THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. . - = T'== -TWo S-2 -JvES AGENTS Ft'OZ-- GENTLEMEN:- H1ODGEMAN S MACKINTr~OSHES We wish to call yoer lparticulasr attention to the fact that our!I Stock, as usual, includes a general and complete line of high class Ire the iest in the world. EYxiiiine our new line of clothing. Young NienCs FL I...D~ ~ S S1iIR FS O ? RC Z! 2SOLE1 .AGENTS FOR made up with all thec ietail, care and skill which eliaracterizes theic-,-- YO1JJVANS AND KNOX HATS i-'Ds ecattalrn ok Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. THE TVV SMMS. Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE -- STAEBLEng- Ants Arbor Mich. Capital stoc,$510,000, OWEN'S BARBER SHOP! tSrpius, $150,000. Orgasited underthe Generailitning Liws Nos. 4 I iii 55Ots Sntnt ofthis itate. Receives Deposit, bhs antd' _____________________ sells exchang'e sn the pincipal ecitisifihe 1C a ideaRISiAlcaiita. Officers: 1~pi O R I N) 11 W. Washington St. VS D AN M Acts,VieP s" y CHSa. . HISCOK, CatsAhiOerii.5.r A. J.FPt rz, Asst. Cashietr.ATIt1 iw s.7=0 1=IT o f R.E. JOLLY 3 CO., 'HOT LUNCHES ~ It" Served at oil Houirs, AN It) ALLSIciTUDENT, 1,c''11s. ft5' (()I," '1. (AINISA lt THE COLLEGE WORLD, j Nct.Ui I'o . iitto t ;.;n MphaNu _________________. .Ntwsy Notes from tCoilege andi Nt. t Tt . Willaio Itiothe In-University. Ntt tI it IcbYrti. mloitctt 0"ii lojts i niversitt 'lhar-tes o cots FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, It it tlttttt'v Otate.' At iistlttt t c icsptior- stiucn MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! INo ITttf 1 .vtis.- t'ttctttIttttta.N. V i siNt..letls(ttt rushttttc'i , I. Ic 1 clli t ttS it ott . t-l Cho rl1 1OSviol)IS 1W ox tirt0. N 30 l L.;, Hurn Steeta'i) xaiticeshcse o ii5hfr i5 0Vattt le-Ittter. SATURDAM.Ys hGAES, f rii a l i riicton Tc ast sviygare, whale ENVT 1tC y' o t Pen - ar a r d 20, torc tCor- iti o c sotdo fs si iti l o ls i. Lowest priceips ay.s is h Nx F r' uc e x viv x vc a i lc e t ot ,S or i r ld li It C r el a Excelsior Laundry, ;M EAS r Hi liON S'roiihT '. ttdttivieretd. A. F. COVER'T,iProf:. 21 years in the Business. CITY LAUNDRY, W. M. Sea Wt' No. 4 N.FourthSt, 0. K. BARBER SHOP. Fine Shower Baths, New Porcelain Tubs' iti tt. 11i 5 t0 St. . I tt t'' Sic , , K.1 ! lrlicettesi, itatiilt~rtlxtt. int oit tt '1% ~ Deo sit xt etsfIte rat. Goodspeed & Sons., TAILORS. IM Nltl0ltTES AIN E WOOL ENS. Goodspeed & Sons., SHOES. S EE THE NEW CRAZE, TAN CAi.F BLUC'5I0R5t. FULL. LINE of NORMAN &'BFNNETT's tS OLrrINO ISHOES. 17 S. Main. Goodspeed & Sons., HATTERS AND FURNISHERS. Sole Ageiits for the ''Miller lhat." Fiue Line of fackintoshes. 15 S. Main. W ahlr-s BOOKSTORE. cotesttttsots thy foothall field, Sat- uirday. tPrinceton is in mourning for the Univ'. ot Pa. broke her loug list of victories by defeating her in the close score of 6, to .}. Twenty thousand people saw the game. -- Cornell played a strong game against Harvard, the latter having Special Discount on Law B3ooks, to work hard for the victory. The Medical, Dental andi All University ganme resulted -20 to 54 in favor of Text-llooks. Thle largest j the crimssoti. Other scores are as followts: Clii- T cago University z8, ake Forest 18; S 4 s oeo 01 1Lfyte4 eiho ae7, Wesleyan o: Univ. of Kansas 26, Iowca 4. in the city for 25 cents. Agent for Keuffel & Esser Matheniatical Instru- Ncric.-The House of Repre- moents. Under prices oi everything, sentatives resumes business Monday night at Alpha Nu hall, at 7:30 -----o'clock. Election of officers will be sr'OREs: hldo and bills will be introduced. Souh SateStret nd ainStret.All must be present. Sothsttsteti and Mfaintret. (Signed) EXECUTIVE CONINI srEE.' rcnmarkable teani, ovellctachied and well hanidletd." The gross receipts froma Col. na- gersoll'ts lecture, 11c'oltaire," given at the Audnitoriuim recently, tinder the auspices of the Press Club, were about $5,800. The lecturer receiv- ed Gob per ceist. of this sunm, and the net profit to the Press Club xvas ,$1,700-Daily Cardinal. His Name a Household Word. Josepoh Murphy, ene of the foremost of the Irish comedians on the stage comies to the Grand opera house next Friday evening, Nov. it. No actor of this present age has brousght so inuch pleasure to thousands of hearts as Joseph Murphy, and his nsame is a household wvord from one extreme of the country to the other. TIhere are those who never see this inside of a theater except ons the occasion of Joseph Murphiy's appearance,. and this delight they experiensee is 'satisfactory enoughs for a year. Mr. Murphy comes well supported, anud will, as lie always does, test the capacity of thus houise during the engagement.