sIdIU.W VOL-f. III.-No 2. U-NIVE-RSITY OF 1IICIIIGAiN, NMONDAY, OCTOBER 81 ,1892. IRCTHIRElitCENTS. FACULTY tF1ANGESS Many New Men Added in All Departments. reCo K~fNelsey, grantedlaeo h 11nc fior one x cii to( ms clch I I S einceito f W iton veClsityis appointedl Ictill I ssoitn Professr of Il 11111, and itllihav AN EXCELLENT COURSE, Men That Will be Heard This Year in the S. L. A.Course. The board has. ixnot lect yet, bul t111 f010llow i attracitionls willt ii If- Two New Men for Econornice Somne tlI p'~ it10 oIrtd of the M en that will Grind Fresh- ihUals hasbe,'i I 10it rtil. Ixilaiif ielI1iolt oen-Prof. Howell leaves theIh- 1ZeofAaetcn plt cal Department - Prof. Lore hard la-, fa cj o tIV i l if101-prisani5i icct Takes his Piate-Nee! S lo for thetilItiiiui sti- Laws. 551 .1111 1 11fe550 Joseph D C Ill giaa tpoliticatl11111-par1tisao iiti)- A --relit nialir rtalitCS iiecessarit ili ttl ti 15 1Jec(I ocecurlrhtie fiiciitt eacti er,11but 1110 lii Ci 1111 felilliC tis IIolilten- Ilai hs va. A iii iri tile mist 111 elI I111511 i II the University 1s yen foltrtiatetiils C 11115eetitsIiei i1\tiis veaf inittle %cry sill ill 11ier of vis1i111niiitamt larehieilof the ite- IProf.N iske, fii had,"Aex- tirofessors to tal e ttieii teive. lxrIi11lit 01ftPotiticat I rooiiix ,by llidef fiiittoil. Arnolig titene lite11to suepo Po.Aas Ive fthe ilS-lihil. 1110 1 -. Iliisc rfesro fessorstittliand ttie position if tulto rei tiot tie iiSIlht e emitc nii a-stCi tafot'ivof o ile tvariousdeamns are may111,,tire I ii~tt ti eta mn lhll i~ii(tic Cultuiiie- ilepactiocots M_ 'U I toiIProtessor ofutIH-is- sit) ''-The Age of sen~ic 1uitr wcto base already icon distitctionlI tory at Itbion College, its been ill (Ctrihstin ( o iiztie 1101 in their chosen tiie of work0apinitedlitl assistaint 1riotissol 1) 1 xeiv ff11110 n bott, if Newe P olitiicitl lninhix It wxitt bere- ok ujc o eemnd Cfr~l.Ol lilfA~i I ImCemberedOthiatt he tiook tietitace of oarkshlect.iotd eriuiorit. 1or yearsthis itepartiment iai 11101f. it mis tiwo yellsao. Mr. M-isiilI iii iiio s been iatite ito oast of a fill115 if iii Cootey a'.\fMr.1ixotii havxe beenii ol.1 I' ber Iln'ersoll, Samuet struciiirs seconiiin iefficieincy to ttiat apptitein~strulctrsin PolI ititcal 1_Iieips Lelandu Rexv. Willeti of Ofno iuniverxtity ithis5ciiuntrye, Nr I) ir bel lad ll atonix0It I{Ci1lilips 13ti rooks, \ot a sinytle one of tthe peirmianent stl litor ini fmeek -iliiSansitx. o Iito,101.4C1 a.1 a raik if tirofessor or assisitt po- 111itie re chidti iti liuit fixoi itinsiiirl Ien. Icxi It m1Nre -ind Tessir is misstingfriiii tie tistxxwtilr eir 11001 i -tellstiaive bei.itit ppoitedt other attracitionis .are lunderIolsiil- 1' t'.Btiii aiiiitniitJ.REfiiligr ciation.i TheNi. uuiiical tfeiture of mnyixietwelknioxwn iiaiies liaxvCtitri nitieit o ti xx iihitt tticteolr t hutiii tills ihivC tie progerami ix lot buren itter- adetoi.beein litaii iri unhtotLiiCii Zi-)e~iitr Duiring tie 11ast year InumerCou0s15 awrefcl roittitlhatiCeenl -it S coilleges to Ciraw awaluy soiliC itf11o11 tiCeii I 1 rf tiI- " 's.I" ililst 1prominient professors. 1'Celpt- \trii l a be~ oiitrit ilstruIC THE NEW UNIVERSITY, toriiIn tICI ill 1 it lce of kMr. 'ii___ i gl) loeavidueet i\eoet. G. 14. Rowe aiii[ J. 0. Reced 1it opens Its Doors With Just 1,000 teeni offereid to imany of ttieri, t1hare tieeii made instructors I n'udn leasethie U. ofM1 H, iiaiiy uio-pthysics. xerstiesof NN sall ttle it iirr Iiir ll icrx rerChicago Uiviersity opened Satur- ita1yxxithi oo000studCenits enrolledI. tie country, motabty JulinsH1101) "hiltfewll ciiix' ill mde i Nl xee10firia pnn ee kiixs, Coriielltandthernewif iv~er- the 1lwfaluty thisyeair. IThi iites f Itila'oiixl 1do tto lmost impilortanit cliammee itie resim) monixs, ildthe treat tinititultioni oftt s1i cnitilili utfIPiif. Abtbott, siiniitiliie asembledt its clasies andl went to Noixe o heeoft rshire heels,,1-19111111nIprofessor of llw. IPiof.ctiapetjust as if it had beens run- cetitedt. Abbott -oes to Nothtern LtI iJCni- ciii'for years, ainitthe occaion Tts ctalilesillthetiti a i versity.) His ltiace ias5 110) Ctben rea n orinarily oiie. At 8130 the tiartmncit ire is folliiws: - . I supplidcTIieethiquizlasters have is rais icibt 15Cb' Htatt, Jr., of the Natio01al Obeerra- iot )yet beth appointed. ha ll ahn mt thcir professors. ForC tory at IWashington, has lbeeni ap- xiFiiiCiL liFfARiT'ltFNT. trehusohr lsc otxe poihtedt Professor of Astrofnonmy-an1111 ile changes in the meictfal facnlty- andthat I12130 studeni~ts anit factltyv Director of the Observatory, fitting 11ave beeni textandf far betireeni, but the vacanicy left by tProf. Rarring- of a very imlportant ordter. tle cle- r oget eriiis whch aeforbetale ton,xwh1en5apploinited heart of the lartielit suistaiineil a severe hoss in rlgossrvcsZ3ict r ob the resign~aionx of Prof. I hoxelt part of the daily routine. When toiltem Statcs Weather Bunre-ula a ff0o1 the chair of phtysiology, i15lfchapel exercises closedI, the first itay yerag.order 1o accepit a simhilar, but miore of the uhiversity ended. It is a The chair of Paltcoatology, which, lucrative position in lanyard Uni- fatta l- ieltme iince the death of Prof. Alexander versity. Those in auathority foundt b Winhel, hs bentemorailyfiledbefore thehm a problem dificullt of of matriculates are tllose wvho have Winhel, as eenteporril fltet stuioo Tosutaby ill the place stpent twro or nmore years at sohme by M. Sliererin1 be lel byoccup~ied heretofore by one of the other college or unliversity. Israel C. Rusesell, of the Clited molst soted phiysiologists of thle States Ceological Survey country and the day, to replace a dmWneadIerls Assistant Professor John C. Rolfe man of untiring labor and great in1-yerw has been appointed acting Professor gennity ini original ilivestigation andyersti'9nedchv etrd of ati, o flltheplae f Po-experimienst, one of larg otrbto the Chicago 'Medical College, for a (tiuelio oc l lte.1 two years' course. R. H.FYFEI&@Co, P. J. KINNUCAN, MERCHANT TAILOR Detroit Michigan. Rip hmond 5tr ight Qt±. No. 1 CIGARETTES. igtte Smnkers whe orewhiulli- trya litle -chargidfor thsriniary t radeofCigarettes, will ina T is BR ANDsperior to The StRicondlStraight Cu o. iigaLorettis aremeromeecthe bright- ast, cmost ileely flavoreid and higheit c ost Gare cisrelgrown is Virginia. This 10 tue Old and Original lBrand if Straight Cot Cigarettes, aed weas brought set by s in th err 15. Bleware of imiitation,acid observe that the firmcare'as belowiris ancevery packiage. The ALIEN & GINTERII Brach fthIlrAmiericnTTibacco Co., iMacufamctures. tiohmond, Virgicia. L--Z. STAEBLEngzz Coal ! [1 ""WT Washington St. R~. E. JOLLY J CO., -ELL,-- 11 T ZS, r. T (:-0 1 T 71 AND ALL 511 OlINT'S StPPItES.