THE U. OF M. DAILY! Tooth Brushes? 'GOOD $TRIN0CS EO WEA MLE + YE' I>o kehave thell. FM"its ititi Arnd the Bristles will riot Com-e !Stringed instrumnent, Out. -T + + at NOBL E'&S CiIIOICE of ao Nindow full of 4-ini-Hands, Tecks and Paffs for CALKINS, 34 S. State Street. WILSEY S, 1 aeLown. 34 S. State Street. 148 cts. 48 cts. 4S cts. 48 cets- MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORE, NO-i 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ______________AND CORNER O TT AND WILIA1M1SiTREETS. Univerty Text-Looks, Medical Boolks, Lasy Boolks, D~ental Kooks, Students' Note B~ooks, B~laiik 3ooks, Stationery. Wre have a large Sokof _Keuflel and Esser IDraffig Instrumuents. Our Stock -will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. -1=1 TO 7'T1= CVE 0UI) EXE 'The lRochester, The Rloyal, anti The Perfection Student Lamps have dem- onstrated that they give the most perfect light of any 110115 usaile. While the ~ PIDUES.prices vary frons 90 cenits to $15 each, they all give the same quality and uiuasi- t~o t ES.tity of light. Argand LTamp. with porcelain shsades, at - -- - -0 5 cents R~ed Star Oil, that horns without odor, does not char the wick. LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY!Oi and gives a pore white light, delivered at - - - 10) cents per gal OlCans, according to capacity, from - - - - 20 cents to $( each. To see is to helieve. See our stock and yoss wil he convinced that 'ae sell the heat Lamp and heat Oil for the least money of any house in this city. -AT- 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. 105f-IUN'T.2TT? TT(--".NPsT ti' THE CAMPUS. 1 0 I:. The purpose of this union isI )11UJtL'Vi5JJLUt~ L ifIImYti + .- .I.** v. - - -- adlvanceet isnItic art and sciecre '' lie- School of Masts has i 07 of elocution. 51eckly meetings swill illYOU J100'A pupils. bc held, ainl Irisate rehearsals oures T1here will he no lass lectures to- a week. Atour Shsow Window" If [ills imiirrowv. Sophomore irayer iaeetiug this its own story Thouis t 4I . '. Parker, formserly '9 lit, evening nihl1)e lead hr 1.1. I~Ieas, captains the '-I. A. A. eseven. at 7:00. ''Earnest I nquiry An- 0GU ITARS Ahout 5o Albion einthusiasts caure saered'' is the topic. ANDL down witls the leans, Saturday. Chas. Cariman, lit 'ii t, iiistructor PIE .-.1.Jntelf o wsoti npyisadceityi h TilE ANN AttIBli O ouAN CO., meoruing, to exercise Isis elective Grand Rapids highscshlool, is the 5i i suthlain street. franchise. guest of 111r. aisd irs. Corhiis. S Roy N.Stiller, mnaiaging editor At '95's class meeting, Satuirday X TGYTGANCK TR of Alhion Pleiatd, witnessed Satur- morning, the question of a class Time TaSSblt evisedlJiine 13,2. 5.* day's game. cane was definitely settled. All Maill-------- 4 l5, Chicao Special...i3(K Mr. Buck, of Alhioin college, is orders niust leienusby Tuesday even- Da ExSpress .....5 aDay Naprs-_--. 1,1 ' N. a. Limfted}_- a g2 1MaiO-- 0 iS--- 9 visiting lila sister, Miss Gertrude ing. 'V.. Liaited- 04-5 N. S. Limited -- S50 Niagara Falls Spi1ii 27 to.'mg Buck, lit '94. Junior las played the highs schsool a.,si. Chicago Express. 2Aa 5). N. Espres.... 5 380.11t. Expreos 5 50 Charles P. ilasclden, deiii'94, eleven, Saturday morning, and were Atlanticeexpress - 7 4t Amserica Exp 0 M 15 '_. R. Express-_10 47 Pacifice Extpress__Wi'N7 sinudied last ya at the Uiest neeoiul ote bu h oJ. WiRUGGLES. H.W. HAElm4, ya nvriyucrmnosylsldsott ta.EP.&T. Ageat, Chieago. AgL.Ana Artbor, of Basle, Swizerland. canmpus. Score, i6 to o, favor of FIRST NATIONAL BANK Mr. Youisg, liti'94 has bers high school. OF ANN AROBOR. called to Brooklyn, N. Y., hyyitie Rev. Jeinkins Lloyd Jones, of Cnpitali,)i '000. Oiurpiusan dProfits, $000011. 'Transact- a generai Sassing busisess, fer- serious illisess of hip sister. Chicago, will deliver the next lee- alga taxela~ers rad otlers ef credit procured Miss Silver, state secretary (if the lure of the Unity Cliih series, Sat- a. W. CLRaixOos.Cashier. C Ie . V.'. C. A., will address the S. C. urday evening. Ills suhject is GR NG R'S 'A. Nov. 20, iiistead of Nos'. 13, as "Msillet," the great Frenchs peasant annouiscecd. painter. The lecture wcill lie illus- Miiss Neumnii leads the freshiiaii tratecd fy fine lanteris viewss. 'S H O OF DANIJL prayer mseeting this evening at 7 :00, Owing to a slight misiuderstand- I Oth Season, Otbr 9,t a.13 OUR NEWP HALF, is centrally iocated andi in !Newherry hall. Subject: "'lelug sheaf the arrangemnts for the evyprovision asxbeen made tn proa~tteA sniteort of our patrons. There are noestairs Aiding Joby., meeting, Judge Cheever's address ts monta, the dancimig room Seing en the grondmflonr. Oficeaataacademy, 6Maynard-nt. H. B. Gammoen, ofltheleIAics' was not given, Saturday evening, as send'i1i2a5' a:. or$ 00fcr Sam- staff, has gone hoone to Preston, advertised. Ile ill, lieuever, speak iOe Rethatinoxbyerea.o-Ill to exercise his right as an hefore the University Prohihition Put sip in elegant lies1 and American citizein. cluh at thseir headquarters in 1. 0. atrmicalypue.Siiitablie for m prepai3.Refier to all Chie a. P. T aeboodsirivate pupils, C. 'T. hall on Slate siredt this even- ' rirst oncen Addresa, . itn fnn oeshv r n.Mscwl efrihdl Tii C. 5 tiTHEit.Confeetioner, cnitnbo icc-esaaeor n.Suscwl ebunse y CH1 taeSret IAGO, ivtvacs: ganized a society kinosvn as thse K. I the t'. of'SI. Prollhiitoin quartette. , t I 1 s Call on Win. Fulde. the Tailor, opposite thle Lawi Buildiing, on William-st., first door west of State-at. Cleaning, repairing and pressingclnea neatiy. Salts to order aspecilty. All work Sirat-eiaa. IF YOU WANT TO Sup an AlaxznOGoo1 emrliave someelimpairing done go is WfM- Arl)ohky 36 Main Street STA FFOP~J TAILOR! Is Showing a first-clsiss hune of Dicas and Business Siiitinga, Trouaeriiigs tnd Fancy Vestinga foi' Fall and Winter-. 42 $outh state $treet. G, H. WILD, THlE LEADIITG TAILOR , Is the pliee to go for line Taiiloring. Ite has the most select stocke (f FALL AND WINTER GOODS! ill Suitiiigs, Trousertins, and Faney Silk Vestings in flip City, and wvosild he lpleasedl to lime you call aiid examilne. Ile mnakes a specialty of Tull Dress Suits. No. 2 E. Washington-St.. Ann Arbor.