Of VOL. VOL.I~i-i~o 3. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1892.PstyTiemCNS PRicE, THREE CRTNTS. ~~11FntLaisie a long article rerogeizini WHESBEGIN TOljT{URN DrD'Vorak's fame and talents. m Classes in light sin-inng are to b And the U. of M. Again Rolls Ifosnied. The Chorl Uion is i n MICHIGAN ALUMNI. Our Absent Friends-Where Theyr Are and What They Are Doing. Into Line. receipit of an official incitation frorns i .Elsi tedn cg Int Lie.the cepartmnent of Liberail Arts a51 University. Opening Day in atl the Departments the Colini Exhibition. The I C. I-. Rarrinman is principal at -President Angell's Annual Ad- Union is to fornm part of else large Three Risers. vine - Dr. Ford's Thirty-eighth Yearly Talk to the Medics-Laws chorus aind oratorio festival, and the C. D. Perry is superitendent at get. Some Pointers. exposition orchestra anti a soloist Toiver, intn. At te oenig cape exrcieswill he iptaced at their disposal for Carl Schieneker, Latis and Cer- Ates pn ianleecss the reindition of a concert. nsan at Carthagye. yesterda' morning, Pre sideint Agl iay Aigel An opening recital hy the enitire Ji. Church has Latin in the paeasor drs t iestcessmusical faculty still he reiscereci iUniversity ciiesaria. assenmblecd.tie said that the lives Nesvberryisall ThursdJay esening. FrdSus ainsCnann of all students and teacisers mad AlfrFrsefdniis r nctd tsaSteuimteses Gemy.i seen preservedl this snumner. InAlfredofpplarintd. IwSaeUivsty ordier to present sickiness linn said it DicPARTMN~T onc isv. TMacdc Forhan and Ada Zarhell wvoold he necessary to exercise the Prof. Kinowltoin del ivreer the teach at M-Nt. Clemens. utos auin nregard to the openisig address. Must of tine sen- Ralph Carsvood teaches ILati n nutnostcantonn and German at Aihion. heating of rooms. Tincre is isre lonsi weeipresent, ahout 24-i5 in all. H.1. Senele is practicing lass at sickiness ansolig tine studreints driing The tilein reniarikedlihit there wa sision ZS7a, s the first four sveeks thns at any no needi foirsaloiig talk as tin e n rttier period of the school year. of '- kinesw pretts well by thim times IL .Milele is in the N lrsswes- This is caused inalnly hy lack of whst ws expected of tlnen-n. H ermI 1iv coo 0Csc-1 caei iaigthe roomns. made a fewt reinarks -sbirut tine Inn ae5Iletn t peeer care~ne iiiitle -of Scisoolciaft HIli isSchool. hbuiling-.Therei-ould eleno inck numnber nof stusresnts iii liniteci unar- ofquzsooslis aind the matter of 1 c at as ci in o Cositisissisignliee lethatrlineolarge ated it We st Supierior, Wis. tern nmakes it necessary tisat every -viseenetrs -rnd n oftens comp~lainendricif leretoforeisad nne exercise conurtesy. antifoirbear-benrmde. U-dtaalGrant cls HgSho. - Inces"Drenstilnedirhianyeni that all Cern ans Jnc d GoraetsScsorrl. sine. 'lii Isetsiner my ircssinssibte applied to lasn d u that naInn-s-siCrce oal stancres, icfr sii ii l. 05 imr ahsitics annul tineClassics librty ne isny tnnieniinssenrlInlpolitics anunkinidred i~terests heatosta moh-asenilei.Tns c Irnlectnre was tndnlvr~ crin E-. N. Edwards asnd ,Charlotte yrsonimmc disturbianeatcs e n-itilaw insdmitine-ar'siokma w niensoo ins. This onsehitto hbe nisseonis- osnisRia ctnot 'When rou wantithe Latest Metrepolitan Snvies iSoes at o1apair leahssnAnn Arbor piessendfor Caalsanselto R. H. FYFE & Co& DETRsOtT, MICHt. P. J. KINNUCAN, MERCHAiNT TAILOR 11Nn- IMPTtEncsati sngerl Tue Iis irge criowd inresennt tirhe opniniig exercises ironvoked tins witey rennark frin tine Prsesiesnt thast if tine lsarge nusmbeirr tnontinuednn linn swouinipromsise nsore commsnodiouis quoarters. begusni. For tine juniors, Deans KniontItoss delivereni tine snriresi'atsrn. iHicout- lined tine wiork for tine esar snd arlgne 94 sisinnepollsters as toswhasn wsnn expected of tinein.-Illis not Ines-ed tinat tineninior class this year will exceedi ie nnmhers that nsf mst ear. ; -111- xcnsniNEW siOL 51rUIsC. DS. nnFOiRD n tusi --N -i-niNTO T Prospects for tine newc schsonnl-if inssic are thne brighstest.R e'st1a-s Ato: seniielcurrnss lions isi to noon yesterday snmbniered of tine mecical bnildisne snas crowdred to, far exceeding Prof.Stasnley' lls iset oherioirFr' Z>otsasnileelecaaen ddi s sress of wnelcomne to line freshsmsan conmnodions nquarters are beinne ar- as -rtsry-iitclsetv rannged in Newvierr y hall, -indtl las rtitin-eigt onscuiv teaching forte has been enlarged.-yaslemnoicitn 1 ln asc bity. It swonsld be imipossible for any Portie niao is hievya Zatnl one to crownd isnto olne hnour's lectusre a te of line Royal Acadenmynf Mutsic, smiore wisdiomn and~ good solid advsice, Josetoss, ansi for foutr years lens-aleilian this venerable professor is cats- psnpil of Joseffy, manshbeen engaged.-al sfiin Sincetine opsenilng of tine N.ational e ecnnraesite Icoinditions of tineimedical scinool C onservatory, NestYork, M~issilovey of ithirty-egn years ago sih that has beesn a piano teacher. Anoilner of to-day. ' The course thnen wvas notable additions is tlnat of D~r. only two years, of six nnonthns earls, D'Vorak, one of tine greatest liing i egh.''sr a s io-so conmposers, concert pianists and in ilnose tinses for practical anatomusy, organists. 'Fie Septenmher Century I iCoisisnuea osi d nie.l M. 11. Ituciplser. lawc'92, and R 0:P1OrIE S AV. It. Usular, lass pi, innse fornmed a law partnsershnip at Traverse Cts, D to t ihg n Mtiri. I__I _______________Michigan.__ Johns A. Peters, class of '92, las f 'Qhmofl Strrsight Qcit. ciharge of else departnment of Creek Ne. I and tLatin inn tine Decatur, Ill., Rieh CIGARETTES. Schnool. ar iligSonam ites Keliher Crane i thecaus ofore shin she price Kelehe Crne s te nmeeflcarged for the ,ruissai-y icae Cigarestes,.will fand a nest lasv fins in Seattle, Wh.mb Tess BRAND nuperior in comnposed of John ll-elielner, law- - - The Ricmo nd Strsight Cit Ne. 5 cigarettes are madein sin the tright- anti G. 0. Crane, lane'92. est, miss delleatelinflavored and highest nest held Leaf grews in Virginia. Thin is the Old D~an A'-. Yancey, lasv '92, 15 a and Origisn limeadio' Straight Cuat rigsrentns. and seas heought out hr as in she iyear til5. casndidate for the Legislature of Oneware imitations. and observe thst the ii me na h elowis assevery pachage. Mlontassa frons Silver Bony counts The ALLEN&OGINTERPBranch I Oftshe American Tebacco en.. upons tne dennocratic ticket. Manufisactrers, - - Richmoend, Virginia. Dr. Johin Droswn, authlor of a life ~ S ..3 E .Z of Johen Duny-aseasud am autleoruDv on Englisle colleges and universitissC a is a nunit of Prof. R. C. Davis. AX. E. Ewing, lasv'92, wino was 11'W W ashington St. one of tine mosi actiseneembers of m:axo -M 17a- tine U. of Al. Republican Club last year, inas been noninated for repre- R.. JOLLY1,& .CD., seniative ini the stain legislature by -SELL-- thin republicanss of Rillsdale county, ~T~ 'I0 T ~~y and will no doubt be elected.. AND ALL STUDENT'S SUPP'LIES.