THE U. OF M. DAILY. -~g ~ ~~Co-cols should carefully consider ' _1 = Ej 1/Z 7 7 = -zc of0; the W'oman's League as we present its history and its aim~s in today's N w Fr ,N w G os n o rcs Published Daily (Sundlays essepted) durina columns. The League ought to the collere yeartiby There is clothing like a SL'I FIGURxE, topu it in mlotion. THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION numbier ecery co-edl in the Iiniver- t sity in its ranks. It is pulrely a co- 'We have laid ins a very Largo Stock of Seasonable Goods. 'Wc- per' yearinneriably ed orgasi ration and cannot attain l'osglst Cheap. We Sell Cheap. Fine Footwear, Boots ansd Shoes. inQa noeas'' Sngle copies 3 seats. Susrip~- tions marytie left at thle otice 1of the DAstY, Iits conlii'se end suntil it has the I:>.C51- MIIL.E R., at Stofilet's, sethalnys~ of the ediltor's11r hearty co-opleration of each ashy 4S SOU1T1I MAIN STREET, - ANN ARBOR, MICHI. ltslllmlltlsatinsshouillldt 55511 a itittiffceby 'Stl( et .~ i oclnek A.r. it they aseetollpneaer the aext 1 unA --a ur VTiyAdess l atritnddfrpbia Frent It Of thle newplnfre-S 1' Lian tos the Mranaging Editor. All buinteta serving seats to the S. L. A. eater- ssmmtsaleatillas thould lbestlt tltefluti U D R E . nes-s Manaiger. tainusents will he awaited with THE U. af M. DAILY, interest. 'PIle I) sttI.v has criticised watch for Omtr 50 eek- WAGNER & CO. Ata Anas HiS. the sdefects isf the old system ansd werNtWek EDITORS. ct only justly acknowledge that it _ i. tobvIsioutc's.Ossstiiebbls tha telecture bordis A OTIE. . li's I', l it. 't5, Asetutit. il -ail _ 1 x jrI Michigan Railway. C. . tltiIl5', Itit '>>,Asisnt . 15oinglil ia tT ld , A n Aro n ot patrols. _____7~.Departiure osiTraiis at Ants 'Arbor. I. w. 111:III:stI),sesaL ,t,it.1Pti nsritlsaltt-I W. W.t.nllscia.'ns~f,tit. 'sit. sstnt A. IV . FIt. bt'., Isi9,ss it n . 1 J.I.ANIL,. A.C' i IV I I. II. 0 L iit94E WIt.EAN, aW93 i F. iisin s tIs' 't t.i'9. MsiiiIt.sse'ss I', Lits+s, 1..K. TottisssLitStiii. It. 5..Sow' xat Medic'ill:'i IOMA l IiF'.Stt 9.Stl 1liii sears ago tescore otfit ___ n tfn et Sal ad tsaees 'il i Ot .lihioss gasne was 5F tto so its N4l. PasseAssanArborAi n120 oLNo .(a e-Mi Assetiss......l4 51psem our tfas'rr. last year Abintonsito .No. liii. Toleds atnd sinosstotSunay onhloss...alyt. . . to 4. Oil)accoiut iotlast year's stir-is' te LEADING SCnOOrL OFBUatNESa. Slag- No*t. '3.Tedo ansdt 5'tsoSundry sttient biinlsg;'nisnleaches;s targeattlendance;, otly).ti . ... . . ' t' p isn, the gasle tomlorrow i lt eilibe itt goostiplineltseiore oresell nsaupspliedrenadisig (.01M, sliI. rootdissly iseelnees; Satarday eveningrecesptioas; utnutul l stereCst. sopen ttsnsieyese; commaecial grates i nagreal go."t. Tolnedo MtlilF~xprets5.......1 It -e1t1emand; shoiithiaind rdaesiss alltseaueippsitions; Nit. I. Toledo flail Expres~s ....... l 7i l 'i-iag exenisea s Toledo As's.'Iitti enls.iii 00iitnl s. F'tinSas eae.t ndsLis. nfsiilts who aNn . Oosso andTli ouldotSuist ii 111I 1etIla astetteP. R.CLEART, Pree. on})--.. Toe. liarincOfte ts.s sc haOiefa M.iin taasI' ''iS itli No. 104. Ooso n Toil'edoistlii ni it , . are_____kept_________onely)-_i._. . litrtris o te . ttI'. lrekeit We Advnine Students to See C'entraslStandar'd Titme. open oliltSundiay. Nut tht a titiIlie o r ' . I 'rasins Sansdiitrunia tee An'siSAutoie 'cie eite's ill1111 ilill sseti-sice et'~iii1 _tnitL it I _tX Y 1i I15J Pasir l nllt iiit, yol Bil frteo ini, rtill'n l s I or , in~so.1 i ''r ins 101, 102, 103, and 104 run itlltt'. Ile I "s ASAPH HALL, JR. F~~il~s-OS- sttstan al uut TH AGU PBLSIN HUS. lilENIT', 1i4.KI~~i(?C sapil all, jr., thelniconprofes TENNIS - SHOES - IN - STOCK. i(,tn. 11155s. Ancut. Ii 'at A-et Saeraatae afia.1-sue of astrossomy, stas horn i t'i I)1 ,TS, S I hAl 'Os 0111'MONYE AND)BUY attoios isyou I~st aa'soh lac. ridlge, 71Mass.,tOct. 6, i85s. :\t the Pa~y yrotr satbscriptiotantad avoidl hav'in,.,your tatue tahkena Ia-ourt aiaatage of 5 lie entiered Colotithiuti Ciii- ~ ~ ~ ~ u" list. leg;e, 't\asliisgtoti, wthere tie rensaiss- -- -edI tint years. In '-8lise scent toi AT lIIE--~ WORTHY OF SUPPORT. Ilrasgalittgtosteiits~.~T'm'~T ~ Ilrvrc, rdutig rm heWrt- rJ N T( Bt K T R STATEST Tlieorgnizaionof astuenteiatisal coturse iftthlat isnstitistions1 handl is a comnisidahle effort 111 the in 'S2. Ihe at osice hecamse assstt- tart ofit orgna't'r'.anIat themasalsoIGreek, Laitiln, FrsetnchIlGertman and all Csdiege ineat-Bioks, e w' lit0tsaniti'at thItesiNsuars oervatornyewsere ltanh Secotnd-Handc. are isterested iss its pirogress unit the lie swas stationidtfor thsree years, or enterpsrise is houisnd to succenedI.=A unstil 15 85. Next camse Itse appoint- LA W~ AND MEDICA L.. BOOKS plat s 5nfotby'ic hesudn sment as assistant astrononmer at catn shsowthleir itterest in she Iatti Yale obseisvatory, vhich positioss AT 'W HOLESALE PRICES. in a practical way. It is rojt" ltd sas retained ttntil '89 Du~tring this to raise a tfindshfrosiithle studssl for s r il'odstetas 015ensgagedl ill making co , 7'' = s- te purptose of un~iformiing thle seinimeasurements of Saturn's satellites BUJSINESS LOCALS. asis tltorougtwly equiippinlg tisem for with thse Yale hseionieter ansd va. GIBSO1L, etlnto hs iealso emlo~hsyed intstellar parallax Fuis' di Cfettry ( ns insintuisa, i banagreesto fu~rnishisico 011 .In'