j e . of Itt. 1a 1. VoL. III.-No. 2)2. VOL. 11-No 32. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER if0, 1892. IE TEECNS YRICE, THREE CENTS. ID~ 1l YJ ork on Saturday. The Cornell RECITAL TONIGHT. FIRS C DXELLP AME Daily Sun has great etitorial ex--_ pectations. By the Faculty of the University" Michigans Good Sh o wing The price for the round trpShoofMsc Against the Men of Ithaca, Sairs oTldiililng The third recital of the faculty of ~ llPRf5 ____ amitacetote am, ~eiili~ the Unive rsity School of Music will ,/A F 1 E LRS The Score Was44 to oCaptain{Michigan, isf$1.2p.A special traiinti ,t t igto'lokat DERIT"MC tUygert Well Satisfied With Our1willaeteT&A..saio at - Team's Work.-Prospects. For a wl estth ,tN ewberirsyliall. Thic admission is victory at Toledo.-The Thanks- ( in a.m. locail titise.k lA ' b ic a C5oily hy cactoinlvitaison.liie g.iving Cornieli Game Wiil be a tion is expecetd to go with tlie teaiim ioisi susisie sllov I Gr eat Contesct.istI sesgraitnuif tneofcisdsitef'lircui anitsera e tetfasthvestrad Th Otl i e in1 An Arbos! panistdltostse ngod crmsu. litgro,'sstagso cantahile, scls c/n i t iitsfr lste tsic strils Notlls allegroi assa is le-icprtsto;'ilessrs M'ichigan Schocimaite~s'clb tt th men tiere s issy injuredi____!_Sichisaaiii 'iiills isciAl. inst al1 5511 i "spi its.'A liii tin- w itlbehe lIiSaturdalys ' ia, "(1 Dua itteiss1Holderi 1"he "alisi,,,vs playe5dctue istlay iioi i's s a. in.,iiroosta'a 1201ots Ahtntstes is l'agser;es,'its Silas IR. whtyica wci nniAL~tirpciitnn cties aftetrnoson, .at i p. 111.,ni ecc'sss n"g lie folloin is Itepo- ills. Ann Arboriprices, send fis talosgueisrto Iel iTheCiiinhllisn shsosettip gram:i3. Capiccia, 1Ii norsuti . o na & tell asid shut ours men ot.Theuy sz (ietty-lHow ndui Wlice e 'senilssotin;orchestrait pars Ison R FY FE scaredit ' H. mioits duiring the first i 1 incipi l Frasnk L.Sige, Saginawssvsecontd piano;Pits J.IEricsSchsmasal. 15 8315 ,ussuns sal In the sticsosd haltfss ourmn IHich School;2. Sonitc(ihserva- 4. (a) "ie le .penrose, lby Sic-DETRIOIT1, - - M\IC11LGAN. braceds up anldtplayecc a magnificent tions in Gernman Schools, 1 5of.IB.lies; (b) "Ali-!'Ts a Dream," hy gane Cornell addting osly 16 points A.lHinsdtaleU niversitvyiof Pitictil- Hawley; (c) Notturno, bsy Gosnez e i ond Sfrffltght Qcit. te secore. ot 'st of the playinig cuss General ciscuissioss.,;. Etec- Pir. Silas IR: Pills. No. 5 was inCosrnetll's ttrritory duingi this lion of officers; 4. Pianusal training, 5. "Wlhe' Preisliert "' '. CIGARETTES. lltP . H. isez, Director PiManual Traiss- ner-Wilhelmj, Pil. Frederick Piills ,icigarette Smcokers wio Iapainii Ileri ws sisseen this inc Bay' City. Discussion, Suspt. IH. 6. Variations, two piassos, hleets ->se than tciscprice isliortiin" lsy 'sI) cii s' representatise W. Comuptons Toledo, GOhio . ties-Saint Sarns, Piliss GraeA.tu n 1Ai5, lF~ss i~t~es ii fto suit discussiedtthe "amse. lHe saidl'- +----- Poveyusnd Plc. J. Erics Schsmsal. " all oth~ers.555 ih iCrnell isas in ine shape, 'cell Prof.(Griffin. stated yesterdlay that - Cu- nt 5o sciaeess arede from hbigt-c coachedclandsil c moassagesd. 'The lie wilt hegiss to quit on Iis lectures The Literary Societies. asstold Deafgoi irgiia.Thi istheOl train is i heavier onr thsan itichi- nesxI trek. The quizzes in thse lee- adsidrughiteout by sintheyear511. pns, hut cact idse sdependedtchiefly ture coons will hr conducted Iby os rs epi ocitysil epdt s5ca'esisswrypsig. I The ALLEFN & GINTER irnc imoon esnd runs ansilblockinsg. He of the quiz-masters, stle a portion the following prograns Friday night oit the Ameic can TobactcotCe., sail Mscehs~an had the halt isnside of of the class will he taken to a isualter iiros4 at1). b,.:Coeadn"lMr ManeactislineRifheised.Virgisoia Conl adln rqetyro and quizzed hy Prof. Griffin. Louiselle; "Livinig in 'rents,'' Mr (Si aind onice sasd it sithin one yard of P Irof. Alonzo 1'. Jones, of Nrw D. F. Wilcox; talk, Mr. Kilhride; r Cornell's gout line; hut it seas iii this York city, editor of the iiAmserican crisis that Csrtill's flne trans work Sentsnlr,'' sill discuss the qustsion, ssetd ter. Cornell hiatt played " iShiall the Sunday Closing Act of t. evasi tir Saturday hefore, asnd Congress he Repesaled?" oni Friday hiatt bern heastenhy the close score evening, Nov. ss, at 8 i'clock, isn if Wn to 14. 'liaking tlsis antI PiiclO- tise law lecture roomi. Admoission pan's previousi scores stits Coriw!P I free. ilto conssiderations, Captain Dyge t. s Chsas. G. Planer, lit '95', ceturined "assections that iicligass is ins tas to college yestrtay. lie has heen bectter ihsapce thsansevec hefore ices (sice April a U. S. isispector of so he fully vecifiest. dredgisig at the Stay ILake, Piich., Captasin Dyvgert sail that tsr toes canal operations. He. says tie ex-j not tlisisik Cornetlhis ini hetter ihapse pects tio tecomse si canidisate for liis delassthilyehar. Hte feelistiure thsat class Rughy Itussm. Michigan still smsske a miuschshetter Among the ness courses isitrousc. slssosing oii 'lhansksgivincg Day ini the edt at Mactacit this year is one oss stcond Cornell ganme at Detroit. tHe physical culture, of four years dii- also said thastsre fully expects to cation. Its ohject is to give in- uhosvn Lehsighs at 'l.oleulo, Saturday. struction to those students wishing Lehigh's game against Cornell was to tracts that suhject, and particu- mnuch poorer thsan Piichigan's. larly as an introduction to the studty Leonard is credited wills good runs of medicine. bit swills only fair oppositiona play Paris University, tlse largest in wshen Cornell had thuehalt. The the world, has 9,215 students; Vi- othser men shoswed tisp finely as usual. ena is second, having 6,220 sto. Cocssell wilt play Princeton in New dents, and Berlin third. dehate, Resolved, That Canada should he! annexed to the United Slates. Affirmsative, PMc. Holnmes; negative, Mc. Klisiger. 'The Alpha No society still offer thse follosting progranm in Alpha No hsall, Saturday evenisig: Gsitar duet, Piessrs Ritter and Piiller;radingc Alex. Cumming; declamation, E. C. Watson; guitar duet, Piessrs. Ritter and Piiller: dehate, Resolved, That ltce World's Fair shusldl he closedl on Susidays. Affirnmative, Piesssi. Kellogg antI .Porter; inegatise, PMessri. hBlock ansd Dykema. Disc- il 11. tLuten hsas drawtn a very artis- tic announcesnent of thse programi and it snay he seen on the Alpha No builletin hoard, main lhull. 'The Chsoral Union is iss receipt of another invitation to Chicago, thse date to he determined upon by the society itself. This obviates the difficulty of going during the third week of June. TIlS SPACE BELONGS TO ROEHM & SON, DETROIT. THEIR ADVERTI S E MEN T WILL APPEAR IN A FEW IDAYS. P. J. KIN'NU CAN, MERCHANT TAILOR ANDIMPsORTRie Or =s'E -=000OQ-=N-S, f5'VT. FOIRS2'., Detroit, 1Michigan.