THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. 1$1.85. THE GREAT HAT WHIRL _____________ OlZlTIIIEF DA)'iS 0;T,1' GENTLEMEN:- _Z27 IT I= = T-1TO I-4 V We wish to call Your partiCl~ar attention to the fact that or Iit~~tieNvinc - h(ciV Stock, as iionch, incldes a gcneradlaaid complete line of high class clothing. 1°oiciig 2ens Thrsda, Friday and Satrday any of tinewci shaps of Soft T==0 Zlhats; Fedora (o1 Alpine }lat, cotng $3-,ti.;o fltenI$2.O made op with all the detail, care and skill which clharacterizs tie ) This is ai enefit Hat Sale fo the S~ason A1' TI1E TWIO SAMS. hbest mierchant tailoring work. )R m befor thee dy ny IHATS-$1.85, $1.85, $1.85, $1.85, $185. Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule. 1....ER.Exelir andy Ann Arbor Savings Barak PATRONIZE 5 0t Itt HUO STREI Ann Ator Mih. CpilotStck, 55555,(1 OWE N'S BARBER SHOP! c dt~l (e, (coo toA F rad ts racliiifo Srplius, $:5,500. atide ve A. F. COVERT IProp Organzed under t eneralt BankingLaws Nc. +0PASTce 15 IRtaso r. t af this state. tReceives tDepsis, sto, nd o jo Blsexchangeo the pittipl ctieof ithen v 1Y a si h u ie s Untted Stots. Dreafts csted upon ptacpirs ---THE A RG U S,5_ 11 W. Washington s 2 er nte"uie~ ietic5tffeof N J fIVI@ o. c.. CITY LAUNDRY \i1J.IFtic , Ast.'ttostiero.tT LOW 51110551 . R.' O L .C.HOT LUNCHES . K. BABER SHOP. Qtd5 I b Srved at all Hours, Fe Sher e 5, , N w Porcelain ~O] T~I YlK'.TUTTLE'S, ~ ~ t'i~~t~il /NINETY-FIVE vs. CD, A. C. r. O' M. ('ALEN DA.E f ~ lt '-ot 0 c NmWulI cc05 , t ' 315ciath i tYTel01loo ns 1'etc t e. c C . lat .Icl etiH P. ,- D troit Ti o-nry. l'ltcs iii M c.ti'iitttt yttlttttttii.titttcenstur i etltc ntiitt. 1tEPH T GIA H a ate hetolt c t~lia cl It.inltl Nv.XC.,1 S ier MILLINERY AND ART GOODS 1ljIDetroit tics iftcrcoso. Tlce moe col Nctv 'U S. lHo lst Ies,ctistitc 30ll Eastt iHi ttcidscehl It 5tttl'totttt c cc' i. lptl G o ds eel 01. . lc. olayedo at thc e cc. _1 tochci i tis. hn e tcc01c scoi iIi c N IP~hlI S sicorXt lcoi stsci i s o v. Uiy lb Pnci~m a "~~ Ii Ott loa Hoo se on.I a sis 11ttcIo rhthe emhil itto clid ICradie I wco antN cS ittictcA H____FO____________________________I S.cs r',si I 1tis it tttoit lItiI ®b o ciht ctylec ti. "la lintetct ciotttio iyeCieseeicie1 5.l ai. I lh~i0 it t, tictca ; N i ottto , I 515011 i .ll X~hiY.te st speN I, ecco - 3 -qii 7 Cl j ice , c)'ItillcI iLsllirlcr1 cs.'Pi ia ILi 'I iA.t ic1Nuii iic ua Ioses il ior ts 101 Cte ]cco.1oo I &, I\elrI o tc ito plty ciltte ' r; itrt, hf Clc si aiio1msi.tcclIo Cre~s ~ l OppCor[oue. ag in t 11.)ot sht il aiod ty tidtile "tea 0 tl i t ic fottthree, 0aso ivel ntpracticeic f totr iethet), c.c!ays tyciat i tic. SHOES.rmen ava flo ,r: i~ ts ia hk- Cla, tlit 51 t isictipineslhtpe Cs.t-tt E - E 'A E Miftcitette :,ch, it e rI C 0Ca nd.$2>0. or .2isi T h ~ is c lfgt taifhsc ld rcl, r fgtlt-hard;is b ilet 110 1rt s leiifor th riesof 'c i (l Nl,,,c ctnt5ers; ynBurd , e t =t I T Tio XSams.itemimber 'ItrCty. 'slFtt 1 1&1s1ns01 ity nya 1-. the wcindcow. , IE NIi miecl uaelllrcl dtc;ltttc, ice Ctintri an, o f t ckl110 displaylotrlhtts115O1 a Meieti IeilStataltAtVlrer Btc aaet rgen ats o tac arte hy ao - lithial Topir era sueAt vtersWeekot Ti le ~t lbck; Ary ul-ak vaeryof 2tlvic rtb l letfor cpatis of A 'Ing3UT E s Bodekr i iLoelltandR eyni oldscictralcd T csatli roti Ter iory," Ft I HATTERS sbstittes.i(:111 t l i otfutertinfot at ionity.i Meicl D nalad lC111- sYOettaty Mise-iell heiW. Seek, o Tetols.UlTe iariesn veyt ing. hett i stnciobns sphotorsey Tcieso Mnat IlncdecsameitCct ncrft i 17get aist ten. ile 'clok. EThtioatofrattcionwil lie th1eccHA TTERS~tS Corns el thlls iv aride itrodayced. Cna'sO atil hi caryd thetcomate SotiSoe teo ndMinSret ll s oepectt hiaet itieailyclie ot aighly15 S.a ain in te c t o ,ci eentrits. Sige d)ntsttfiotrtto cterie a igt er l h ews FU N S E S