THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE~ STUDENTS. -~T ~ T'T 2J'E AGE'NTS 1F01E---- G4ENTLEMEN:I We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that our Stock, as usual, includes a general and complete line of high class elothing. Young Mfens S7.7Z Z T' IIODGEMKN VS MACKIN TOSHES Are the finest in the World. Esxamin(e our new lint of FULL DRE~SS SHIRTS. SOLE AGENTS FOR made up~ with all the detail, care and skill which characterizes the ,-'{-..O11 NSj4 AND KNOX HATS,<.-66n best merchant tailoring work. Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. THE TVWO S\S "' .. 1 Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE&xr' FL R Ann Arbsr Mich. Capital Stock, $0,00 OWEN'S BARBER SHOP ! ST E L P, Soupne,$150,ra Organized etader te tetGeneral Banking tawe ( o,4Ee. SsTs IluIOnoSToot.. sella exchage onthe pincitpal cties of the !{ C a Unote States. 0raftta cashted upon propere -C-T H E A ROU S,9-- iCHRelioac ,AOfiete., N P J I 11 W W ashington St. CHITA AK . 1)) 1IIo nAN, Vice Prete..O 1 £.'1 ('1s I. Ilsseco Calsie r ATlee)t IILJE ?zs Ot. )1_. 1. Ii ?,A s.C s ir R.>E JOLLY CO., HOT LUNCHES L ~j /I. C(It M. l'ALENI)Atl. i - sia n won the toss asset ooik lteall owith thle wind inth leir faces- NO.,litsltllhi Literary hoc si t)' . I ts~~'s andl after eight mnuitles tte bllai ss traed.eeessdrset tsss back to the center of the field, Miclsi- FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. o O NesI s . I.alehighe. Olympelic 'pels gustbroke traiglit thtroetghtCornell's MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! Toleo. Nv t aNl~trrsce.Literarytey center for acain o j yrdfailing '3- Eaev.Huro'tetsine Lpcygralesseedeate. the gsoalithse score stood, Cornell i0e see, leler"locy Ccl',see "esse eel \tcig en o. uieS iAtsEAReNED0 AN Millet ." lltsrteC~h()etet. ttser e 'esesis -itise visitors tried tse EVBL INoH "'E''PL s e.5ckilleso 5 sgainisng isyardis, sasistthis ivts l'c .I.t es'st'ls sss'ee sls 1}iyfolios'ecitesic y aI~gist setz5o a YOUR RADE ' tlee' OCEei 'L.tell CrS' . e' . A r. seeA;eyeesssee- E :0f ~y l 4l ciiesee'Illeseesseyi 55 sees 'seepti e ,\tlte sne Itsattemspt hi ich", 3eec 'C' AS CORN ELL SAW I. i Illte se c'onds ialf ihi-aslge ide W a~j its bst wssorkbusstcoiuleinit scre, It Was a Gereat Gaste. So Savs theasttiousgh se fiercesthIeC'bail s;:ee'ral Cerreesi Sues.tinsesswitisinecousr lie cecilline. Spceakintg of M.- Coriw~lI Jecwslettist star s's etchfor 'Micli- tie ue. the giti scsere stsoosi, Cnllss 'It wst assgreait gatel. 'Estie ' hi-i-isigast .,1 huessdlec peopleicsat toe tssoIsoutrso00 In te Inlsic eeli.aguescouesrse nexet -- ~~the lsarcd beaches, facing the ehiel1 i\oe tI-enishtsthue estertainmnt swill Novemober lblasts, anthtiere swas not IbietaseitalI by Mr. andtI \lrs. liar- SleteiltDiiscoueit eeeeLate Beoks, one hot thsat felt repaid for htis at- salltr'ase, of Dectroit, assisted by Medical,1Denstt atl Alt uieseity teetdasnce. 'lie svondetrful lbracee0 Felse I snesoc i.pantist,.tnd hi e. 'et'tt'llelis. T'lamirest 'Michoigasn in thse secondi half swas tilhe cr IC'reissen, saccomsepanist. i-le. talk: of tse eday, aentas thtec crowd ' ease is well kncown. in Xnsi Arbeor, ~' k throngeds out cf tite gates Isvery 011necend cciIsswsife, whio has juttrc- ersakn iscmain1howstre ro e tdeIrateo . e phenonminal right lialf-besck wvit Isot facorablie ecommeents are hearth the UA. of MI. leant. see every' siete. 'licetroit pcapers ill the city tee 25 cens. Agrelc foe It weas thse first gamne of thesealsoni are alnmost usnasnimossile stating that Keuitel &'sEsser Mathlemaltiecal Instru-ovwhee aney - real enisismtetoas site has the isinest voice that has_ nmerts. testder ricesllolteverything, ostowns. 'l'ie yelling comnenencedt been heardt leethat city foe several whletn the footbcall favorites flest trot- years. _Mr. Laluond hIas never been led out 0ontte fieldt, and the cheeres heardt ine Ann Arbor; bcut many fa- ST R ere welli sustaied throughcout theevale enak arleetrgrd South State Street and Main Street. afterlcooso.ble hsepang. herdrgad (Oj petite coort;lose'. no.ighspaig Excelsior Laundry, tiood Wor'kel cetroestees.t. Il esees led for se an eliveredt. A. F. COVERT. 'tsp. i E m 0 23 gears in the Business. CITYE Y 0. K,. BARBELR SH-OP. Finie Shoewer silletl, New Pcoreelain S4 C css. :ii., $ssccss. t s tcrrpizse-czl see fs'cetc, $ltrsc'. Dos a reneeel lloesk'eg tbusieness. P' it- eest.ese Sevineos tite. 01assafety Dleposit lioxta tor Rleet. It. KEMl1'F, Pres, F5,. Ii.15EUE, Casher. Banovoee Saturday evening Godspoeedcl &Sons., iilTAILORS. lINE 119 S. Main. Good speed &Sons., SHOES. SEE Tszle.NEW ('t1AZ1" 'TAN (C ocs' 1lt Il 155. / 17 5. Main. Goodspeed &Sons., HATTERS ANDt FURNISHERS. sole' geents less the' 'Mfiller ltst.'' Fine Line sof ack~intoshses. 15 5. Main.