THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. (jD TYTr ~ r-i GENTLEMEN:-BED MAELRXGBsls I XVi -1-1 f- AT THE TWO SAMSIN Stock, as usutal, iinelttdes a general and complete line of high class clothing'. Young M~etCs' ~7ITS T 0-7, oo7- The entire Stock of Gentlemen's Fine Clothing, Overcoats, UT~sters, 'Fne Stilts, Men's, tBoys' and Children's, will be sacrificed at the TWO S A A S. Every garment in the house at (Cost anti less thtan Cost. 'Ilils will tie the greatest sale ever made of line Clothing $20,000 WORTH OF OVERCOATS, omade tip with all the sdetail, cite toil skill wthich characterizes the Suils and Pants. Snits most tie sold in order to make room for two other best itterchaTit tailorn ok lines of lustiness. Instead of the Reasty-Made Clotlsinguve shall substittite Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. Anm Arbor Savings Bank o. K. BARBER SHOP. Ass Arbor Mich. Capitai sine, $,0W1tiS, I tns Orgaiieetisitder tieGeal Btiing Laws Fine Shower Baths., tiew Porcelain oi thi state. Rceves Depsitbust'and t.s,5tiii 0 Tis. isnsi A Merchaiqt Tailoriqg pepartlpelt, -,mf-i-=oS ~ )= === 2n-rri =TT- We shall cointinute the Hlat 1)cpartme n id turnishing as heretofore. to ordier to uo this, every article nmuist lie sold biefore sse canltndoaitythiitg. (''I'!. NS, 511 1 IiN'lS, this nywiltue Your olitortitsity. lit sorder UnitsedStt'is.i'afts casht"i" -d ' "' I_________proper_ , lit this quickly, sse shaltl oer ts our ctustiiers this entire stocik at ac- idetifcaton.()fcer: I t'U U 1 4tual coist andil ess than cost. We inivite everyblotinout oil ndse is. CIItMNi IMAt'K, CieS., 0 _____9 Nitsurh ine lini' of "noods intth le curv. No hiiutse ii the state lissat liter HARtICMAN, Vicei Pres.. __ t irz s "'t', . est 5'si Caital. $00y. sMiJ (l Iioit su, $17,000.i' lihe astilevery garneent sril1libe sldlst inst anil less tin coi rst. ...Dones a genseraoBing siis snst.sii- iciest en ts i ngstepissits. Pinssinifity Oepotnt ii3ias tor Rent. 10tutitnsti itS etir evetisng. ( S _ sriItllih'fondititsi'tthe uslstrut . teltotue11Cleceiesv( ittitisw ee tre ,oitiq FACULTY CHANGE38 ou f .isietcitirely. The I 'iiiii sig Goids atid Itat IDeparstmientts will__1,,i(itti ith'~ited a l tire new dr ut ts sltletd. 'Iltis still play' havoct wih_______lg Isths alan iiw it, Iliut it tin't liehelpesd. 6. it tie i I ii nt e o theI lie seolsie tilii0 cusstotmers will"gelt he liensefit. (',sose at onrce antI to t n rtt t err ft he bitt it 'ititt-ti OS ts this n , )f its i est tttitil ability as r== T7_ 0 S IV stisrsrer, Wus i sus l~t tl __________. - . -- - issrv task. Thast liv. Hotiell svillL. uTu - L ave a weorth li tceessor is very ap- rda i pareAnlits te in tsa poisitiont to gas e unof utueleritics, tueeity-hs e 1 .Nahl-o tet FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. litre. liv. Isitthsartt, lateIrotfessor Ot cttlle(,esitryivesta~rv'l0i.5'tiisitstet IR.. A N 19 i~t. I. olarihtsiotlotgy at (Clark Uniiversity, bgeshoolsail the rest if college __ __ MILLINERY AND ART GOODS swill Iereafter eeseovrth setair ndishing.ttne very nmarkedllIt 30Eai5ist uo sitt. ofphysiology intheeIUniversitV fpr\ettuent tas been smade in heI-eia eI miciulgrast. teiY at flre svork of the jutilur class. 4ieie S tHAVP, ANIt ANexperiettre andul itftuarkedileiity in labioratory courses an tractical Degfree S VAII, this special fielid. tle has a reltutta' clinical isesdicitte are offered, ansI REPTATON iliesas ais origitsil investigator ant the'ypresent stidvantages sitshitaisase YOU esRi'TAis as a coitirtititor toi tiseliteratuire of nofscirei le utyotercolel o 1ii 1)i s thdis dettartntent. teln.p re to EA.I ey1er & Son lDv. ither,stwIo IransIueeinabroadst TivN'r It.A'nRsTMLNT s A ~ ~ for- the hast sixteeirmoosths, tine- Ie theleintal idepasrtmntA. W. is S OppCnutse . suing steecial svork itt histnlogy andi I laidle, se thre class of '92,hers been phtysioilogy ini thte leaditug sichools of appiniu tedl assistasnt ini mechanical etthe oiino sitn toe-la uesrftelade continent, has returnesi to ac- deintistry. 'Ihe juntior laboratoryI~ae au ssoy of physiolotgy.Ilie trill assume coiitiinuous guitte work Ihashieeit H enttire charge of thee course in his- addiedl tiethee cuirriceulusut 11 ~ ~ ~ r~ A 1portion osi thieolii Honteotpathic THE ATHLETIC BOARDT io ig tospital has teeiesecusrend fur newHedIsFrt-BinsMeig B O K R a su rg ic a l a n ti p a th o lo g ica l la b o ra - H0d I s irslBsin ss B a s i n tories. 'r'he quiarters formerly oc- .wleotetwnydrcrsf ISE MP FEDB OU cispied biy lr. Gibbs in of ISl.NAEhleLIcFlsEDcBYtOUR bilitnsg, twill non e leentirety de-m'l itPesI'.Sf C. lei ottrin voted to the twork in thistolotgy, aini ronie eSur ay.eve.iC . StGiee sit ~ t Cvn Siteeal D~isceoun itt Lawnv Books, as a result the physiological latiora-enuiiiStiiayeetgGne QrEt vnn' Miedieal, Dilat aid All U'iveri'sty tory will be greatly increasedi in ral routine business teas transacteid. Tex'ltsslss ''ti lligseshze and eotvrniences.U In referencee to free admnissuin if Tet]lk.Th agvtD. Abiel still not return front lathes to the ganmes thieveteas ic00- 4"\ ps abroaid till the latter part nit the sierable discussioin, hut the tatter ~L ~ 'R~nt 'ni mnth; meanwvhile Mr. Mtirltead was not idefinitely settleil. ~ ULLLLIUIW ~ ~ till assume charge of the wiirk in A certificate ittimembhershiphtIS . .irttera eilca. l~r "oil E11giveteto earle persoit joiningthe an- again be foundi in themcttair which snciatioit, twhich, iii itself, us iquite a hue has so long ansi honorably filted. pretty oieii tesg' iat ini the ciiyfir 2i5 rents. Ag(enti for Mtiss Btigelotw, of ttie junior ctass fully slesignedicrfve uely eightt~ ff inhe, eain afie ongrm f uo siool & SODS~ Ketiltel & I sti Maithemiaticail stru si- ehens appointed assistant ilemon-itheasobaiong.afleWith otan ofad- meiits. I i der prices sin etvirytiing. strator of anatonmy.atae the association ttshnyld Thur present frestiniclass in onemoatlertas eciv the sci tui seo0(3'GUIFMITERS, of the most uniquei and characterin- not etI eev teetiiis k: '170 ?,-R 8tic in tier history of tee medical de- tic Suptposrt iof earle asd every SauilStae tret ndMan Sret.parmrt. lut f sreut-si er'student. 'Ihee boarii meets this I16I5'719 S0. f~ain St. iioppsiteiiu' lise usia denlials examinedl fivretwere evrningat6.5ueflvcnis. -_________