'T HE L. 0FMK DAILY t~ooth lBrus hes? 001)D T1ILNQG ;ECKWEAR SALE + , y e Itzche, pi1 +~r + at NOBLES. .And the Bristles will not Cors jStrin ed e, nstrument, Out. -^-CIIICE of a window full of "lin-hands, Tcks a1nd( Puffs or CALKINS', WILSEY'S,y 34?? S. State Street. {AndLo ics 34 S. State Street. 148 t. 48 ets. 48 Cts. 4S ets. MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORE, 0O- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, AND _OR_ OF1SATE ND kI 001 TaT'. luvresity Tcxt-Book-, Medical Booksa, La(w hlkS, Iental iBoolts. Students' :Note0 ook. lank Books, St-taionr. We louecaIiarucec M(ockc of (coifl tand Esser Drafting lnsiruuicuts. Our Stock will he fotund Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. T0rh Te o ~ ~S A V L Y < UzL XEUES. Callaton Win. Flde, tll( I the Rochiester, TileiRoyal, an111The Pe1rfectionl Studlent Llamps havxe (rl uie Odoee ieLa m-dl5 onlr~tr ,ed tirat then gvtire moterfect liht o 11anylampts mf .yltl te WVlain , rufst door w1et oci State-a 'icsvtfotiOcnstil$eachlusthe i lde ilie (letolor -llleandlpessglrldt tneatly. prOWsvayY7ol )0 elFato$1 (th iey algi'e ie(late (ltitv 1(1511 qaau-Suis te rer ttaspeciaty. Alt orks(nt-las. 11)11 (ili~itiktty (f light. Argatnd Lamp, witi porcelain shades, at - - - - . (G5 cents IF YOU WANT TO ited Star Ol, that hurns wthout odor, does no(t cilar the wick, LARGST SOCK N TH CIT! Oi and gives a(pore white ight. delivered at . - 10 cents per g1l3~a A ~ ~ ~ o OlCans, according to cpacity, f rnm - - - 21) cents to $11 each. To see is to elieve. See our stock and youl will e conlvinced that se sell ohave sonIe ttepiin dne go to thre est Lamap and best Oil for tile least money of any hllose ill tlhis city. r~l -A-44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. ' 11 d3 Mdn street BROW,, N'S I)RjUG S0V11,.1 THE CAMPUS. l The sEncerng Socty imccl I - l~~~onig ht inI 001oom 1 730.11aTAF ORP .11 -v- ~Thec Utah lubl court has organized K. C.fileldi will discuss the Tests WA il You LJoo ~51anlaoptedi a constitution. of Sorae Itters orLaunh ls te W~lloll t Ils Dr. Gibbs first class in prctica tie 1World's fair.'' lpathlology fiilshed the11i11rIk, es- I larry- Crol appered up o the it's(0111 Stotyi .110111 trday. campus, yesterday aternoon15, wear-! GUITARS {I xaminations ill tle svaious de- lug his football suit. IHIe Was very ADioounstrallolsal courses in the Iel-ll-anxious to play, and~ will udo ubt- '7 \ cal(delartmlen t, wuill is1e1heldtis edly e in god codition for ti P CE.afternoonl. Cornlell game Thanksgiv ing Day. lit1: ANN AtII1ORt OlGItAN CO., The nomnilating speechles, in the The Cornell-Princeton gamse as al StAlan sreet. jnior lasw'electou today. arc rc- een declared oif y the Prinsceton Tasilhowing ilr-iasle(t a± trictedl to fs-ceOminutes for presitet management tupon the grouud that tJIG N ENTRALand t trce misnues for all otier tie PrinctounIalumni inisledi upon Drss 1an1Bsnesditns TinaismSt 10sc1.i . (( sd. ofitcers. suchl action in orter to sae Ilhe TrouseringsanI~dFinner Vestiings i~i 0~~e.-. 52o otspi' 5..M V. ). lozoosky. a student from tile eleven for the Yale gaume. fo'llatl Wilter. h0ipe Nlu. . t 07 Bulugaria, isNoS ill lecture 011 tile "Greek 1I1 is probable that Ile class foot aet '111OI1 t Church alnd-Mode of Life Anloug all amnes will not tbc playedl until 1. N. NExrtes. -.. ac70i11. senss -_ ri r 11Blgarians,"lat tile Presbterian atrThankgiving, ilorder to gv .1 Itic Epress- . ' AmItPlelie Stta c p 0 l1 t. R. Expr s,(.1.10 17.fi xpreasrVs, chrch tolillt. thec'Varsity players opportunity for 42 $oth tats treet, t.. Sti. Agent. clil'11i. Aet. AtnrtI rti. The juior phiarmlacy class dcec- reglar pracice andi to uard aainst FIRST NATIONAL BANK tion, last week, resulted as follow: their beng injurell bfore the tor- lOF ANN ARB~OR. Presitient, hlla litoore: vice-llcc nell aue at lDetroit. G. H WIL rasc -elneelll Sininng (lni'ls, for.tent, Alis tanlkect; sereary, MI-. TI c game tomorrow- is to e In Icuet cS lO. tto~fcedtpourdlAeal; treas'urer, Sr. lelltr lIyed at thlymp~ic Pak, adl 111 1 -ATG IOR 1,w tr~tt'E S~lahro ~ P. t(BA(11 Pre. I T E L Iiy 1IO S5.5t.1i51,caiiSr. i A ine lot of scientific alilaraIas lnot at till Epositioln gotunds, as-f se!- RA as tbroughlt rollsEurope bil) l.t-ann~oun~cedl 00 tie tickes. 11w- Is tie place tl g fr ie Tailrig. rlTf IT idAbli. It is intended for use in tile differentlilhes of cars will take you5 leE h ils eetsukp { rherapc~l~sutle laboratory, and is val- wihini halt a block of tie grounids. tiehstemtslctto f .I~t~eaonOctber,=92 toM hell3 at atmost one tousand dollars. Thse gates will e open at 1:30 1. 11 FALL AND WINTER GOODS! '1011 NEW ALIL s cntraslly hoatsed and Severat stutdents in tile costituI- and the game willi e calledi at 2:30. (11111 ro4i111t5-ha 5bee n detolprt-st he~ Irt 11111pl-~s kenctst~- tional law class had a narrow escape Tile tickets for tle U. of 1-te- moun th111,Ils dancig room eaitg on the ill Siting, TroUlseiIg, Iand 'ncy ,:on lola-. Otict at acldelnl', (Mlssnard-st. from injury hy falling plastering, high gamel in Toledo tomorrow are Sik eangiltleCyId I 1r5f ,e ednesday afternoon. Atuch cx- in the hads of the directors. The Si ouhpleain snte ityand( the(tnsTtAaolinAneri -. citenent was caused for a few mo- directors will e on hand at qi Pt sp inI elegant doses anti mets and the professor in charge col osro son tte call an~d examine. Ie rIctly puree. Sutdto f~- ost'cok ooro ntinl h pepaid . e o 1Cia.st his usual calmness amidst the T., A. A. & N. Al. stationl to sup- ke pecaly of i1,rF GU'TE dcanfe son, excitemeint that followed. That (50 ply all intending to acconpany the Full Dress Suits. C I~~ne. I njuedNo 2 E. Washington-St. An Arbor.