THE U. OF M. DAILY.j PASTE THIS IN YOUR HAT! 1 THAT SHABBY HAT! Von] pieelsotion l,,skiltedone 1)' steiencotne Kss.ewho i t otiy mcoiIWL SCARCELY DO IN ANN ARBOR. tered buttdof the U.f MSisst0'hsc m~weltyol -;si ~ctiin'~Phar acy, 34 Suth tateStret titt o are glad to teturn, and xwe ate cot taiitly pleased to seeon, o bi Non know appeoarances go a loit9 ways. No. 34 South State Steeet, (overc Calki'sDi-t igce) ___________________________________ Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Violins,&o.. &c, at Lowest Prices. 2 Years in the B- usiness I EXCelSior Laundry, STRINGS A SPECIALTY. S==_Cmd WiTk GiatTRtev CITY LAUNDRYijei f~ M. M. Seabolt. No. 4 N. Fourth St. an e se tend. A. F. COVERT, P,.) MORE WEMOEBOO 0K STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, MO____ 'j & IE"MO MANDt) (ORNER OF T' 5 iL AIVOxt I'sMSTREETS. I)niversitv Text-Books, AMceisiBooks, Lawxx Books. I tental IBooks, Students' -Note Books. Blank Books, Stttonerv. W oeal.9 Stock of I ettel tandEsset D~rafing Inetratuonts. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. TOCIT~ar ThCYOiH~EX"E- flow PRIES.I Tleltcester, TttetRoyal, situTThe Pettectioni Stuetnt LampsItaxve detoi- etiverte thathytse tettost iperfect ltgttt of otiy lamps innte. Whitle te LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY!l prtces xitrx front 90Ocentt to $t5 each, they alt gtre tttesamne quaaitty mand ittit- -AT-ttty of litgtt. Argetid Lamp, with porcelain shades, at 65 - - itcetnts .BROWN'S DRUG STORE. R~ed Star Otl, that hurnts witlout odor, does tot char the wicik, and cgtves a pure xwhtte tight, deltxvered att10- - l etnts per gal We Don't Want Miuch! !Ott Canis, accoirdintg to rapacity, front -D-) l ett to $6eaehri. To see is to believe. See our stock andtyou sit rll be cotnvtttced that xxe sell WEWATyortrd i uscthe bt Lm n et Oil for the least mioney of tany htouse ini this eitly. sot WANT yoreifeds. t eey 44 Main Street,, South. DEAN & COMPANY. thitng Oos'ltiofts. St WN t sas aes Isei T ECA PSMtr. A. Hlopkitns, assistant libra- needs,I TH CA P S irE WANT to carr mcli a stocktas nan, is ting detained at Iis htonme isi 1 stse'. Will Bassett, '92 lit, is rdrafinits ninpoioin'oteeiu Now, What More Can You Want ?i Byit,.ic.itls o ispmtsheir.g'oth- sriu Fjiest, Guitars, Besjes. Steedelin, etc.,to rent. orstold eoi easy paymtisu. " The Delta Gaines are inthieir nsew HI. J. Frost, iedic '95,ewho hast THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., house at 96 South State street. beets lookitng after the phiarati- L -it. OtExIMEs. MaagerI. V. Friedmsats, formerly '91 lit, ral initerests of a Pirtoskrey firti 51ot at Johshu Hopkins lis year. lis suiiter. returinedt homse Salsir- BICHIGAN CENTRAL., Miss Msaud Pierre, li1t '95, ts dais. Timer Taslt(eiset) Jose 12, 19,2. tearinsicholool at Rorhelle il GCetneral Secretart C. A. Boiwen p. tat.a- ini-nois.rdelivered ott tntrresttttg address ves-I Metda monig t hefistSud tPal Extress ------- 5 25Oat Extress ___ 8 0 Miss Alire IF. Wakelee, '9 lti, lra nr~n tCt rtStdy N.e8,Limted .---620 N. S. imeited--- 13.1 N. . Lieted . II43 ltieeo P. will not retort this Year oxwitsgto ill tstortsitg nteetiitg or tite S. C. A. NiagareeFSilts Opt tt 27AisericneExp If 8 hieatlt. Sertes. Ds. N. Express----. a38 aIt tt Extrts to 0 2 Miss Ediths Clark, lit '91 , is its- Jesse Roberts, tite crark orator of A tititeExpeess..- t47dl Ottleo S peeiat i3 o-,stritetor its chenmistry at Wellesley last year, is totelbeated its Chictago o.a.Ne eis..itd o a E Ito 3 1College-. andr is rttgstged intshie itractice of 0. Wc. HrarGES. St. xv. HAorES, 0 G.P.k3'.A.-eit,Ckiecel-. Assy. AtitAelee. Dr. Yatay itas been prartiritng ishis protessiont. He wiltoot retttrn FIRST NATIO AL profession its Southt Dakota dturing thsis year. FIS A IN L BANK tlte suninter Owittg to tlte stritngencry of tite OF ANN AtRtORa. Captit,$t00,00. Sueptus and Prefits, $30,000. 1ip to 4 o'clock Saturdha"aft'er entrantre examinations, many elansat exe enitteeral einebsinpesseeend0 ttoott about forty fresit dents had applicants for adtmissions have been fee teavelees abeoed. ~HP~i ttiruaetcompelledi to retorts hoone. Rise P..Bxv.,CPres.oma.riaulated S. . CARKONCasier Jnet, '9- etigineer, itas cisargfe somber is greater thans in any pre- GRANG ~ ~ ~ ofR squad of mns at the Worbd's cdn er Twvo Chiinese ladies have been Fargrounds. takitng exanhinatiotns for adlmissiotn t Oth Season, October, '92, to tXay, 13.e t helistsdpaten.Thi OUR NEW HALL tosecettlylnetted and ti year frons lMissouri, is organ- xvork was prtonoutnced to be etui- ,everpeovisinehatseen mtide tin ceenuin thei/ie isor lb oeferto of oee patrons. Tthereeere Pee states ttgaMsor lb nenhhy satisfactory. tn munut, the danntoomenibeing oteW geound fleoe.Offien et acedemy, 6 Meenned-ot. . Brand, pha rmic, '92, htas Mist Waibride, a student, witile 'end $ t1 05, ' 2,oe3 fr M See mn- gone to Pitiadelphia to co nople e hor eback riditng, Saturday after- pt Reteit Bos Sr expres of'bin pharnmaceutical studies. noiarwy erpu eiu thettESTiCANDItES inAmianeonaroly esaedsriu Ptuinetegani Sboesand ntcty pue. Suitiableefor Wright, lasth year's noted spritnter injury by colliditsg withs a carriage PRElSENS. xpesneheerges and boxer, is engaged its the study attecr0ro Topo tdJf 2 pepaid. teftoiatt Cicago ttecre fehmsnadJf Trit o nce- Addeess, of niedicinle at Rush Medical Cot-feonsrt. MsWabdg ws C. FOGUNTHER,Connfectioneefro tet Ms abig a 255 State Streent, ]ego, Chicago. CHICeAOILLtEOIS. Rt is gnrlrcphoso0h thrown from her horse and the lady PATRONIZE University year with be given by the drvn0h araexa lohsoi OWEN'S BARBER SHOP!Y S. C. A. toet Friday evenitng at ho the groutnd, but happily neither Ne. S EAir HUONsSTEET. Newberry Hall. were badly hurt. i Call on Win. Fulde. tht, 'Ittlor, iopposite tte Lawy tiodilsi Willitisist., ltrot i(lr t. est of stite-st. Cleaningt, i-patettcpatis tiei(,ringdenvii notly. Suts i tot ote seilti. AtlwkI! stii-etNss. IF YOU WVAtNT TO Byan . Aaar= ClOock ortave soeetaringiidoe go to lA Mm ArntolI.36 MainStreet S TAF 'Fr"O RD, THTt\ILOR WILL OPEN OCTOBER INT, Al' 42 $outh $tote $treet, FALL AND WINTER GOODS. G. He WILD, TEE LEADIlNG TAILOR, Is tite platte to go for fine T'tilioritg. Ile tas tte niost select stockc of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! its Suittigs. Trosiseritigs, attdlFantry Silkr Vestiiga its the City, antd xwould be pleased to htave yoit call attd examinte. Ile taakes a specialty of Flntl BresSuits. INo. 2 E. Washington-St., Anna Arbor.