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November 05, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-11-05

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'ZJ(. of 3MIF. Tait'u.
Y it lished Daily isnsayn eceted ingaits
thetaollegen ea, by
Sasnriptioprie $5515 bppe yea,inarably
in adaeSinglSe Mteita :5rets. Sbeoip-
tionstmay tbelettat the le ot the ItAILY,
at Staietas, nwstb ay atthe eitos nr
Commuianiations eslsld eash the ottiet by
7 o'clockaP. t. it they are to aesa tte net
tay. Addrsts all mnatte intendtd ottpblica-
thanton the Manaing tdi to. All buanet
commnfiatonas hoult be statto the ftoo-
feet Manager.
THE O4, f Mt. DAILY,
Ann Arbr, Mtih.
F. E. JANETE, Lit. 'h, Maaging- Edito.
E. J, OtrasA, Lit. '1, Assistat.-
C, A.tttt'.aOtN, Init. 't3, Assistant.
5.5'. RX tts,Litn'a, Asistant.
. X. V Entaes-tt, it. '4, Assitats.
A. Wt. JaeS Eti, awe ', Assistant.
J. tR. AtatasEI., i teT'I.
5';,5W. KKttnane, I. '4.
W. I. Ev~ns, tate'3.
s' . N.Soett, tielt Li.
M 1atsBaavesOX ON teLit''9.
E.5S 0 t'', .tOL , teel 'u13.
.\,Swts, itsdiei.ttitaisit'
l' .sEAT 1. 0ttaes, tate5'. 1
'Thte Etditos sdo ot hold tesmselvtes son-
sitebe tte opsitists o a eteten tatILcrr
oudnst, apptarttinsite tIsti.
Ilaily hboard tmeetts this evet-
ino; at 7:30. Eveybody come.
Thescformastions itttie L Iis ersity
IITiosec ofl epresc tatis es dotbtess
opesnedea ieldtshiof oportuntity
fsr jpractical itrutionlin airlia-
mentory cusstotmi,.and for profitable
debate sot assrrent poliical andssiero-
nomic iss. lProbably o ietter
miethod for atitaiing tos' entd
coulidbase beetsdeiedc. Still it
catanot ftbeeidthast last *etthse
filibustering tastics of the mne'irs
wrere testructive of the best ralts.
Insstead of maakitg tiotshouse a
meas of pratiral eslucation along
legislative linesitsas nsally ttaec
a pretty effectiv e exatmple of te
msost advatnced political cicianery.
While we are glad to ote tat the
Honuseswill meet for soraniatiotn
Motnday evenitng, at the sanve tine
we feel amply justifiedl in warning
the nmenmbers against thteisagora-
tion of last year's sytenm of Ipro-
''tri Lehigho ganme, one week~ fromt
today, ouglht to drawa a large crowd
of studens to Toledo. The msan-
agement havee nade ele best of ar-
rangements for the aconotation of
stndents in the way of rates and
train service. PTe game pronmises
to be one of thesmost interesting oe

shall hare to fight. Thse trans is &7 - -
gainisig every tlasy asid Isy nst
ifura wil bei rm condtito New Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices.
ifna ccla illenits i se .-
_____ _________There is nothsitg like os SLIII FIGUZRE to post it illmotont.
'I'tir. desntal depsartment by recesit We have latid its asvery Large Stock of Seasonable Gfoods. Wte
asdditionso thtle list has becomse ess- Bouoghte (Cheap. We Sel lseap. Finte Footowear, Boots and Shoews.
titledl tiorepresenstation onatsethe T~ "ATAs -3R. F M _ j_ T
botard. .ts editor for thsat depart- 48 SOUTHu AIN STRfEET, - ANN ARBlORf, AMIll.
stoat ill hr chosen this evesig.No,1 o ciiazvsAlon5to$ L U LjC
z8r- iclsigasavs. Albiont, 4J U ER iAER
to no. Watch for Our 50c, Week- WAGNER & CO.
wear Next Week.
1892i-Mlichigan vs. ,Albion. ?, ___________________________________

- I Ry e~ oledo, Ann Arbor and North
COMMUNICATION. J'flre l Michigan Railway.
I 4 rr' L AS lim adinal seett Sna ,Attgts't '1,1ll'
'T'sttheitMaaisnaEditorsoatthee['.afM .tDsts .Y: r * x? I lettastssso ais at tss~tAnns Arbor.s
I loss'casns t'irvrsi~ty 11t111its seslti' ---
atesd? Wfll sotme oea irIsis or hr Is ~o~ 01rl
sssggsstis tas ts sutbjet?' Ass-i. th54r I .3. ae nt AMost ted oo1s00Moo
sonly otis whoiaftersfttinsg fintse stat- No. to IIs iosl t' ndOsssssae -0CIs.
isatit afstm o s reof ftseIhall for a shoteonl :... ..t ..i........ 1I22la.5-
tfnse, feels a dusllsess, ta heavitness, , a cet b mu g;nn teac egeatns an- t.; hi.. l y)..' ...s..t....I ,tssseea:S01).ssans
Stupoar, t'reeps eser ftith itittI, ttlsstifng goodisipie ; serior sworak;wellsliedeadin g d * )UaI
rom al ete;aturday eeningeceptias;
ftse ttssitiess vcolttissg ftereassont, aes; the sentire year; cerstcal5gradunants ngreat No.'!. ''s~T'ldo MasIl Epsts....a.11 3?-it-
listmand; stthotdgra'duatas all nse'repositians; it., 4. 'iItsot lMa liExprs ...e ...e5 ; p
cainstg evens tth t rillianscy ot' alttItsl - i('gexensses 52. taC2.Iaperwt'ahn prieate far-Nt , ti.. 'il-lss Aees iissst a ...i00la.it.
'sn8. "sFor tNa Ceasnsseaand List oaStudets who lis. Ciesist3 tet 'Owo sss iiad isossds(us
gss'Solh to iatpitear osuredh asif sett tant s aitiaatrwekat o a wet ek, addisset
tFrtsl 5t. R. CLEARY, Pres. ts is eo tsl'rsi )t_ slit
Olpenthefis oinsloors Sis tohaeI s I We Advesse Studens to Sac 'I(: ts's ssiStassssslssesltc.
rie leoeabewnostreo OniY'fr1ronydmlcatr di oe four tisches iapiece; busftssidisog ftrotm j,,JeV X J's (.lCJ ']i.s5 0,l ) n 1 u 1ei ECn
thes psrotntess a igotl i thttOO0011hoislhl SFOTS. O'li'ht siQiid thtier IitrasiC tly esisttti
thssy wexre osiutItheinainssstons dtids eotvW. to1INNI9'r. Il. 0. ttI005 silt
tastsit ~isrslslpo l, TENNIS - SHOPS - N- STOCK. (e.-is.Ant. LclA1elI
lso tetiesth sllidllrsie x-1151 STI'l)DENTS, SAVE I IAT I 's O17i l MON :Ih\r II
pi'ssdstin itshngissg isdistingutitse)5_ii - .
tO:imll to ttl otalk tsths ithh. 1
n50'lt iw besps~ent folss ishlty tha t svt slllT '
brirsg a little tress ir iteotcthe X
tess p 'lttldltlhht'tl tthssstissl altII'I)- STUJDE1NTS' BOOKSTO1.'R E. , SiTATE ST.a
drsuggsed braiiss:
50111e ttsly Say thatsfthislirobilemisoft Greek, Laths, Frenteh,. German an11dsttall C-psl- e'ext-.Ittoste, Nt-st
ven'ttilations is in~eslble';but I belieses111id Seonld-hlassdt.
thait thesre is Sme5 rteedy los the evitest
esat." W'thsils bodhy 'sisissto tise V "
OOLLE .E M L1I' I ts 0 55 s-.--4enttst' C'tlumbtfiat,Itt
istlass .1. . i. Godrston ory
j eI g .(. .C f3- YA ,)t7 ASolhitittistreet. I W l 00TIT IN Z


It seslectinsg youir Society
badge or antyhing it jewoelry-,
ore wat yous to bear tusis
msinsd. Oslr repusfations is thse
lsighsest fis tissworsk ntd oe
sell oiler seutshle tmost mtodhe-
tate pris-es is Michigan fos-
thse beattstork.
WoodadstAe., andState St.,

litstfeniue.ss s isGLAIT P OELR .HOUSE.
and tfsrs sitg godssfor men wllbe AtntaArbar. Oine «ee oanlr, lbeaisnan
ssownttsestisoosk ilotssrtsssNos. M NDAYS OCTOB~ER -3]5
Isf tftselt, iyC. J. Roimseisfthe
swoelli}hailer sandissbsssitshess ci Toledot AtmetisYosusng. lersailstart
0. Eixclusiveesstoof ionelies aid
moideratftinof prices tyresasidhto bti)- T7HsN ERsN
isosftif t tractferisties of hisinise. YA L TL L~ I
Stsssenssosill fitsd sa fiss litssof casi- Ssptsoeedl ty asetronag cattpanty atnd tstrio F-
tites, espec5tiy chooatiles,at C. A. stas t eoanrmrett e.
Mai ttir''s, thse Stsafe street grssrr.
Samplen at the Two Sams.-

Messrs. Alfred Biitjatsiits &Cit's
fitse overcoast samples can be seen thIis
antI tsexftsweekat Thss Ta-cSams.
G fetleen desiritng to pisrcsase sais
maske their selectiotss. Pleasuesall
see samsples of oovtrcoats sisd leaove
yosur orders.

IRomIssaon, 1b, b, ano 3i1 uents.
hot. grapher,



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