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November 17, 1892 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-11-17

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A Fresli_$tock ~OPSVN ~ Dscount Sale on all Overcoats at Noble's.
LO~feY ~Stringed.t Instru ment, This includes> even our fine tailor made
iAmeicau.VIL Yg3 arments.
arALKoN. 34 S. State Street.
Den , lt Dsit 1 o o- iail (ki C. SiC CtlI. Not- .1lo(-)k, iaiik llt)Uii tiiii We vte a01,11%e
"?r( i ' i!li:, I i~ ~r " r , E 'i'iit ll iti:c+
.~R bOes, found o Mete and our Prices as Lo ,as the Lowest.

, zVIKV1: )-UJZ IEXE _S sCall on Win. Fudie, tt'st
.. , t'ailor, olposite tile Law I liidi, oil
the itt ~t,'1 0lip i ,ti~lkiteIttitt tisi Sttteo lsiip 1lit , dciiXlliant t., lust doot west of State-st.
MSit i-thIA theuy g~iv e the inost petet litriit of aoy lanmps made. While thle (ieaing, -op. ringaud ressing (lon netati.
prices varyit' rciiii 90 cenits to $15 eacti, they all give tihe attic qaittyu snd lilan- suits tooeder a specialty. All orktirst-clas.
ity of light.
At-eandLlamp. with porcelain shadles, at - - - --l-i cetits IF Y~OU WANT TO
lied Slar- Oil, that bur-ns withiout odor-,toes tot char the wiet,
and gives a pore whlite light. delivered at - - - 10i cents per galB L6A a =C10
OC(atis, according to capacity, from - - - - 20 cents to $1h eacth. O o
To see is to believe. See our stock and you still be convinced that -Vve sell i orSate same Repairing daoie fa to
liheat ILamp and heat Oil for the least mioney of aniy hoose in this city. W Ar'~ohl 6 a te
44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. __________MainStree


ltltOWN ) U ST( i THE CAMPUS. Ithiunup. It swas about t quarter ott STAFFORP
sit hour bcforce htknea list had iIt
Professort hut itet ti urets to the happenced. Hreavas carriud into tire
XVill 'oU. oo' tjt i y'i ii.laboratory of thereiclibuitling,
D~r. Wartlisitihls a irge of the wheare professional assistantce was
At ioutr allowititWtiloyu! I ti i>course itsphtysical ttiagniosis. sititne.'ri srsuito
's ownii titi s about P rof. 'Triicbtood will examineitisi prove serious.
futasses int cloctitiotn 1., Mtonday. The S. C. A. ill tete a social
GUI TAR S Qluizesais lackvstoine vork lire- Saturday eveinig to AMiss Siver~ 7JT '
ANit scribedi byiProf. fGriftin are biallc- Michiganostate secretaryS1. .F. \TA IL O R\.
PRCS Itt .A., sod :alisMactin, Ilioistastate
I"Dioc' Peausoin is assistant to Drc.
lii NN Ek N111301,Ol Ot , Iuvhcoi.,lc enitlo eatscretary. Menmbers arc iititecd.
isiliniictiettoeProf. Moulton, of Chiiago Uni- Is sliosriot' ii first-cias hLile of
~jGLHIGAN GENTPA oitIisssiicthot viierersity, began last night a series of
ai titi totstlti ttemipt to elect officers tioday. lT lectures on "Stores as a Moile of I s olIiiaies Sitns
Its-i--i't ta trei}coi iettsvipobblJivcicTei hinking'' is the University exten- Trouser'ings tanth.'ianuyV estlg
it' itx irose -5 5 ii ityts re. Piot 3 etrtbalo.ion series at Detroit. foir FlalltiantdWinter.
s. i -Oonithe tirstOballot.
V.S lstrite t -9 4i5N. S. iiti - 9 Thterapeuiticclub twillI soont be Jtletcher Dobytns, itt Oberlina col-
itit aitOt it ip.11
a, to, Icttticzg1 0 3"ss Y Vogaieil by liv. Sulitioiig the lege. vice-ptresideint of the National
0 Vi Its its,.- - . ,.i . tit p , 36
tttte O i 4; A ttieaii t i1itictoemiers sit the jutnioriuciass ofthieIteagiuetof iProhbitionrr olege clubs, J
it. } site- -.10 17 ittattise1 Pc t 2 $ u h $ a e $ r
itwii-iis tIt. . iti etliral tdepartmtit.visited Atnn Arbor, 'Tuesday, sod 4 ot tt tet
..'~crc still tie a5soia t l it B li-chtlda conference wxith ii 1- hi teli
--IRST NATIONA L aA4 ;i s cltucittomtorrowueeing. Itrsft atd A. It'- Atugur, the lprvsittl ndttt .sit
OF l Oe. Sc ott tilt venl a stout- a t i i (secretary cif the leaguei. G H ID
title t ?et ii t a> r t , tr-inerstinig fcaturesarveipuromised.t 'Tine '96 inditependttlts wi-tll ttla '
eits i i 71
StW.cx Eit c43srcc luo te st ire lectiiies if i i lurnger's hail, iitooinaicte ts'e
CR XN;se t -l cbginingFiida-mon ickct. TineiLe Roy partyclis IS the i sc tglkl u t'iitit
SOT P usi Shieildontillf as yiz-io votes suplport, but the olpiPOI. Ilhlsthe racst Seletttck o1
OFIDb UV a j iiuastei It ioissay this is lpreposhtrous.A
toeCsan cauaa.nota s ss Siltvorsltt seuct-ry- of the ivech timte tna), be expteteti. FALL AND WMINTER GOODS!
} i tl: e s,c er, 9,to iy, 1(0!,N; H L isentcttuy locatto i ti IV hIAtt.C. A., twill addresstheSi . Th Ierot m sca oit
f5 ley isirtfite-itttar i+3 tpritt3:1 Ssaly St st ii h ttrl rsclroit trtug.TOottwus, It s
-a, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c Pisio a taets.Siie t l llsi toil dollars for seasonuticesi itn
t,:i ri(flotfie t iiset r t -, i it -tyt <,r tiphiases of tile genecrali st-ite Chtuts- to its eciurse, whsih incluites abotut Silk Yestuano ihtthe ('ty,tril
$ - o ii eex c tiii , iisr sorf .thicsante atiractionss as the Chor-il wolbep asdthve ot
tiesE ii)Itx tWitt. vitlianns, lialf-btack on the secondtlUnion course. OChCloral suiUtnbionaei oliia tt
11 i 1 l~tauit .attt Union eamn. l
ap it sac- stal orelvnwalkoke snslstini
5 p, iti er, as hutrkeilseuaelvsstgiles the tMcssit'"antI ttllijahi,t" teanue
sp tries ti.tlt tal(yeeday's practice game. Ihevwas there, rt Tosasocetraniktuies Ii heclalty itt
.'r , i It It - e , tciedt how andtt hartd, anid hirs hutea ted isoi ym oy'irsra.iu rll Dress Stilts.
Is he uriitii s-iti - I rifto tuiidel.No. 2£E.Wash togtoto-St., .AtnAAbor-.


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