Tooth Brushes?:'00uD1)1TRIN0$ NEGKWEAR MALE +
E'S WetIclave' ilt.
1. Ii I EI IN,
And the Bristles will not Coi2le Stringed -i' Instrumwent,
Out. , -
4. + at NOBLE'S.
CHtOICE of a waindow full of 4-in-HIands, Tacks and Punffs for
34 S. State Street.
And ttte Prlea 34S.State Street. 14S ets-
4S cts.
It et.
[_.I cll - c t1' riivi '1 s xt-lht -J,(".11st IBoo1;i Lass .ltooh I )Dellal hook-1 31 tlet'1-' -it e 13)00i 1 hock-. Ilitk B okSlit Ilril 1 Iit aa ar
,Stoehofk f e l X11,1(a I v a -it Ii 11t,tutctets.
Our Stock. will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest.
SAVE x~ux~ 1dX~ES. Call on Win. Fulde. tita
" S .Y Yt 1C i 1 Y ST al sonsitet.awFuslda isig,Ol
0OT a aTGOO S- Tioopst h a ulig r
The IRochester, The Royal.,tisid The Perfectioni Studelnt Lamips have deiii- Willi-nat st. first sloor west of State-st.
onstrated that they give the most perfect light of ainy lamps male. While the Ceanitnt, repiring adpressing done neatly.
prices vary front (I0 cents to $15 each, they all give the same quality and quats- suits Secerder a seciealty. All work first-crass.
toCw 'tttttS. tity of ligit.
Xrgand Lamp, with porcelain shsades, at - - - - - 6iScen~ts IF YOU WANT TO
iled Star Oil, that bturns without odor, does ntot chatr the wick,
LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY Oi and gives a pnre white lightt. delivered at- - - - 110 centts per gal 3uy ~ral'A larm Cl O od1
OlCasts, according to capacity, from - - - - 20 cents to $6 eeacli
To see is to believe. See ottr stocke and yon will he cottvinced that wc sell orlhsve tote R eptairing dose gs is
tse best Lanmp and heat Oil for thse least nmoney of tesy htisse inthlis city- W =A n~s sn usre
-AT- 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. hiArock3MinSet
B1ROWIN"S DRUG STORE. , THE CAMPUS. Setc, lefi orc bga
follows: Nov. 6, "Robert toger-
WTe Don't trnt Muh!! 'tot. Gstffin lectures lMotsday. sol"; Nov. 2o,'tThtonmas Paine";
s#AE'.ANT ' ur otraotd e in t',cG. sntpcr, lasv'g-,is stumping Nov. 27, "'rnest Recast'';DC C. I51,
'" g'oods. is s- Ottawca county for te democratic "Cltarlcs lDarsvins'' ittg t
tigbuhou. party. PTe folloswing stuetslivtt- i
AV a'er tie yourtesttca5 5 a Pattulttttiltott is spentdintg Stn- Irsosla- otebtt t et
set VAN~scry t' etsuc swotkt. Idae at Itis ltttne its -endalliet-ticketts, Griswvoli, IDenisont, Pres-
Now, Wbat Mars Can Ysu Watt7?ITIndianat. ton. Grundy,. VanSeller.
liace IIIII' tattsaetl'tlet.,I0'.1. Johntsotte, lasvalttstsst ' ''9 Te tathtematical clttbnieets
rentt. or sttlIoe eas- ayts. cwill pusblisha bttook of origittal tbis esesting at 7:30,tot listen tos
TIIE ANN ARBIOtRORtGAN (11.,- poems. a program on 'Carve Drawing."
ISu h (int -vaege. Tbe athletic board mtet last even- Mr. Whitney -till treat tbe subject
Tf~TTIV'~Ting but trasnsacted no inmportant of ttCurves of te Secosnd Degree,"
- _ busiT anes and M\r. Escolt reads a paper on
EAT 1.14 ES.a bF unirlasvs ighs School cill t"Curves of Highser Degrees."
Mate- 1 ____ 15T, c( ittoSitecitot -307 kick the football on thse camcptus tis The 375tht anstiversary of tlse for-
Datyt Expess------5 StatdsExptess-_ -Stil
N t timited. ----. 28IMil ---------9 ;afterntoon. mal beginsning of thse Reformtaion
NT .Lmtd__-94iN ..irad 9Nagara Fals etIs Sl 2 hiag 07 >5i'. n. 'irC. Goltmas, late '92, has was celebrated thls week in Gee-
D. N. PExpreso his I8. It. gExpress _.-5 50located in tDetroit and is sueeting umany by teere-dledicatiotn of Ilse
'tanticExpessc'-- , 41Amtleicant Ex _ 9is 1
o..c ttttGe- - __04 aific Exres.1 2 Cit goosl success. famous Schsloss -kirclse, upon the
G.1P. &T. AgenChicgo Age- Atr Arbtor. C. A. IDenisoni, of the D sits- staff, doors of wclfuth'Ittler ttailed Isis
FIRST NATIONAL BANK left last night for his ltotttintsninsety-fs've thseses, The occasion
ItS ANN ARBtORt. Decattur I1., to vote ttnde visiltt i--tw sill form thse subject of te discouse
Capital, $1'11,00. SurplussedtProtttas IS3,000i ,
Tratnsatct:tenerl aisslng bttsittetsifor-Isdays. at the Baptist clUtsclt, teosmorrowe
siortreseltettirod, etr ttcei te ~e D r. 'ackarcl, otse of Ite iarty aevessisi", by Rev. A. S. (armas.
Pc.Ittelt. sil ,t 5 tet. 1graduates of te sedical depart- The first social of the Inla nd
GRANGER'S 1itterit, visited tile ittiversily yester- Leagtte -tas lteldl last es-cuing intshle
day* p l~TI~TII tarlors of thte Chsristians chutrcht. The
sc 00 OF D 1IA61'JI Lowers, '94 lacw, celo ltas been follocwing programs cas rensdered
s,9eaaOSoo fiaNa 93 ling the position ott university ending with an autlsor's banquet.
Oh1hR NtEWHALL is contcally loateland correspondett o t ec1ening Music, by trio; grand march, (Orches-
every srtoesio bsebeen mad'eo proe e ls
omort ofou tonsThte ere are te lsejournal, leaves this nmornsing to as- tra; recitation, tClaudius and Cyn-
,o uts te dancing rooein Stg on the
ground flter. Olhcte as academy Maynard-sc. sume else dutiea of secretary to Iis thsia, Mr. Kundy; cornet solo, Mr.
Send $1 25, $2, sor $53es50 o am- father, -wvho is U.- S. Consul to Collins; tousle, cwhistling solo, Mtiss
the B HSTreNDurgiGermani'..Allen: scene, tAwfully Lovely
www Pat ap in elegant btases and Rev. '1'T. Surand wilsekPloph"MsesS ot an
strictty pore- Suitable eor J. eadwilsekPsoopyMsaSnot ad
mm prepail tS.atecer so ah ll Epes htigicsago . tomaorrow evening on t"Robert Inger- Tichnor; reading, "Waking up the
fe Try it s,,ew Address,
Tf YC. F_ OSSETHE. Confeetioner, 11.l," This will be else first of a Family," Mr. Holmes; music, cornet
21 tat Sa eI 'series onttSomse Great Modern Mr. Cllins
, ILLINOIsolo,MrColn
Is sltowing atfbrat-class liste of
Dsress anad Busintess Suitings,
Trouscrings astd Fancy Vestings
for Fall thud Winters.
42 $outh state street.
Is thte Iplace to go for finle Tailoring.
Ile hiss thte most select stocke of
its Suiitigs, 'Trouserhins, and Fancy
Silk Vestings intshle City, and
voutld be pleased to have yosu
call and examine. Ite
makes a specialty of
Full Dress Salts.
No. 2 E. Washsington-St., Ann Arbor.