THE U. OF M. DAILY. -zC. of /,vl 1$'1f). Publishedl Daily (Sndays excepted) duriug the Collee year, by j THE LATEST PLAN. Some Suggestionts as to the New Method of Reserving S. L. A., Seats. * FINE AND ELEGANT ,. Of ktfiit hfal iids for Ladies anad Gentle- I fL . Jtis.svrtut~ enutteI IN The boards for reserving stats for itl ii(111 At the earnest solititation of a opend a C8:1,cStra morning,WA R & M L E number of students, we present to at usual places. To avoid standing 48SUH"ANS our readers, today, a brief resume of several hours in line else following the brilliant career of the Choral plan has been adopted. $nL1(1TAT SAiLr. Ttoie-m e ~ f"nsne t ralaln S rmptyat8al ha rep sn7 j dleem it essential that every one who will line up and earls drawv, in turn, ,b5 c ND R W AR is interested in the growth and a number from a hat. Beginning development of the U. of M., and wth~ one there will be enough num- WAGNER & CO., Tailors and Furnishers. its varioits organizations, should hers for all. A new line will thena know oif thae remarkable growth of be formed, earls taking the place ___ Y 1 Toledo, Ann Arbor and North teCoaUnmn Threnyascorerespontding to the number hse r'e Michigan Railway. ago the Chsoral Unions was organized drewe. No one can drawvtswice and_ j aa bumble siiciety for tie further- after the Centing is once closed it ime Card 1iieect Stiniayto. 5611h, 1Sr aneo lsi toti;tia tcannot be reopened for new arrisals.0 oLLUi) I artt ne aftrtas at Ana Stilts. ancti on ls h icnd in iet oit lsianobestilb irgaddtdLie stands as tite of the strongest org-a- If all the iiuiibers tire not draws the Git1 ItNGttlit rl l with ati tialtun rititatl~i.i iriii-g tNoe. he. t1se01 . ttl i'ner Sia rl Aete .1 Iiia I s tie LEADINGSOL5000OF BSIstNSaSi.eattat7 ti .4Ii p.a n. .NieC edi s C tow tililt tutiuh rs will iinite tip Cetli n Si lc t ldlting itle tacerst; lae tstilt1111 1111 E l .laom;di S~l111 tre atuay5;Steti tttp pt ion e s;i lullt till. h.on lo la~ nt tii thatve d irceellii0i iitttrhi iii l silIllotente ettt ear; cmmoetcial gradats tatinNen t ? i«. ;.1-iltnittille c . ...lli cation and esieclially l~it ei l ii C v .e ltstitood a c c astitele e g a pese $.tt2.5p~eit prtiate.fmtt o.Va T oitltto Aertlitlltcl tall.. ilt espealtcaiaallyatdyttti tdat_. stt l t-twieti(tlat112 ii. Icty, ho h s S)Oe wh'lne t riiit ti t irdsit, elceno i eeuit .tkelottliorlall twekadrs cla ?rdielliaitmee IP. a. CLCAaRY, Pnes. leltl ti (rt It I not expenseitto ,C IccssofIti e teretIclore tilt ticCoLck. hi tt~tSi thet unsicat soiety i inwitchleis s \tthe boards reserved seats wiltlibe WeAeo sevtuetonltySa. 011educed 111 llalile. mucinereta dSason tickets, the sasntickets Diyi )1 1ol j ly'111 t, eeitS Itl neeti.aki n tcesnto h dai11 ilyclt bt l t.tlil gareat credtit 1is le alsoto1wtill be launched we tereserve pRtihe itlettalttEtt t li tilS Again.ehet.theENN 1~ 1, It. S. OaEItIVC,0Itt the studettmetmters of tis organn- seat ticket is given, and arien TENNIS - SHOES - IN - STOCK. j Gen.ta Sls . Aen. Loeal A-ens. cation for ttheir pauls-taking and punlchedl the season ticket trill not carfu pactce eensomtiesatadmit to enltertainments, but the b STU)ENTS, SAVE HALF OUT! -MONEY ANDI) BUY careul pactie, eets ometisie at sere teat tickets trill admiit. a sacrtfice of othser 3N The gaun t Tittoledo, totiorrotw, tall at the Conk [Cause, :insn Arbtor, trill take pltace at Otlympic park, November 14, i5, _E>, asnd 17, (Moniay, Tuiesday, Wedtnesday, antI Thutrsday-, whicts is reacee byivan Intdiana ad exam~tine a fitll litie of snaples of street electric ear. -ICy tiisutethe the latt etrotitlpolitans styles of ladies' and gentlemn'ss gynasialm, rtninatg, tickets retadl Expositioti ptrk. and other sport)ingdancitng, ptarty,ansd ,.., street Pshoes, sippets, orerstioestonl rubbtiters, atstatnlElt AV 11.Lt iigstitt, ON TO TOLEDO! uf R.ItIt. Fyfe & CO, Detroit. Amntg whiteta tre the eelebrattetl -Fyfe-h'tot- foeni slities and1"doubte stiti, russet, An Organizeo Assault to be Macinbltutetitrs" Irinter.ltt (loon that City Totmorrow. ________________ IThe Athletic. bolardt lit its 5 aI tar mnthtti tmeeltig lastett u. ~ - \ the treasurer's report sC n~ved a balance us the treasury tof about COLLEGE Y EFN1\ ,$400, tritth the citrrenlt expenses paidt tip, anid the expenses of the foiot- ball tear'ts rariouis trips settledl utu Iha setoctiug yotsr society to ilate. Thietiannagers of the Cor- tell teams at Itlaica treated Michigan badge or anthingi jewelry. ttery fairly, andelchleerfutlly paied the Nven t y on fo bear ass ina expenses if tte triti, trhicht tere tiind. Our roontation is the $409. The Itoarit also ctmpttletedt ar- thighsest for fts workanod ten ratigeisents for tthe sale of tickets, trill offer YoutheCanItost iinode- and tthe accotnisadation of thse sttu- (lent hotly at Toledto oin Saturday. raie priies in a ielaigasa fort It teas ttheaunanimotus opainsions that Clan beefteworke. thse Ann Arbor delegation shtouldt niarels fronathse depot dotwn totwn at FIS1T ON &Co Toledo in a body, displaying thaeir '"t EO s coora and giving the t. of I yell. ttadadtudAte. a ad ctate si., TDoled o sould be property initiated and aroused, as tee hare often DETsRsOIT) - - MICIGAN. awrak cured Detroit. f l-AT TlE-- STUDENTS' BO.OKSTOR.E, STATE ST. Greeki, Ltttiii, Frtettch, Goii aiisd tilt tCleeT ttr-litiks. _N i titd Secndi-llatiii LAW AND EDICAL OOKS AT W IOLESALE 1Ytht CES. S BUSINESSLOCALS. ,GrIBSON, Sli('{toic-st t.TssArtIESt avitabitle it short snoticeettiated tnts. Fisk J11TO R PH " ( 'l'eathers".Agetncy, l10t Wattashtvuteie Chicago. lim NO. 12 W. HURJON ST. Studeists trill fintd itine lite of cani- dies, especially eiiocolates, tt 1 . R O IMttytuuards. thie State street grocer. GIIPOEAIO~ ANN ARBORti. tiNE NIGTls ONLY. (,1i _1ND OPERA 1Hic St". Friday Evening, Novemnber 11. lI~it NM NS HOUtSEHOiLDuttWO. Joseptuhurphuy, otne of Clue foremsutst of te Irisit comediatus ott(hue stage ectmes to Clue Granud otterahioutse tnext Frithay evetnitug, Nov-. hI. No aetor tif (hue presettauge hiss hroughut so muchu pleassure to thousuands of hearts iis Josephs iMurphsy, aindhihsItname us a, hsousetuold waord frotisotte extreme of the countty to tlue other. 'There are those 'who never see (lhe ittside of a. theater except ot huetoetasiona of Joseph Murphay's iappearance, asndChue delightt (they experience is satisfactory enoughu for a year. Mr. Murphy tomes well sutpported, and will, as he always does, test the eapacity of Clue house durintg te enigagetnent. Sptecial eng~ageet fth ie Legititmate lii JO3EFII MURPHY, LSiupportedby his ottu eomtany, sittecom- aniuossdramattu o iKEIMus we ntitlttetd S =I A. vTYN-TM =v-=, i Itrodaciag le.Stuteyv' wrtltd tamatts t steg A Handfaultof Esrth. EPrices, - - - 50c, 75cand$.00, ;Seats oa Saeaat Ittstailuee NessStantd. I RENTSCHLER, Photo grapher, lOtRNER tISIN AND HUROilN STS.