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November 14, 1892 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1892-11-14

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A1ipes i Stock


Discount Sale on all Overcoats at Noble's.

Lo w ney "Srin ed Instrument, This inc
Chocolcttep 1
Jitit (i rc id. They are the fittest j
itt Aocti t WLSEYS, garments.
CALKIiNS i cL r f34 S. State Street.

Lides even our fine tailor made

iiic z'i , ihdi,41i ttio ar lo ..Iitti ti-,S tltt Note hitioka, Blit lkIl oiLs, Stat tt-ri . We I1< vcc'li arse
Our Stock w-ill be found Complete ari our Prices, asLow as lie Loxwest.
r tct'irk of tL tie ltto l B-ocx ti' 2fi fito h.JtrI'Iitto .

00100 00010CE;

SB. _VtU U I 1:" -E7E. .sCall on Wm. Fulde. the
she Ilocltestr, Theitoyttand.ThtePetfetior Sxudent ofpsStt e -st
iiat ri dti tttttthey give ite most pettect tighit of antin s maditite . Whle the Crliaoiiig-eisteioiortpesng o iete-sts
pittc sitaryfront 90 cents tos $1-5 ectheiy tlt give thisamte quality itid Atrran-OStitOtoo serstisia tity. A torkiist-class..
tity sit light.-
IXrgaitd Lamp, wxithi porceltain shadles, at - - - - it5cets IF YO01 WANT TO
tied Stair Oil, that bttrtts without odor, does nost chtr the xick,
CIYt ntl gives a puore wbite light, delivered at - 10-li cetits per gtli ur~,l ar O1oo]Z
CIYtOil Cans, aiccor-ding to capacity, from - - - - 201 cents to f$t each.
To see to to believe. See our stock antd yout xill be conincised that xwe sell oi- tave sornie iepiin done go to
thte best Lampl andi best Oil for the least mtoney otfiany bouse ithits city. W ,A! h
44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. n 1I1nArijlJ,36sMtin street

1 O iNS RU ST E.i THE CAMPUS. committee of the Epsortli League S AF O
____________________________received -Mlethodist girls at sirs.
:trof. Concly xvill "instcrrogatc'e" eoss atra tttno
W illYou oo Iis classcs neteeck. aliss Gcrtrudec -terrill rcturtncd to
A. C. Marshall, '9.1 lit, spent htcr hotte in Dtcrsit last night, after -ciii:-.
At our Shiowo Witdoxe't ils Sunda-yxwiths iiparetni ts ictroit. a short visit isiths ter sister, hiss
is x otwn story abotut The snophososreatni freshmn stcsie Merrill and college frietnds.
Gu ASpraye meetingsocretotnighitat mtsRoaho e ice'93,xwill
o'lc.lecture at the Mhissiosncihurchs of the r1
.1N1)Will I . Ashley, titarinir, '91t, iwas filth xward tiest Fridlay eveninig, on A L
PRICES. msarried recesitly at his htomin*sal- the subject, "'A visit to the lsig itsg
TIE ALNN AtRBORt OttLIN CO., disa, Ohio. ofthde Taboo.'
ii suth tain Street.'IThe ''Sttmsmeir Dudes,"' gate a The football games played Sattir- Is shiovititea tirsit-l.
swecllhbop its Gransger's ncew hall,da resutlted as followos: U. of 1M.Drs
XIGHIGAN c'ECNTIR L Friday evening, i8, L. of C. lo, t'. of at. (secondDrs an nies
TimeTable (itted)octtinea tit1t9. The Theodore Thomsas orchestra eleven) 12, at. A. A. 4; Xale 28, Trottoerings andth attev
EAST. 1) M t. snT, a. in.
OMit- - -dai>; Chieano pesO5iatt3 xill open tlse Choral U nion series Pennsyhvarnia o. ftFilat itr
tay E itess.----5 tisDaytoitres. b i fr al ndWnt
NO. Limitett . 0'sOMai- tt ti --- 31nextatotnday niglst. 'The Young People's cotnventioni
N. Y. Lissitesd _. -t9 4iN. S. iinited - t159
ingutt atio Ott5p't127 PMio. AlsAnie iB. lDilhons, '92xilhlisot begeldh at iPlymsouths, to-
tat, , 'icago tixpress. 2W
*i N. Exprees.... 3$25G. it. Esitrefis -r,50i. ionstrop, is on thse staff of Mlatcrnity mrorrowe, as expected, as thsechsurchses
_inante Exitress.. 7 47 Amoerican Eats 0165 itU~ at
it. it. Expresso----1047 Pacific Expre8 _10It7bospital,atitnneapolis. and schsools there are closed ox 2suh tt
0. Wt. ttc'ttLiS. H. W. OteatO,
0. P. 8 T. Agent, Chicago. Agt. Attn Aritne. Trie new boarding chub is chris- account of diphtberia.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK- toned the Cbau-tahk-five atsd starts Saturday evening Miss Ittner'soT
OF ANN ARHO I. , out with twtienty-nine tmenmhers. " hicyche was stolen from the veranda Go He WELI
Capiitl,, t. SuOnputs and Profit.;,, $35,W0
'reasnet it generatsanaking busoinens, Car- Robt. Dowening wilh produce , ir- in trout of hser rooms. Rise thhef
ntrascaix eers anosad. slltnr a etrso rdt pocura ginhus at thse opera house totmorrowr. ivas seen and pursued, but hproved I1 ~ DI{
fo xv EA I GT.s .cLARSa 505Casie ti res. See press notices in anothecr coluttnt. imself a better xvhechtuat thiatihis
G R ANGER'S H.i-fW. Goddard hias beeti cahhed persuer. to the plaice to go for fite
OFT T TAIT t~I1o Saginaxw to take chiarge of work D~r. D'Ooge addressed the 9:1tj lie tas thie most selects
btlU~hOF UA1bllI1~in tite hitghs schoolhfotr the present session of the S. C. A. yesterday.
tOth~easan, October, '92, to X&V, '93 week.i-te spoke of the possibility of the FALL AND WINTER
cUR NEW HOALL isceantrally oated andi Rex. Dr. lBristol, of Chsicago, xvill S. C. A. being organized on a
evrpoviinhsbenmdtenrwoeth:<ofrt of one patrons. There are nstits deliver the next sermon in the Wes- broader basis, and encouraged the in Suitigs, Tr'ooseritiga,
to meant, te dancntgroom bing. an the
groandifloor. office at academay, 6Mayn'tard-gt. ieyan Guild series at a date not yet nmovenment. Silk XVestings its the C.
S send S125, ,ar i$a =Q for Sams. fixed. As msany students desire to see woold be pieased toisea
Ili pta Retail Has by expresne
fl theHEST CANDIES inAmtri8a. -Severah cases of theft have been Robt. Downing at tbe opera house, colademi.
strictly pare. Suitable eari reported of iate. Students shouid Tuesday night, it wvould be wehi to
PRSNTS. Express eharges;mksdtpcat
N jrepald. efer anAs It Chicago. take warning and keep their rooms postpone the iaw eiection announced maeaspcit
-- GUNTHER, totonmer;, locked drn the eeig for tomorrowxvenn to some dateFulDesSi.
CHICAO State Street.I
CHCOiLNIS. 'The-. girhs of the entertainment iater in the xweek. 15 2 E.Warhingtou-St., A


lutire tf
e Tailorhing.
stock of
and Fancy
Jity, aint
lve yout
Ann Arbor.

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