VOL. "; l .
n'fi1~ UX and Cook took his place. Neilson DOWNED BY THE DELTAS.
A EAY VCTO was also injured durn5thie last hsalf, _
___ iklder taking his place. Htayes Ninety-five Brings Home a Goose",
Michigan Defeats Albion Satur- says lithat1\Mulholland, Abion's foil- Egg, That is Ai.-Macpherran
Scrbf6 o8 ack, got Iis fingers in his (Hayes') WasHrt
day by aScrof6 toB I month in a scrimmage, anti triedi to
Tiheir Beefy Team Could Rush Us, tear hire. IBray also hadl conssiuder- 'teesa b i cos tI.A
But Our Boys Played all Around able difficnlty witls hisomans Landon. CIgoudSauda'itenois
Them -" Dygy's," Jewett's and see the gamer. 'Tlurtennis iloot
Leonard's Phenomenal Buns -lisere was msore or less scrapping lieubilfseoclcwe 1 .3
Fine Blocking. Tackling andine throughsoustthe last fifty sinutes of Cintook tiselwestrolandte n d.
WorkAlnon Eoeced o Wi p1ay. Schsnltz claimeidthsat Bray Ninety-fise tried the V and wvhen
Albion camne on tinthse athletic used 'ssnnecessary roisghsness,'' anti
ficeld Saturday .afternioon repsesentedI nhtli oisgc ssi ntiefce -epherran was picked ous wills injuries
ley a sciore of Rughy enthussasts, antij clairnedl 25 yards, but it seas nsot al- consisting of a broken collar hone
ifteen sell-huilt footisallists, a heefy losved. Nosne of thse isjisries srereanahdyijuesrit lews
team whsen conspared withs Miclis of a serious nature,.rnfre oHre ssia o ~a
gan's middle-iveigist eleven.s Wsth M iclsigan did not loins osne of Iser meiclatetiss rieacidn As
victoryaltottnttes. ohoaacidwhslenn A
last year's vcoyof ino4 s n gols ' il hsinsaccepted weakened the team umaterially. Wray f
suslrAlhion full)' expected to hothschsances. Mayscood's first at-wetocneradBeketofl
memoy, wenha ck, nie nety-fiv kersedfutee
suake it a close gasme, if, indeced, tenspt was anmateurishsanid a rank
sise didi iot wiiss failure,.'The seconsd(lid not conse yrs o otts alo osD
But Captain tDygert's gesseralship mol<loeJevttnsd in dfcowns. D. A, C. got twenty-five -
scan too mitch for thse men from thse Micigans'g oals, anti lygy' o oltcl sdWre e
lg, _Methodist college. Thsey cousid kickced the last one after -Iewett hail made a fisse thirty yard run. A runs
ras is or ai giss, utMicsi Iretiredi in favor of McAllister. areyt vrts in.hots
rush s frfi anbt;ih-cridi vrteln.Hro s gains through the taekles ansi Leonsarsd gratilleil everyosse except
uMbn iis icds h eits.Aliosites, hyyIis steadyv ands bril- kicked goal. Score, 6 to o. < ven rusdiedtects.Itok1)A.C 27mueso
Alisosscouisisotreas osr ii-liant sworicat righst isalf.Illsissildi tto .A C 7ssns
5lusckesi risen after they weere undsser as a foothallist is alnmost pserfect.-gtteha ocsdws is
tl he iesoseslrsisthll a little msore lie till he osse of stayed near cester uissil Cisope
way, as the three phenomenal runs broke ~~~~~~throusghsthse line asd ith ilshelp at t i)t faot7 -rsecb eet h otvlal e ntetaIesM
of imu '-i arls ars, y evei, hesisis vassaiensea ii heleasof _Macleod ssade tssschs-uosess boldL
IIgrandlesadasdssn asi Captaiss Dygert is toi he cossi- anisOr
aisle shorter ruswsill tentify. smnsded for seeing Leossard's po S coei t o eo
Michigas's tackliisgseas tapeis' hsblstses and advancinghiisfrosssthe NTsorhcriievaosei s
ally fine, particularly thsat of second elevess. first hsalf.Itortoss inasigoratedithse Manf
D lygy,'' Baird and Hayes."Bay The msen lised up as foslows: second hsalf hy a hold hreak thsroughs
officiated an left tackle will his odid Aszios. t,. or ii the line and svas only tackled near ,
isasodlsag --sis-opponeiste (coad-rese-Ilaird., tse line, Miacleod taking the bal
tisse spirit, hauin hs. -poensneoers
around as if lise vere a wnooden iana.j Cogsliall- 1, 1-----J.t-------Bear for a tousch-dowvn. No goal. Score, TI
'c(rif>at righst tacklewa towver of ROeE efei
steel reSchultz (Capt )-- ----------C.T, Gifflin }'ihen the teams lined up Welsis
srnt.Tetwo guards, Hennin- Coffin ---e--- . g-B--- enningerTH
ger and Jefferis, played the ganme for Ladu -b- v ,ols n agegv uiitcsovTI
al tsrewa ssit rie ul arsMoulton.------r ------B--- ayes antd were excused frons further foot-Wl
Shipp - - - I, l______i.. -f______ S ee bllt.e. o el o k let e d
svere all that could be asked fuss. Maywiiod I r t5 McAllister baldte.Lvlitoeted
'hi amsteslr asnc uffus~-Cook, (--- ---rh----------[cueoad Ninety-five lost thse halt and Horton DAI
'Flealos etieabene f un;,-White---------_------- -Sandersao aan et co
ing ivan noted on thse part of Mis1cls- Milhlaland ----- f. )i------r~yert (Capt.) ainwet acrs the line, followeing
gaslvs hisry-iv t Alhion indulged frequsestly rsohlesooot-fv siutes wills a goal. Score, 22 to o.
asnd at great cost, ech were played. Unspire, Pret- ID. A. C. nmade a rushs and Chsope
Slugging hecame too freqnent tyman; referee; Andersosn. Attend- svas touching down the hall before
dluring tse latter part of tlse ganse. ance, Gono. 'q5 was asvare of svhat was going on.
Aihon ed ff vlsn steputlis bal ''is lensleaves this evenisng for Gasse ivan called at this point on ac- Ni
in play for thse last tinse in first hsalf., Ithaca. Thse personnel of thue elevess cousnt of darkness. Score, aS to o.
= Jeff'' dropped in front of V, and wili he nearly thue same as S.aturday, 'rie teanms lisnedi ip thsuss:
suse of the Albion mlen gasve hims witis the exception thsat Decke and w-e'vrs viu 1ositiosns. L. A. C. 1
suchs a vicious kick iss the back that Woodwvorths will play tackle andI 1eft Welsh.... _._ Left end.... ____ .Perry
the sound could be hseard in the enid respectively. Jefferis' isjuries Flinlerosso...Left taelle.I.. Magee,
grassd-stand. "Jeff'' retired, H-all sill doubtless forbid his playing. Bird....Left guard ---arris
takin0 I is place. Baird withdrew Tise Wesleyan Guild of thee Metlso- Maepherran-___ ..Center ...Whittosn
in favor of Ptowers, asid Jewett wnise- dint church will give its first lecture Amel- It-- ighit ar Backle.. ern
ly retired npons receiving an ankle for this year next Sunday evensing. White -----Right end.... W. Magee
swrench during the last five minutes. Rev. Wms. Dawe, D. I)., of Sagi- Itoit..---. . Quarter-bak---Maeleod
Mclitrtook his place. May- nawy, ill lecture on "ThelDrama of Whtaiel.ead. h Left half-backhaf-ck. Ch..W pre
.\tcliiterBatavia..Rgthl-ak arn
wood's knee was injured iii a tackle, the Reformation." Wray . Full-back ......Ilorton De,
yeu at uthe LatstS metropolitan Styles
or aeS Shoes stainc toll1 a pair lass thans
,ris prices, send for Catalogue to
t ,H. F E& CO
01, l5S3-l S5ODARiAV.EA,
hmond Straight Quit..
Noa. 1
s.Cigaretie Smoesr who
n ire illing IsoeDay altsa
mosre thian theP ri c e
chaorged fsis-the ords-us
t-sde Cigoretts, will tn
'anISBADsusosperior to
The iRichmondl Steaight
.5 tigarettesase irasile fruos the ibright-
st de'licately flaoreil and highsest cost
Lea groni Virs55'sginia. This isthe Old
rginal Brano. Straighst Cot Cigarettes
,s broghtouthby us initheyear15,
re o somitaiosanduSobserve tisaithe
gam 0a below isoan every package.
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AN A's) siTiiii 1 C 0
:troi t Miohigan.