THE 'U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. . ~ TVT __AGENTS FO-- GENTLEMEN:- HOD1GEMAN 'S MACKIN t R)SH1E5 We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that ourI Stock, as usual, includes a general and complete line of high class Aetefns ntewrd xmn u e ieo clothing. Young Men's FULJLL DR.SS 5-IIRSS ~~ITS IT~ ~SOLE AGENTS FORl miade np with all the detail, care and skill which cliaracterizes the -.eeYOIJMANS AND KNOX HATS.<--z last merchianit tailoring work. Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. THEVNOSA S Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ann Arbor Minis. Capitai Stuck, $00,000, Surplus, $.0,000. Organizess under she Generai Banking Lawn of this state. Receives Deposits, buys ansi ceiii execiangecen she principal cities o the United States. Drafts cashed upon prosper; idenifeationi. Officers: CHISiTIAN MACK, Prens., W.tD. HAaRRIMAN, Vrice Prens.. CHAR. E. tIStnn(, Casties'. 551 J.'s F Il, Acss.Coshie, o ii PONE PHOTOGRAPHS. .MILLINERY AND ART GOODS PATRONIZE _ diRi STAE3LEn,- ]Excelsior Laundry, OWEN 'S BARBER SHOP ! -0EA551 I iitON STl21iiiTi. No.4 EAoSTiHimo OcoTEsT. m1 CoWok(1~nned od: aldfr'Vf al.I!' id dinered. A. F. COVERT, Pnup. --THE ARGUS.- I2Yer11th j51tZ5 F INZ J013 Iol;IN@ 11 W. Washington S.21Yasith Bune. Ln~s psers '~wG1.'n'an' 3.CIT'YLAUNDRY, AT LOW PICFS. N - :3_M. S a nI4-n od.E.fourtha St. R. E. JOLLY Co.1 HOT LUNCHES O. K. BARBER SHOP. --055. 00Sevedan il(OU Fine.Shower ab 5 , NewPaoreain r , 3!D I, lK l fufYL 's, win rnD uSt.. .I.i~:.:o SA 1. O. (1'NCAVLE'NIAR:. \t a receiintieeting of the w '95 ~5$5iic.p0ilion tiSlid P )i, inc dental class, 11cc foiloowing officers Don-s8 ii gno cc ilri iiitg ioni no. 'oynsi 01t S inntwaing inepnnits. itscc iin ny Nov . Si-ionS niMoon'. nioncri, were elected:DpstBxs"'rlm o° All~iiic fiy 5~ity.Iic"1-y. It illnnSer nft. ss'si, in'ls. F0'i. II. i+1555, Casnien snenonomi iioI~-(ndcette ein lnroilnnt; Mion 'ii. CraSs, oie- Blisnnn nS onnocnnnncili. i No.II-Mn. V. 1). vl ys n ' h Gre> (Inuch inod she Mdelini .ii'A nonm i-rt-'preslileont; It.. IHinsuan, secreta~ry;ai ' -ai-ires" mt-th l'cnoyttns ci-i haonh. Iiis- s - ' , \s.sVnV icerlnimd, irnasurer ia o 4' !1. 4tShin-inSi Nov. Ii,-I' f .vs c i 1,ttinc ii Tn er iirlisl 'Cniciis 'The aninounreinent that Slis Ina- Cd' 1 Scs pr.ntn 5 aninsia baItion 5ciil~e Ballowi, of ihei' 95 Oracle hoard, O pp d ,i 5 (,b'IOCtfit y i it J o .az mci i ii l l ci m la ,asi l{tluc snes aiil tt, ia ttt~l Sourisold lie lectcil Iy the boans,iril.dL R un i iii 'iii do-- a i iistitc. Unsll lii i 'lI2so cc' I > iiiii'i'ii. iii. niiit cccli 1.0uot icon i :,l I 1 I1) r cci.e: 'tti ti' : coon3:}tac.r E A IZoli 1 I O. ouori~asU i'. 4 r t } t iiia. ii ltkton inniiinini ill'- . . cc n> THE CAMPUS. Wahros Nmscti-firce playendilashort prantire gameine sstine campus, yesterday B O U S T O E.afternoon, owith '91., scoring three touichn-dlowns tno their opplonsents, I zero. No zttenips -were mnade to kick goals asnd neither sidle had all its unen suit. clofs. .innit mnI Cole'sldlidnst .Slen'iill~ncniiit cn aw inikoneet several nf thiir classes, 'loues- Medcal Detal an Al 17ive slt lay, hecaunse so fiaty had gone '1ext-ltooils. Tl argest tIhme tosivrine. Nocnenof thein nun Bttiil--ill ltic ipneiil cc tiet Inicnnvi n inn Zcclat 9 a. on. Sntc- i dtas t -MoorI iee &tWetmioces, Mahin st-ceei, insistItsodsi's, State street. .\lniissicas is tplacii at yo cents. 'I"A ewnvmiethoonf reserving seats, as ainnounceinel sthe1)mnnisx, soill lie triedl sir thne irst tiame. 'l'lne lietroitl lree Piress erronneonisly ainnouncedl yesterday mnornning that '95 wouldl Ilay ltne I. A. A., Satur- day, in Detronit. Manag er Brisoe nays that it is tin he the secondl 'Vnamsity elevens. taptain Hlolt will asnnonsce his leasm todlay. HeI says 1- r5- ,ns t~ . Tiein i n -nnlzir 19 S. Main.. Goodspeed & Sons., SHOES. TAN CAin B)Ti HERs. 17 5. Main. Godspeed &Sons., HATTERS ANI FURNISHERS. fisilt- A\ge-nt s 'inc thInn- Millert at." lisle LElie nsf NI scliuloslies. 15 5. Main. s ane lseen repiortedl foir Inltisigex- EduiaridRessess i,tine fine n ohm- tid n& I1n ln V ceint Mlr. OWeks. lot, assisted by' .NI lie. 1Florece-Sign, St ons LULUILi) BooUU leUIX YrstecdaN- afternoonn, duicsg Ptroif. iaiistn MAiss llinie letinot,C 'tel sglnss3-4 counrse in cossti- soprasno soiloist, asid as. WI. harsh- in the city liii 23 sents. \0esi nsiortntiosnal lain, a section nsf lasteringhansk, haritosne; owill give the secosndl Ketsfs'l & Esser Mathenticeal Instnin- absoust a yardsquniare fell fromi the entertalinent of thne S. 1.. A. course inits. t'nc'r plinenssin everythng. ceiling isistheneliadls of four mnale isa toicersity hal sext Nlscnlay studns. It created quite a seinsa- evenisg. It will lbe thne only niusical huon foc the miomnst. It is sup~posedneenng i59in this couirse'. Rerinenvi lSORBS . that waterIfromnnthne labnoratory- abone receive n nl ovs catinon scli'lie he as South State Street and Main Street. saicI'i'ciohi-.Ii-nfai nnoam Onsioi(su ci n.sncnE'. cuedte ic'e. ee or ersa I