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October 03, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-03

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fact that so few good gamnes have &Z- j
C.of . bees provided to fl home dates. FrmIoosfad Lo
the Athletic Association desires to New Fim New Gos an L w Prices.
P,ohr't O n)ilyty inmlays excepted)lduing ne __apiritofethusismfo____
xtiliieye )*earl ra1f)ntuiam orTtheFre is nothingr like a SLIM FIGURE to pot it ins motion.
letics it roaid not easier accomplish ____

tulser'.5tiooi price V..50 per year, inivariabily
in untlan' Olpt rra pira :l 'rats. Subscrip-
lions nmay n leat the ffcetIfthe OsAlO,
nt Stotltet's, Nvith na.,y at the editors or
('mmmiass thonit rt'h th ofler by
taoclki% Nt'nil they are to aypear the iteat
say. Adtdress titl matrr iturnilr'tftorpablica'
taon to the Maaagirtg Editor. Alt tosnals
coanmttietitiaa shouldlheo arat to the (teal'
Ann Arbor. MisS.
F. E. JAsacETr. lit. 'ta3, NManaginig DEtot'.
ta snore a teCirLit. 'li4, Asiast,'.
.0G. Eato~ree,tUttM'liW, .SSsi'.'oal
E. J. OT. onvia n, Lit. '10, Asita
L. G. 5' tt'Ertrno, [,it. 03'Buite.ss Mittoere.
A . Mtttrto wtn"i A- tol
J. it. AttItt.N , 1 I ie,'94
WS. 11. tEr ix-, . ";.
F'. A. M soN,\ tLi.'.I
C. N. Sowlaitto, Static 'i
IA.l Utott.';.
it' E.tiarse, to 15.
t.tK. vit1.nyWA1(,t16t..iClj., 1Io.
'Tli'eeare fisvesvit'aniies o tile
1)5110 staff t liefillt. Aecordlitig
to the 'otistituttionliif the Inodepen -
thontt Associatilon one etitor nintibe
chioeit rotes the treshmtait literary'
stass, adoilsle froatt the Juior law
(lass. Thtis will lease three to Ite
elercel at large its the literary (le-
partotent. All five editors will be
electeud by the lioartl, strictly onthie
basis of ability anid readiness tit
work. The places are open to coto-
petition and no selection soul be
mtade outsidle of cottpetitors. Tite
field is opetn to all intdepetitetnts,
viso ntay hecotte conmpetitors Ity
leaving name atdaddastress witb tite
maniaging esitor sir attaching te
same to articles deposited in the
DIsi .yoxtes. All items solid be
placesd in the boxes prior to 6 o' -
clock p. m. or brotught tin the office
by 7:30 oclock a. nm.
It titis connection, it msay be said
for the benefit of thtse desiring to
compecte for the regular annual elec-
tion, that preferencee sill in every
case be given to thnose commencing
early in the year. Vacancies often
occorr during the yeatr whtichsare
always filled withs those showing
most aptitnde for tite work and
greatest interest in it. No figure
heads are watnted. Competitiote
open to women.
One sufficient canse for regret in
the arrangement of the foot-ball
dates, at published Saturday, is the

that etod thounliy providing for a ' We have laid in a "vesLI-ge Stock of Seasonabtle Goods. 'We
fair share of the big evcents to octr Bsotghtt Cheap. We Soil Cbeap. Fine Fbootwear, Boots attd Shoes.
on the hotme grtountds. AndIInow it M11T A 72F' '
is ttikedth tat the Lehtighi game of! 48 SOUTH MNATIN STREETA N RB , II.
either at .\ steArbor or 'toledlo, swill
toe played at the latter plase. we\ C egarit Fall Shitiv)gs, 11' -
hoise this ivsuot tise fact. If the as- d and NeW Thisigs in Neckwear
sliciatioii rotttts nioon a good crowtd~~Q
of U'tiversity pietole at D~etroit,VTIPA5Z 0-
Novsetmber 24, it catinot count uiioti 21 South Main Street. Tailors and Furnishers.

a5 ,~oodt'rosvd it Toledo, aIls-,,ic
"ITIi Oi. Inie event swl tmilitate
against the oter. Let tite leliit
itatiie b ljiayed ltore, iifloossibls'
andli a good rrosvdstill t'espot-id atid
''te ospiritof etiisiastii fur 1ath-
letic 's" wilibe fosterest.
II i s the opinoniiof ianyititerest.
oil III 01 atli cs, that co-etds should
no,'be ciliar-eii .tinio-ii to)thle
irgiliiis. Fllvss'oiilhoe a Nleo ve111
1o fiit i lclall y' 11115otllerwsie, ttis
thle irIestors ofltthe tssot iltinli
souloitddl et ile.
'liii' '\laiioo' ' is tte laine of the
seio I .seekly iiiblicatiotn at I lilo
Statte t'iivrsiisy. ()ie ooilthitik
that inistitittiontis ad turtee il tua
saest'liool for Intiliatis.
Ouhlr sullscrptio~o list is groitl(tg
bey'otiiour tiost sai-geitie expoetit.
tiotes. The tnniber exceeds,,by 50
per cet-it. tlhe tnteiber seclireth oil
tile rorrespoonlitlg late of last year.
Mir Slitlit, i is
firtreliearal, '0-
prssedl 11ois urrise
,t.e., n d delighit t tlte
"!A stPeriority (If tile
balt. I11 ss lt
1co 1pa1CCwith i t,
ulOt exeeptill ig (itisi
nry's Greita d ie r
Gsiarslso(IeCle nd-
lstam Guard-,. lie
sya only the hand
nftlie (.05115 itepIublicaine of PaiCs -ts
ill ole particlarllIthte Newo uitarine Ball
will he tile Iluot popullr of tile two.
Ilie s lyt tlle hbauioftile tartle tepub'
licae nll u~et itself alm~ost to sari-
oulstmutsic, whileSous as 118versatility
whichii lablesl 1110withieqult succll~ess,
to lI(llle both eclassic and light mu~sie
hi tile moat strikinlg way. MC. Slaitil
is paritulalylls sed 111ssitlii tileilstrul-
nlent,lllsts of tile balnl, and1sas tilte
lariliet sectIou possessesC5the OulIoiI)
au1101 lIIIC l iIlties of tile best Freneb
players, til se s are1CCworthty of the
88101 oI ilds, teHtorn11andsITrnobonle
qulartettes 11Cre 511CI01I55C51, lltd tile
trumopets 51111 1115n5 are equa~llly fine.
(oeeruiulg tile elrueta, it 1s oluly 11(0-
esary CIIsaty tilat Mr. Smithl liuselt
hteadsi theml, secolied by Petit, long a
soloist of Gilore's hand. Mr. Smlitih
it regardledi 1(8tle first Slcrnetist ill
Loiilli. liellilg for years beelltile
soloist of tile Coldstream Guardls111111
of tite celebrlted ('ovent (Gardi-lenloll-
certs. Iis juldgmleit regarcling Souisa

ept Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
~~JN SS ns IMichigan Railway.
r( 0 11 Tine ardin ffetSu~naAntioutt'
Departureof0Trains it ti ror.lt
I QkGtA0 1viNlx. I ,11.1
itfl N .1. lllIottl Mait l and E~lxpress,211 a.III
l .tllI'r A tArborAcc m .. 1 5(0 no
~. ~ . i. IClae Itail l4l.5n1").tili
11111111~No 111111 Tolutttoarld tewlet' eltltt tease
ttoll~d s~a ttlIltn'titilatitootn ptitott, 'S I ltt ltt- I tlt.t.......... "I1 !.. .il.
]svti sinste ohNG SOOL 1OFBStINESS. itt 1 No.011')' ' Itl,(isiandOw 111,~uda
Ilifn I~ i ~il lg;liii noo tt't t a ge, a t t llu lly ............ ;;)11.
goo dsciliie s .ero at.r; elnsu Tplied 'st 11 ilttt-tOsL IN i'
room; dily letures;sa'-tilleveill r-c''tilts
opnte nie e o miirigauti ll great'S. oi ls e do tltt y rs .....II;,:.Il
demad; hor~ma grd~ltesallcecircpost-I S s INo 11.0Tle Ni E presI .........t I ^ * I'ttt 1!t
liigep sIs $2.t S,275 A'\'E thin p iN- e V ii o jR T loNAEom odXinIw) t. ll
ta-pSiTUDsrneN tS' BO KSTOR , STA E ST
G~~~~~~~~~~o t',1.i1,ts-rtoliaitil11ollegeandTledook-'S Ness'
do 00l, d -ecptsn,1
.11111 ~ ~ ~ ~ ll hisIt)I lseltVho, 1 t tlttt iE, S CH "ol EueIFae
:Fr 0 Ter1iso-3he1-t1l igluSt re- rikdal ~xelSudy
ottitsNt.nt.'1111 ptesibto Ite tl S.iGlR E 1111 NV 00JD.
pFotlh jilChrl([eh l lI i m'll lsie. ' (;(iIIEt. IAen. NO LtcltIiN A's.
Jjj[1t- it X-I 41--,A--1 V 1 a 00
clases atittrehroie Kit Soua's Nolewe Marine Ba,',Nd!
10( I itl2lt in rooentf three, Wthter RetEN'TSCHaLAfERton
cotises A~ate n des j11011 plces0- Sanaltln h nlle estad
et, o \)ottpteih zA.C. t'elhget los. Pies!e -Sc 7c nd$ 0
Initll g 11stttlrlhitlfalto.i tesal hetotsI ~ ~ t
efs. by~ hstr ewet. rur ilth ONOR 1 W.ANHURON ST.

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