THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. 1$1.85. THEGREAT HAT WHIRL: GENTLEMEN:- We wish to ( 1l your particular attention to thle tact that our tca sal nldst ,nea n opeelieo ig ls riothiog(. Youug Mfeo as ,A~a le 111) withX all the dXIX ii, care nd shill«1 XXJ1charactizes /( heIX 1"I' 4XX(XJXXXit tXXIim XXin XX XXIX. acihm~, enney & enle F', t II ttE PAi YS N 0Y Tihursdlay, 'ridayInd oolSaiulXsy al 0ofthe lneW XIXXI 1(15oI Soft. flat ; Fedora or iaoetn, 0st.~ ( ±X tor Aino fa, rs~ll - 'I'his isia I)ieii ll 111 c ortlw Xtw) . l *I r l ' lI O 0SiXCIS LieCXXXOXXIXX . 1fo Xr re'(lXX os _A. _ .33 .51 r.. r 9 $.5 _ XX. .. Xe.' , 0f7T"2't5 BARIIELt uCaQPX .1 1 HIX A XXXI- ffT U' 7jOI,~ ;12t1I{~1r )X~JX jXX Aucr Fer Xi XX XAttempt' to Llect XI. sas e X ct h e XC i lit oXXX alX C i 1c- XoOXXXXbXcamXe aX eery iXerXstig --._IN D _ -- I oue. Th~reec aniIdates ssere ce NT T~in thXX Mel. ir. illyI. nomlinated FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Sfr. 5Mc IahonX. IThe1nXaXeXof MILLINERY AND ART GOODS !Troy waslpresenItedXyI:li.NI Xle ner 3C0 s uo eet~, in aXXIeloquecnt spXechl witXle the namof lT iltonl Jo0hns011 55s pre S IIVF, ERNED N XX~ selted lby J. NV. Good, 1nloquelnXt H 111111TION ortorfro' Ioa. he irs balo 0 XIIXCIX5IX (111o, 110. Ilallotin contiuedo EA. D ,eylr :onuntil 10:50 p. Xin., ithX Xery littlc S OpCX~X5O 1.0change Xinlle iglures. i bhl1o1ts sre t aketheastlI reXsultXXinXXX:-John- sXon, 58; ScIr alloX (45'l'lly,2 c I1.- 1111 4 No. 847 f ! . v. XCrne tIX X c 1 tXI . V, cls lof ulg90 iXn(0001A, liis aftelr- noXonX at 1 03o XI 1 111 1 lThomlpson orIlWil~liis streets, ladies go~ld waltchl with bow knot, openII face, monollgram (L.IE. NM.) 111 tback. FXind~er lease at Mo res dreg stolre, Illru llstreet, a1111receive re- waXrdl. MXav ItelmlersolIX XXIIIcompan~ly have sus5ta~ined1the ligil hlralise bestowed lby thle press wh-Ierever thley have aplpealred and1(1r10first-class in every respect, a111 XtII At(esseziger QuaXrette is 11111ol thtle best onIX111e-rIXIII.-( 'rrs Flyor. To StUdents. i i i { { t i ! 1!Fi0 6. hov t.I I 3'C;?eL 'dP XXI o .Xg-c IXIXX XX iin .X 2IX( fX-iXX-. IP "in-I Iat.; ENTI1 1 e 's. F. Xit. B I nS:Rcasher Goodspeed & Sons., TAILORS. I MPOotTE S IX N ll0 ) l-NI 19 S. Main. Goodspeed& Sons.,! SHOES. 17 S. Main. Goodspeed & Sons., HATTERS ANDX FURNISHERS. Sole .Xgents for ~thle I 'iller II at." line Lineii of Muhuacl~toslcs. L155S. Main.J andll I. 111ds, (1. \fter thXis ])allolt ''l"l l} 11'IIIIIt5155XXXXX Vilahr-'s a mot IIXIionIIIaXX XX I XIXanld cXrrliCdtoXXItterr pciehllso .1t the r, A A. , N. lHy. XN Ill Mlle .1XX amI -t ".- . XXXI1ICll X i I fficefo XtitherX inX I lXllaiXI.I AXi }a c I 'roaramnle. _c-A It. S. 011 XI XINo1) lw U 0 OOS ""ajI'lic folloXingCis4 Xthle lX(Xain CIXXXXXa0110 4-4ise-AIX tile Week.- fo~r nxtISatnIrdav XCIIXelll('X j Nh IX II Xrfo~ i X' XI'I e litizIIX of 55sciXXI t)iscXXIIIt oXXXI XXX IBIoks, NI -vvrs . ShippI, arlrXandl HarIris. 1tmytoXIIXXXIIXiX Icss till' diXXItXtiXXI ofItile I la tsf XI([ 1most XX XIICXXIIXI thea~tricalX MedicIII, 1Dent~lXXin ind llX"i I XX' XXExtpi rCXta. Read~lingXXX '. Ir. 1115s XasIXXXXXXIIX r1. X. J-IsIIIXIXXuX XI Tlext-BookIIs.'111eIlrge'st trankl1).II XiII XXI l uXXiXcXX i I XeiXX111111 I I IXtt IXcli IX(pea ueIX IIIl, an a ndolX 111 inXX, les'srs . 51h1111,1arr Il lntedIICI ltistlo, hl'lilllli1y N'11i15 IR n a rlt lris. DbI e:Rsove end tI'sXXX. 'lls snpteriol, iX'lIXtiOXI ili Citis layd l-l 5IIIlX llIn oira l 111111(11 A don1is. 1 BLU u 'IT]It Harrsnad>jedjsholde i Wtis til' eormotlIl ilyand1dra-11 the IsccXXsful canidtIXateXs onl tIles- I ic' sue{CCIS, 11111 Xs thleir trilles are daynet.Geera dbae. greetedt nigh~tly SwithX crowd(edI lnes. ill tile city for 25 cenlts. Agen~t for - -+. --Seldomael we I~calledi 1111111to give sIIiIl Keufel& EserMatle~lili~a Intr~- Yesterdav several co-eds appeared ileaty and11jusatly dieserved praise to a Keufel. Eser athmatcalInsru-1 1 yeoung artist, as wte accord May H~en- menlts. Under prices 011 everythling, in rainy-day costumues platterned derson. She hlas provtens her righlt to fromthesugestonsof e classedi amoneg ourC very best lartists. frm teslgsin fJenness Iher enltre in~to tileIprofessionlas a star Miller. This is a sensible innova- will certllinly brighten tile dramatic 3TORES . ~~vation, and no doubt still soon be lita, nt. -MngeY. F.Hi South State Street and Main Street.BaviN.Y (oplposite Icour xsseI. an established custom.I