I -mi charmringly sweet. Ii editorial is L R rL- .t.=
^'"fW not tnnet essarile crowded, alumnaeFim ' an
n tes ollege notes, and society New Fim New Goods, ad Low Prices.
'ahabtitinlyi~r~ihr~rCS(Cjivt) urr~ pages arc hriinfsl of interesting-
the College yt sss ftcreteeditoralystff 'Thereis notioyiglke a SLIAI FIGURE to jpnt it in ntotion.
THEU.OFM.INEPNDNTASOCATONconsists entirely of ladies and the We have laid in a veiy=ELarge Stork of Seasonable, Goods. We
Subhniri ption tprice n-i-ass nar enaks vinnies for womn, Bought (heap. We Sell Cheap. Fine Footwear, Roots and lSihoes.
ortvann-o intlpconi-itt3ticent,;. uteenrie 111 onmalisme. 'lypographicrally the \T ~~ I L~
tiron nay he lefit n atitoffioftheILYnn azite is excreedingly attractive, 48 SOUTH MAINs STREET, - A.INN ARBOR, )I1CII.
at stoflets, twith nniy Ptheeios o
rtnttr-ed iitrs. 1,iwhile lin tess einterp rise rimps oti
SCommuhnt.itionsthy ae ireet the enyaltithe aderetisin~rges P Pii ocok. 1fte rct per ionx , Ar. F r fe e
day. Adhdrenitallmatte i nuttiende Septiia- tn lihe a Fies .A;1iI'l *
"otha i t ionttrShould tibise.n ttc tit r~Ei- li:tt01a1'S Si nce see called at t(nt
VHE U. or X. DAILY, 1 nit ersite on) the nuestion if clot- October 22-29. WAGNER & CO., Tailors.
Ann Arbor, Mich. _______________________________
the ~ork's fir tin Suititli
EiO itldtuts a-tie t i ttttteery sittit f Vr_Rp F1jIiY'iu. oleo.Ann Arbor and North
-t ite~-ittciei tMichig an Railway.
. It S>)ii.'1> it.l. eiii 'il ~rItl~-a tNES5l ti i fI 1i n t dintitffectautlnat-, Atuit S'l
. I . ;t it,,Utttti i liiisr toetiavitit, this 4I-0, """--IdVJl( t t f'Iis t nA or
1 i s2I: -A1 it tt .t i t l i f~tA"'I. i r I .i- - -
nutittitl mthde'ireisvotti-itho e t re -i iu t~t~tiittiiii ie rrti; aaottd
sceme ofli airi;-u' rtor3 /(ittiiats ittt- trt:i(it)t1aitt1tCt-ittiN i tIt) . usg Iit ittittiiitisii i-.s - .1,. (10 rroo
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(,. W. Ilrr rtie Stti it N.nirttsan aslnrstndnrtt . N. i~iTe--c iiiso ~uda
p. a.ICLEARY. Par I tittit3.- - - - -..
,A .Ii t NNri-it.r :3 tastesI(,ii'i'litshitistth ei t IN! - ii f i e Ac b ing tinetues ag t t en det-' it Ii ....
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Th i-itt-tt doiinot hltie ill ttitite -irisitt--i
i-i~e tt -. ilt i tt-rji n i i a i.'
The namns of all persons whose
subscriptiostua re nsf paid on or be-
fore November 5th will he stricken
from oar list,
that ini h, - atr(f eevmrsct
fir tiii - L so iat n tr e -
tis y-iar. Itha hoed om
st-e titrlils in-ruittre.
00 -ITN E eT O O - tictte ititt stttiitnctte~ t It.1111o l
TinNNItS - SHOES -IN - STOCK.;- iii t.-i-itt. i
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A. S kt-u i tu v itltiiiit' tl oss thent) t.~tAL
ctsivly ht h u c hnigof-
It i me t out ( e t l theb atdse l i0ii tiit \ it. -i tiltitt t "1T }'Er 6 NOU C ,1 . 'l tct e t. n uri-1tre outla0iii1, iL"'
Shiv earls rnn- ousto tatnc i XNON -En1. li -uutii- ituii t i .diiv tI
(lev iiite cay, s Pt iirviet itt Atic personut ain"uu tro tittt iSr . to~i11 o ier. .1( ii Ith uhulcaleti I:1 Ir, c.if -NU. 12 W.HURtON Vii.
Forseen'war bar bfoe heDeIi-utt, itill lie !Ii u t lth Iok Husuie
I o se vi ii iiy lii s lviei v si ep-rsonus tltu-hitg IOrascl-s oithin classe-s iui-s iu-tus-iiiitttI ultut ii
site s-Stir te utieti in heof'S ' Sqandu' o itill contfvr a-t sr tin u ,-n- v%.ill7heOPELA ZIQUto
btoardls, situdentts, Iiv mens of re fitvtr on thin prntiS t -i~l 7 hty- u-rut- i ii tA n utt ittine tof, nottii-e us tutu ,t111 rtor mmmi t utu ius ise1111<
lays, stood l inlte, niustlyv all aiSt-tutuhsi haidyattruce itithi Fil. 1.. Bolns i nut tiitishtittitgototus iur nit10silbli
tsr II 1I. - Stitih, tae irf ral, shirunitat thi-tle IoItHouseitfrumt XiiiMONDA.Y, OCTOBER 31St
tug te tor atppmointd. Istere Ibu.-a-t 1tSmSi-uh itI- l itunshr
no brsi-ei ustrr utlhtlcmlinun t Itie u Auitie 'I 5 mmiii,. tS-tile ta
noreediforSthis nollerale 111t1-swllrhttr td sn rut mmm elofTolesdoh.Ir~~
sance, atndlexpeni~sivaste oitSite f Attentton DemiocratSs : 1 odnIrtlriiofu ut miten rn :idt 1)lvtt
I"et tsieu, ltevhulp5 1ttu ttte. SuppottSdrutSit luatmtoitntan3in iii its thur.
t ._111 1)enituratic stuuchneats frot u all l~ at-- su ite o oit r o mris hturut i tu e lit inttui -iitmts ii tm
a47, S ADimisiont. '- peri..- , W ekm-i. nt s Sit rstcusreQuaret ie.
THE WELLESLY MAGAZINE ite stats, stun avelegally- qualifiedi >>Iit tl Iti tlt iu utcum JIN 2(Sr ILN(IT'
The above publuication coiites Sio andelish to go hotmte to vote are thins elntahiluiid fn i ne ofrutuesuSi - - A - F IL T(I''
our table for the first timte. IS site eartnestly reqiuesteel torvegister their va itt tel she Stile steet grnt-er.
venu s~e WllehemI'vhiule silis nnuease hose tldessat iteArg s iii i-cit i-itt; tinT1,TOt srcou- . s.- Admission. 15, 25, and 35 Cents.
onte of the brightest, tueatest, utnd oifficeetn Mauiun street, or Sheehati's lchae i uru ttutug, ?5c.; liuievssinig PEN TSCH LED.
meost fascinating of college uags- book stove on State ntrecet, before a 5c;sir tu menit due3). Work ltoneeau
yout rsrm 1 sits A. Il A iPER~i, ~ L
ho o es. Thle literaryt eepartltuent is p. it., 'Tuesdauy, Nov. r. 'Thisis 2Mirror street.0 qPapitCP
fuill of intevest, thtes-nse is of a positistely thre last chsance. 1-or suite -heal-A season's dotePbtattesmetmJ tce a rners'e Aae
gloonsy ype, bt ttinsm ite _ -.t t (hummur-utl12eu-crust: cru-M.,Spy tr~Iusu Otofice. i iii St :t i SND Si t)t ioa its.