Years-i ible tha t it wais isisossille blisto s iciierss.IT nomrinalsoss for cas - -
Next to Cincinnati at Head of (peiethdIe ill tapei
School of Mtusic-Make-up of the !see it.5eses iiiis nsseI- i
Cihicasan Orchestra and t Hsssss iews ale o osmeeting. lTefirstbidiot tiket{
for y.HCicinniai toi isa ismecontcr 1oi f dheIetsulitedtinii theii election of II. I:
isisis os aiiettischool c)1 ossss c. N -ceis' cw ,of fiSaoIsiss is the folios-
;ii{ig cisi s isisass Ifromssssi Isisisi Isis I iin ac'osily 'is C ow l, I.; s thu 1. st
socisgstris asrstssst iaer thst hs a s
1st-Iris Isis ~5siserss us5 ; 5 sliphis a liw asseens svste-isresidetit ]i r.s1 c i iss ll rees it a
ie s issacsiass eidisrisis; ripius rcog nised sit is isesnast i s lste 7 , vts -Ar toistississ ths otists,
i-enitied ies tllsthe a asishi-iing r - bt is 5 isisisis etiihos, fBlistfisnisissi ineei to
hatve bfeeehghs c sao ~snis condutaststedsbissit s N1tr. oiseopsfsthssiseininusificeshss'str KaHa ylirsnino h hgetcas f'''oms atsar mnnl cto en otoe ntlatrTans EU
srtlsestrai imuic by' t 's(its i f ie, a1st ws l eisitlite is a m sat ((t ed oi i ig. r.N egely isite first A Fwgt
peospie, that altihouighi iis prsnt It Vnes san ethuisiss t is isis no iTss 'i chian miss sio hIssbetts-ielectedi tot, 13-185 55' isi ~~is 1As-,;
or;anzaio islea}-non a te I dscsie o Bi f ali nditsisatnsdipressdenst ofahiss cl-ass durnn" teDTOT - MtI iti(IAN.
-Chicago Ocesetra," it w5555aswnus Beetovens past eight ytars.use ordetrly (is1
1st! calledi ""Thoniss' (Orctra.s" ( nli uiiess51 f s sets testifieilto 1i I Ihmond 1G Straight Qut.
iii ii fit o ciesi I uitpesople Isase insystdtaiof ltessnor- abilisty sapesi sding offiesrG.RETS
totalsm ii si icyilissoft ioss s cexpese incess Itousestaiblishs- - c~~9( ai i ie-
in.a tsi~f~ isssn and maintaipning a lrge -concert DOWNED BY THE DEKES. Catisseia gtm~)y a Silo~
lisinsatte ethmuian 55oe ~iriteIre
is sii lst srse ra s ss o che sortandit sek unesfr-i" cardfrte rstiauris
isosisis tphesoratsora tisalshlistPiKappa Ps Defeatetl ins a Closesrlsisilli
ti lls ts(I i~e thath bist o tsis stics Came. TeI55sienon Sri
siiiis n of the (Chsia isoreesitsa seas -jsGst No.5 is-isis lites ac tt is~rtr h right-
tii i nnyt )telae, ~1I sss isieils-isieil- isissredrsliiie isgissssiniia
sc-i -si-s s is lii Itsiltfsoade sossibleitbhifleei etepi se if of a Vise I).- li.,1l...ftoostsall teasis sisIe tss Gisd Isieif 'messinigi lis isis is thiowGs
i-s-. b sginuii' sisr ) lt i ls si issisit I ansi riinal BIndof Strntightis is tig-aresttes,
tte-u isht. Tt sefi l it s iie im it tilo.slss, nis SeloSatissw
ser isestra -is the is an ist dos hss Iis I brothser fsatenity syestterills after- 0tt1ru i acre us beloisn eas ver-syprtckieis-.
seasosn isitegrslr it o n seas 55,ooo, but st "si-irass- no t h tleitild ie O fAIthe55S & i'I'i rlils 0Co.
aeao C- toos, it theaandtss tehe isereatitero tchnefsissosin-l Nfansfsotssoni. - - Rii onssslirviui
(ictsor the silosrecosmpletethelist tsrpart ea heru bo aie wssclose, the store binsg S
ssgigfiisslsisss 1iitlit)it as thosughs the lbalance hatd teeno ou Ins o. 'lThetuwo eltsvensinsetd il)ta iuetina
thet orgasnisnm of thue oisthestra toirsd. souse exceeltiossalily ?oot d syEtin ii Is 5GRAsDEiO
is otarissssilshsssss 1rfs r. Thomas' orchestrais mdewho made somebrisiliant playFRTENIT JWERY
as aomparisncithedhistonetfls( ipiiiof first-class musicians, most of iFRtetheERNIdTnsir iisWEhiLRaYt
sesekthenm solo artists of extendedntrpustas- psi hined up~ thtus:(Cusimmer,1. e. ; Aid the Larg-sat Assoiiiisintoiif
sislest sense the facst of IT'hosts' isoIis. rMax Biendix ensjoys the rilasI I r'tbte s
lif ae oiiitisill ei iiiitisii distinction of being the yousnges'i4tMorsesisasi,c.; iseldess, ir- g. s'V.
tasi I-I s i bri ii i isssl concert misister''ini the wsorld. Cusmmer, r. t.; Gardner, r, . e; I 550,.
IHanotiserian townssiin sa , andsiat a NMr.Thsonmas conducts withith usUt- N.Mosesan q lcke, . .
ver early agt begsit Iis nusi'I msa rc ndi acntigi l
rtudresndrthe ttlage ioi gacfasihi asssatsi u4 alPurdue, r. hsb.;Smellzer, fishliback. D1uvInit- - - MICHIiGAN
fathiec, wos-Isisfindfueviolisist.-At insnovemsents. Hiii dignity- is pro- I). K. Ei. playedl in this order: iBrad- A-n as -ss siils lst~o
verbiallandahishsvcome aitisearassoe k field, r. e. ;Cionssoss, r.t.; Lorfius, r-
litery3''lecm oNs sc tlhat of a mtianos-io is thoroughly is - Dusifan c.e - e,1 ? iery
andsi playedl so varsius operai occilfs'a- ter fhmlf ad Iis sart. -Mr.lebI 'p.Ptery,. INgNUCAN,
tra, alare prtof he imeundrI. t.; Cooley, 1. e.; Canfifid, q.-
tea alart tar i tsttissesisde 'hsonmas is an educsator. lHe hiss Marstois, captaini,I-. I.; Fresui, 1.
the biatons (f 'irditi, the seteran cuss-7 i- i a ''.der of sl.. ..-s-. fnr , 11-11 -,,i 5A5/T V T'5 ti 1 T1T A NTI-
(lilitor. In s8 lie organsiz-edla
atrisig uartI salwischs -u-sechsassibec
cotncerts for 14 years.
liut Thsomaiswas ambsibhouss tsa sl
greter ftisgiand owe hssddIhiniat
she hfead of a large orchestra as eairly
as 186~. He began as series of
sesphony concerts, which discoss-
tinued in '69, were resunsed in '72.
Iil orchestra ovas not disbandesi,
hsst in 1869 niade the mlem-orable
trip through the east and west,
which resulted in placing Thomas in
nearly us generautioss asnd sas led thiem
isensibly forwvard usstil Ameucasn
audiences have becmse discrisminat-
lug'. To be sure lie hsas not done
tis alone, but no one suan hsas
contributed as sunch as the susbject
of this sketecs.
The ladies of the S. C. A. will
tender a reception to Miss Silver at
Newberry hail, on Satsirday even-
ing. The gentlemess of ltst associa-
tion are invited to attend.
A prize of hisoc is offered to the T I O
studenst isriling the best essay onssAI O
1The Advantages which flueI
Prompt Construction of the Nicar- I ANDu 01 liii 5 II ii
agua Canal isill bring to the United --
States, and especially to the North-F=N 'IZ"OTTF\T~
emn Central States." The essays
are to consist of not msore than
2,000 words, and are to be handed 55 Wi FOERT ST'.,
to the president of the institustion to
which the writer belongs. ]Detroit, Michigan.