THE U. OF M. DAILY Tooth Brushes? GOOD >TRINQ$ YES:' hl-aciflin FOIII 1 ER z W:* Ne haviet clent, And the Bristles will not Come ! Stringed * Instrument, Out. CALKINS', WILSEY'S, 34 S. State Street. nerow.Pcee} 34 S. State Street.l TRY THE NEW COLLAR. IT IS EASE, COMFORT AND STYLE COMBINED, lw'SOLD BY NOBLE. MOORE & WETMORE BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, AND CORNER OF STATE AND WILLIAM STREETS. IK -~A1ND OECOND -]AND ] =OO.K~S [University Text-Books, Medical Books, Law Books, Dental 'Books, Students' Note Books, Blank Books, Stationery. We have a large Stock of Keisffe] and Esser Drafting Instruments. Our Stock will be found Complete and our Prices as Low as the Lowest. - TQIIJE T G-OODS.-- LOW PRICES. LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY I -AT- SAVE YOUIt EYX'ES. The Rochester, The Royal, and The Perfection Student Lamps have dem- onstrated that they give the most perfect light of any lamps made. While the prices vary from 90 cents to $15 each, they all give the same quality and quan- tity of light. Argand Lamp, with porcelain shades, at - - - - - 65 cents Red Star Oil, that burns without odor, does not char the wick, and gives a pure white light, delivered at - - - 10 cents per gal Oil Cans, according to capacity, from - - - - 20 cents to $6 each. To see is to believe. See our stock and you will be convinced that we sell the best Lamp and best Oil for the least money of any house in this city. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. T BROWN'S DRUG STORE.I THE CAMPUS. Mr. C. C. Spencer,lit. '91, law' 93, - -_was married to Miss Maggie R. Wil- We Don't Want Much I S Dr. Darling bolted oral surgery, son, Oct. 22, at Alma, Illinois. Mr. WE WANT your trade in Music Tuesday. Spencer is now practicing law in T goods. Prof. Ziwet gives the first of his Chicago. WE__WANT yea satisfied with every thingboughtof us. quizes in mechanics. A number of students from Colo- WE WANT to know your musical Prof. Conely will lecture to the rado and Minnesota left last night needs, Yrd n Mneoalftls ih We WANT to carry such a stock as laws on Thursday and Friday. for home to vote, having received wilt 511l yaur needs. Now, What More Can You Want? Seven men are taking a post-grad- free transportation, through the Re- nate course in the dental depart- publiean club. Pianos, Guitars, Banjos. Mandolins, etc., to rent. or sold on easy payments. ment. The Chancel society of St. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., The Prohibition club will hold Andrews church, will give an F south Main t et ENT. Manager, a meeting at the law lecture room evening social at Harris hall, Satur- this evening, day, Nov. 5th. Admission. 25 cts. IGHIGAN ENT____ Miss May Barnby gave a Hallow- All are cordially invited. Time Table (Revised)June ,1e9. een party, at her rooms at 52 South The following committee has been EASTE WEST. . M. Mail..-..... .... 4 Ciicago special - 307 Division street. appointed to collect the tax of so c. Iay Express.....- 5 25 Day Express.- e _Pa .S. Limited.0 _ .62Mail_ i__ _t Prof. Denison has completed his per capita from the sophomores, for N. 1, Linited__.5 945 N. S. Lieiteil .9 59Sp Niagara Falls Sp'l C27 p.m. lectures to the classes in free hand their football team: A. G. White, a. mn. Chicsgo Express. 2P. I. N. Ropes'.5 03.R. Exprres ..s- OS and mechanical drawing. P. B. Bush, Edw. Grey, T R. Tay- Allanie Ec 5105s._7 7 ,American Exjp 0165'J >. It. Express.104 7 Pacit E essiiree .27 There will be special English- lbr, and Evan Evans. R. Wv. 5tUGGc. H~ . xv. HArems, G. P. & T. Agent, Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor. Lutheran services at Newberry Hall Football games played Saturday 'IRST NATIONAL BANK tonight, NoV. 2, at 7:30 o'clock. resulted as follows: U. of M. 8, OIF ANN ARBOt. At Johns Hopkins it is required Northwestern io; Yale 44, Tufts o; Capital, $1110,000, Surplius and Proi,t.30,00. 'rroan i-A aenera bii losiieoo. fer-of students to pass an examinatiocs Univ. of Penn. 12, Ghicago so; Cor- rigs cstiraeollettersof credit erocered in gymnastics before a degree lilly sell 24, Williams 12; Harvard 32, for traesabotroad. S. b. i.CIsON, Cashier. e receive Amherst Io; Univ. of tinnesota 32, GRANGER'SIThe Pi Eta boarding club experi- Univ. of Wisconsin 4: Purdue 42, ment has proved so successful that Butler 6. SCHOOLU bOF1 ANuINt another one on the same plan is The Inland League will give a tU UU eU a to U being organized. social Friday night, Nov. 4, at the loth season, October,'192, to May, '93. .7 OUR NEW HALL is centrally locatedand j. C. Buell, of Jackson, and L. Church of Christ, on South Univer- eery provisionahasobeenme to promote thela t ountate anng ro ereare notaireB. Gardner, of Detroit, '92 sity avenue. A musical and literary to mount, the dancing room being on the.,1 . . ,haebenvsii a h ground floor. Office at academy, Maynard-st. omoops have een at the programwill be given in addition to Mayned-e. , isitng pogra Send $125, $2, or 3 50 for Sam- University the past day or two. the refreshments which will be served ll7 pie RetiltiBox by express 01a frsmeih theSTcCANDIE SinAmerica. A fresh medic had the unpleasant in the form of an "Author's Ban- Pat oe s op yp tni experience lifted " smttseefst t adrexperienceof being lifted up the quet.' All are cordially invited. PREENS.Express ehargrecin reepaid. Refe to nit Chicago. amphitheatre for havi h roken thse Admission ten cents. Season tick- .CHNIAE Ionfectioner, unwritten law of the upper class- ets for the entire course, 26 even- 212 State Street. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. i men." ings, $1.-25-. Call on Wm. Fulde, the Tailor, opposite the Law Building, on William-st., first door west of State-st. Cleaningrepairingand pressing done neatly. Suits to order a specialty. All work frst-class. IF YOU WANT TO Buy aAzla= Clod or have some Repairing done go to 'I~li. Ari~ota, 36 Man Street STAFFORPI --THfE- TAILOR! Is showing a first-class line of Dress and Business Suitings, Trouserings and Fancy Vestings for Fall and Winter. 42 South State Street, G. H. WILD, ITE LLENIIG TAILOR1, Is the place to go for fine Tailoring. Ite has the most select stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! in Suitings, Trouserings, and Fancy Silk Vestings in the City, and would be pleased to have you call and examine. Ie makes a specialty of Full Dress Suits. No. 2 E.Washington-St., Ann Arbor.