Aid 42M ltl* VOL. III.---No. <>u. VOL. 11-No do. UNIVERSITY OF MICtIIGAN, SATUR5DAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1892. PRE.Te:EN. PRICE, TaitEm LENTS. Theofoheors for this seme ster are: THE GAME THIS AFTERNOON. A ROPE OU OCET , .L eber, president; T ____ tll icepreidot 1 1 sylrAll Signs Point to a (;ooa Game. How the Men Wili Line Up.- 0V"&U. IS That of the Engineers of the tieasurir; A. 'Sa-ser Secretary; Condition of the Players, QT T.ii. blitvlisraiaiini. tIsg ' U" of M. . litIsisa iht The rAtbioin teaii is quite hopeful , lIP0 o0~$ Orne ot the Best Organizations in ?ratioii th'Ti.Iechnic. I Iis contis [iiiiiiRiiii5 0MICtiits ut l -"' the University - When Founded onie hnrd -n wntpages ant 1' :.oi L ticasi sil iti s X11) i itiffereint '_.." and by Wim--its His tory Solo-i 1ssa ircui lationsit abiuit .iftteeon Ot'game thus the k'iooupe"oplteu'- - ces, Methods and Designs-. New and Uomtortabiii Quarter.,; ti:hunred copies. IhIsei ttoirs for etier Althoigsii iousli ity- ciipled cit Techn in end its Editors -010- cers tor this Yea.alast55ear5wri. M\esrs.I.L 110 by the otostsssifse sit tieitest Olen 1.. I slier .S-see, asit . I .the supporters o foi(5thbill 1her0 now Ttsios tissho are niot aqini sstd '.icii thte grade of Ilitsraryi snithhve a'i rst r]lais toais yet oneo that 'siltithe tisiversity sit itictisns praistscitexoollrnce oif the magaziine still iniproveo mucsiobstenos w5t iften remoark osisthe simiallinumbieristve ry high Iandsrit oisiciting wsitti ano TIhansksgiving. I lesnin,-es tt'ho of stuidents reachierdby' the fete lit-I meiiterd supphosrt. hishoen laid ilspsiocethIt wtesterns ~ m ittartsrriosa ~ crary societies here, and on this t he socity seems equalty sucocess- trip by a lame elbow, was out yes- of$2. 4 r15 Sses at hit tell$ a pair less thaii grounid make unfavorable comparii I fit in whatevei direetiois it turns. torday and played an excellent aneAs rso piss, eslfor anligu t son stll other institutions. Tistvas evinced last yoar in its at guard. Jefferis Isas been 001 and If one tsill count up thse number annual banrquet held at theo tidies' is p1laying Iis usnal strongegaea of organizations wte haveswhichs library. Toasts stere respondert to 'This year he is playig 0iuard. C. 101. 183-185 ttoiisssim Ave.. save all the advantages of literary hy prominent membherh of the facuilty '. Griffin, who is plaiying center, DETROIT, - - MICHtIGAN. siocieties, wtiths the addition Il-at Ithe and a thoroughly good tinsesvas has lots of strength hut is a little stork ts centralizedt about specialties, enjoyed hy those privileged to he light for center, only steighing 178 q lQhmonGI Straight Qat. tie still see that wte are fisly atile to present. pounnds. NO IG R TTS sandltthe complarison. TIhe opening meeting this year, tPearsoin is hack aitIsis olt ptacCitIeGAR lEsTESs Amosrng thss organizatiosis, onse addoresserl hy Prof. Davis, tos at- on thse line. Thlis fact alone is t+ rilling toinay a litle if tile striongest is the Enginseering teaihed hy a large nusmber and everyi- enough 1to gite every one niore con- chiolargdrtheiiliiitieniiriiaor sisricty, wtiichi sats organizeer in thling indicastes a very pros ieroiis tbne Atekag oly tiede Cigfsettes, w5itlfini a835.,Aiiong its originsal mnsibers year. jilayed agaisist Northsvesteriinitonder s artheichondiilStraight tron- t f b Cuaeistevnst Nassist dilaloly lare defrthel igt-~a 'v ere Po.Ituissey, ow sf eland . The fietlthichs the sioiety - I-the nmeofttray'Ile hailnt ve hullosleaelyrai 5irgiia'105hihst lisa l Stanfoird, jr, university-, arid set- Iles it groswing rapidly. last year hard a foothall suit on tiefore this ani Osstlrasil Ill' by~Slio lit Ct Car 7tial, ora1 other msn lprom-sinenit iii eng