Voc. 1III.-No. 3i. UNIVERSITY OF HIGUIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1892. PtTtts- its /ti ~F r~ It has givei some of the greatestI THE LEHIGH GAME. ,M[IC HAiIMT1H ITSCARMS1 works foi the first time in the state, __! otbytelasaono -'utTrain for Toledo Leaves at 10 a M. ''- An Historical Resume of the['lhere is a possibility thta I)dor~k's Psi41 Arranements ave Been ~ Career of the Choral nion. "etiien Mss my gve a t____hetfinal concert in tie series for'l'ooi-rov. there will b aigret Sn NF rJII rise Choral Union and Its Humble this year, especially if te chorus game of football i Tledo.lis licl i C'DETtIT Beginninx-Its Gradual Growth sceits te veryfla tteringinvlit atioin tim iandscr i ghdulswilt linii'111is over the -,--H. Through a Period of Years-Prof. I pitg skin, (1tilt th5ihtfrth 0i- Stanley 's Efficient Work in its 1reisesi fromt tile tureaii (f Music, iReorganization-Now the Largst i to gveis tuorsbthenscissat te prency liomics toii ialmost i- I 55~~ ca Orgniztionis ne Wst ive y Iteresing one. Iheicscos m ae tyI _____Ogaiatoni_ te et.IubiasiaiExposition, at is iateI bottiof these team5115against1 Cosriel Thei'i ass bless prevasestthaiit, tobe ichossens ty the chorus. stossivsthat the t tea s m sust is' ,h- rganizatioins kiowns s \ t tie aisial smeet n- of ith s-vry iveniy m thd. T e t eami I liira I sum isa esuspratI vts sisal Sieleiin 'Ssq, tiii'ciistills tiat Michigaisi sill 1presnlt sill lie is Chorl U ionis co pasaiiisiI-tro ch etter sisiclihani illattisat tas revs istitutioni, but the conti r is 1lion sas so chaiigedl as toi give te sefeatedsilo Saturay last leris, 5 s-si. the Choral 1Usisosn uas r chorss cosmilsete costrioi of the l'earsosn anid VW ooclsvorths ss italtl i-e 5t u wainasainriiistset ilie ripisita zisr ~aniesiin i1879, as ais outg'riiw ts f entertaisnmests gisess by it durisig in tieir respettiiue l'css 'html f S,Ii r ' hsis a t l to-Siafl irsii the "Messiath Club,'' andsi ussnder thse year,-asid it is tine arty to sletigi's eans ldsimprove s e vi - r .tis atta ehv enal o dn rm tesoe ht ses-us tse directiosi of IProf. I S Inret il atta seIae es beto liessmaking aaist eevens se Ias in s88So te I'niversits'tusst'l 50-iae socs a linse course isi siissical set since ierdileat at itCIorietI's FYF * C eiety' sas organized, assdlalthsoss"hisentt'rtainmssents during tue pstfess' hands. Iartswelsf 1Y slesss betis ot05.ss83-185 Stis Iasi c, -onsistiog sisaissly ccii's- irs.cpast Leghfor the list seven P~Oi IIIlN cosicestigmlts o peson co- yars A. large art of ue success coactisen lie__________________________ n ed wit te inisversstyv sill of the Choral Unions asiresest is weeks. Since lasrour is is oldi seyssre is\tok lon sits 5sii sss Ii te sssirsigefsisIs suh seYale msans it is suite ipobaile tha IiQhmT~onJ Straight Qcs. uy ereto orkalog wth rid du o te utirng ffotsandthe the style oh 'sai saof te tsovIsN. I ogh thisCholnioni.ui citwsiasissof its lae ro.A - teas s siill le sosewat s simias. 's I ARNis. S. Thle pinciplc fiaturss o tis bitIStanssis. IThrosigilihi-is ifhi ~t wi e 'slt itoiope that ouri ownii ' rCIAR E TTES.crwh :iri society ssere:Thelit" issis's"oh s esisc stysecve beenabetoi itn o t snisi wsosk ssil ie a ittie tise bet II ' r'scIVis ,; tousiy litlep -ip ii is s sic its -si' vstiuer.sii' li Capt teluings' of tuee hr h mor+.u th thsse uiiJ cei iic ig trhs alsie-stosiicrtisuh p rs nacossis iscvslis de 5the itii hess ir siscts ttnlii i" 1ifsco usi isf he I1 iiClus~hill-norze auigth '' r dtlis i sesti bnirshingi ilisisls ii^:~ ' i ic Carno, I avs ig s'sale f Is. e-sic ss i ssisisrs 'ii -ss ah rSw r i' tsriu-ito e~ld, ills o er )I re [ io=rs ir lid illsisuse; '551 tit Iai 01 lii is tlsv's os, Ciii si i hcl S it' s tood sc thesisv s it iic 5h is hii's coisi o tiii ers 'or ill s' i us i i iie5ios''is5.iss sdiiauihss i CS sasses is inci ns1ietay his is 's thesilisil r 's tmi1s i ifIs d i i iii sVigna '-siassypllayIdinctthithes l Pof.nC.it. hicccssirt is suisig hsItiisvo is bch5 far.ths' tiirsiieasus. i uuiac , cii i sts oftrectivesi tye th eachruis esew aeorebaisls, tsee 'lie saisesscegtitanilsoitsses5 rt I~~~~~ tshleso srsee iyas nicpt easssiitisilecei o tha o u eInlst a s hrltesuO te CteA e~nrttc~. 'hilt Chiorul u U thi ertoasseyear.belire' aouitseofTtoeoineges,areigtasnfo ositioTnSsPCEBEOGST < verah 'Uinfste as f iye is 1anicpe ethis yearisuch ouil ubxcedhy Ho isf iI--them nttseil~ulreresent th titail'' vts it i HosoneI6. Its) - 8ileslr iycs. ir ceiasi t ie sac oa ic ha re eale tttinyeail iisun o bedi-ly sut ~l~clui ulsti i siuiiiu -' titous. ine rtetertihenia t 'iess - isIII- I 5 i, I is-i-nl te~:i t "ees W LL s IN Fsv nosure Saysiriiitntpate. 1 a tre iss -Le hsguthu e s'- . 'aye5Iiu M vetil, ft iei astre riieu d.I Stu l t ra ata to ,anlil b is c1 , ct -~rribc:bnd snis toed'h'oisbiiasisar g re a tuiec , as .Nilaser theiinie i oilsss , duiy- tuie aye ''Ii rars 18 18 ,it'- is ter siiuiu scuil usee s scs f it 'it sp tei a rails _from hush rsi sistaticketsssseain '' his I lassilcie---H-tji onli-aethf slvt iuo inis\1r5 i, p j- lilou irss'o us lso I sy elgreshomas eis a iliiea t's ndlIasinN orakt [I vii iii sltisissd i heui s-i sog nailvilasay l ssus " os'httite sshehts fteD-isy 'Srseac'muhs ss-l btsy 11 tilvs t'ttit't sl ~oiieusv 1 a theuiralhold oes r ac oe it.th' rissususi trai n rosnnro ucicssIV -'K -.'17 ..N (osl si Meh susi lo ii by uH 1 ashy will t eaey te oldo' n Abo,u' plc, are sv is rid h s entFrathes's it 'sit. eey'.i1]i. the et suithISli/\J A i , C hl sr a tuhh'ing f Sl reaseiy s't b f it andsruihh ie i' orthsi to cun trtIisnfatiutes riisfsleey' , sthit as suost eth- eahr nf rou the foi otsisspyetrs o'to tctkrylo Rtuing l l n ak e srI woilhie astoal repe uttio fur or hntclarineteirsaophnesa oeToenistrk ardr thai'sknuvnt hat for5NiliANtsii isi aretud ebrloudss. pCaloradresasthey roasdetau's esslsusingastc roissi of j itsne. oIlls otienclaRg est a s1htoiseyir fe parose hstud est on plasedato I the tal p o e, s o fi ll ro f . t a r g e s t t s I o s b e , I . W g i s h e e v er y o w fg i oo p a a n d e tya e n i c i r i a h o h V r i y a d v r . O N . s u e t g t o t h sT I ha tUniwet.hsedbingly tureasecr letaryoflIst. ifnd.wsol ltintl sofol grund gain ced, letfvorten illsf cei ng t ilpithntowumes, SlBatefrot. efllwnpaestuetvxpctr.Nting wtol ste a oodur- T sliiCornartscTheiChicagoopAneooo - neamexp ae tg toowseethtam a~i ~n chubd a natinnattiepuetisa s- Tai evefomrooar0 .teiaanxecthin tglismroney's 'iaf t is lrgstcors in.,n lsontm. worth DetotdrMeshgas