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October 29, 1892 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-29

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oiinill hi11 illthe finelci


w"'l' OL BY iO BILE.

To buv s nilore.11
34 S. State Street.

4ve CaSins'ii ugsti e, i I A

A _ 5N (li-RN R I-. ' .511 Xii) i[,I 1 01 5 l1E T .
[ 1i~ri 'tet-~ )k , 11ii .15 Books. . Law I c~l U D )ciitll oiortls, Stiidenits Nte Ibooks. l,1,111k Ibooks, 'Sta1i1t . W is Me 1v.C 1Oia
Our Stock will be found Complete-and our Prices as Low as the Lowest.

--TZOIIZBT 'C-00 3_._X'O.Y(UL 1B LS_
Th 'Il e lcester, The Royal, aiid The Perifection Studenit Laips lhave demi-
onistratedl that tliny give the miost perfect light of anyl lamps nmade. Whlile the
prices vary from 90 ceiits to $15 each, they all give itie sanic uality and qiian-
.110 i'Oili'.. tity of light.
Arganid Lamzp, wsitli porcelain shades, at - - - - -i ceiits
lied Star Oil, that biiriis withiouit odor, does iiot char the wick,
LARGEST STOCK IN THIE CITY ! anii v les a pure white light, delivered at - - - 10i ceiits per gal
Oi ans, according to capacity, from - - - - .-30 cents to $6 each.
To see is tii believe. See our stock and yoii will he cioiviinced that wve sell
the best Laimp andi hest Oil for the least iioney of any house iii this city.
ir- 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.
BROWN'S DRUG STORE.i THE CAMPUS. which will be ol considecrable use
__________________________________in cxpecrinmcntal work.
We/ Don't WAant Much ! ! Prof. J. 13. 1Daris is nut of town Tomorrow has beceisaninouncid
sen a s~ Oi tals She fr a civ ~a.as a doe for prayer for niissioins.
good~Ai'a sii. l eicti All ichganvotcrs iiict this
0111111you atiirhiWita eiryThe Mission IPaniisell hold scrvics
l tinniglugh of is. eening at 7:30 in law qriz'.rooiim aS 70. 1 u ceucr al
wew n'eated .eols, i Alpha Nu niects this eening.
lEIV ANI' is 'arry' suchia stine'as m Se Thusrsday's 1)011 s fur program. Thle S. C. A. has votcd to raise
will i liyour nlads Tejnir- clishoda lssSoo this ycar for Itic supiport of
Now, What More Can Yoti Wantt ? ltheetras'iirsgedcirethylof thelts
mseetinig this forenoon, anrd electedth trvln seeayofheSu
PiioGiasaios.easeoains, e., o fcr.dent SVolunteers for foreign niis-
THlE ANN ARtBORt ORGAN CO., . Prof. Votase's subject toiiorrowsel5ops.
:sut uA.. I, ~tIE.anager morning at 9:15 will lie "Teachings Chas. A. Critublose, iresidleitcit
lanof Jesns. the senior houueop class, was roar-
YFI TTIfNCE N - ll University P'rohuibitioinists are ried last eveniing to Miiss Josie I.
TiiiiiTab].le(ised) Junea;, sos' rerluested to register at Blowdiish' , Bodwynretsh
Eo ,ST. hI WSeTeo a. soeisoreDAILY extends congratulatioiss.
015 -------- 4 "'es. 5 Chiag o Sial 5, h esoe
N.5. Limsied----'0 sMsil---------9 ; The '96 medics msade a vains at- At a meeting of the Dental society,
N. Y. iinid__. 11045 N. S. Limoied--_ 959
Niagarii balls ap'iii 27 p. nm. tenipt to elect class officers during hlcd Thursday eening, papers were
a. in, Chicago Express. 2 9
i. N. Fsprec- _. 571091G. Ii. Exprs a_ 50 the past wecek. read by J.A.Cook,and M.IRawlinger.
Aitlnicpes.- '57 7 Amierican Exp18 15teC .Ial a ~'Ieio-n
G1. II. oprec's.-- 5 d47Pacific dEpress _1 07 Prof. Denison has conmpletedth C'A.Hwyaseced dio-n
0. s Et. ir e. H. W. Hxrss.,
G. i'P '1'. Agent. Chisago. Age. Ann Arhor. lectures iii lMechianism aind given chief of the Dental journal; Mr. R.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK out specifications for draweing. Jones, C. Teniny, and H. Hussy, as-
(oP ANN ARBOR. 'The I nlansd League glees its first sistaints.
Capital, $01) .000. durpiusansd Profites, .0,005.
Tr'ansacsi'Ignelhsighliio.r- sorial next Friday es'eninini, iihle The Unity Cluib progria for this
eign.'lil'leslllold ititees at credit proesrred Ilarlors of the Disciples' churds, evening has beens changed owiing to
P. BACH. tees.
S. X. CrA olgos, Cashiea-. l trs. Trueblood gives her Iroduc- P~rof. Russell's absence from the
GRAkNG5R'S lion of "Ramna, "tonight, in thse city. Prof. Henry C. Adans will
law lecture coons. Admiission, 25 take his place, giving his lecture on
SCIIOOL OF 1IAI\ I6 I cents.soit "Changes in Methods of Travel and
10thSeaon ctoer 5, t Ma, ~ Papers weere read before the Geo- Transportatins Since the Days of
«iCH NEWS HALL 10 eentrally loested and lgclsceyls vnn Columbus.'' Prof. Russell will
every peovision boo been made to pr'omote thae s eenig by Mr.
'omfort ocfor patrons. Therenare no stairs Price, on "Old Glaciers," and by lecture Nov. 28.
tol maollt, te dancing room being on the
grounad floor. Offiee at aeademy, 6Maynar'd-ot. Mr. Bird. - ____i-
eend$125,$2, or $3s59gor Sam- Prof. Hall finds it necessary to NOTICE-All Connecticut, Mans-
pie Retail Boa by expresa of wc ciset n as
tli~eBEST CANDIES in America. meet a class at i o'clock twceaacusts .n0WstVrgni0epb
Pat op an elegant bxsnand
staictly pore. . Suitable for week ins order to accommodate aome licans wishing to return home to
PRESENTS. Expralldehagesof. h tdnsi oe l hn hi ae
ptj jreaidRefer to all Ccago. o h tuet nastronomy. oe ilplease hn hi ae
.C. ry tonne. Address, A
itnI? C. . ATHR Cneewoe, tii combustion furnace is ex- to H. H. Parsons, 22 N. Ingaals.
V ~ fl z2 State street.
CHICAGO, ILLItNOtS. peeled for the chemical laboratory, Transportation is assured.

Call on Win'. Fulde. tile
'Tailor, oplposite' the LaX' lhli ldimig, 011
wVillialin-st., first door wIest of Statle-si -
Suitlsto order a sp~eialty. H1Nvork-irst:-clao-.
IF Y01 IV tNT T()
Buy an Aarnm Olooh
ti-livsle I'epaili-ilgdone -0)to
nt. ArijoIk, 36 Main Street
I s s h o whs in g a i r sdi t - l s s lia i o f
Dross tand Bulsinebs Stdtings,
Troserialge and Fancy oestings
for 111Fall npin~ter.
42 youth $tazte Street.
Is thse place t(o go for finie 'l'ailorieg.
Ihe has thle most select stock of
10 Suitinags, Troulserinags, and Fancy
Silk Veatings lb the City, and
woold he pleased to have you
call ansd examine. le
makes a specialty of
Full Dress Suits.
No. 2 E. Washington-St.. Ann Arbor.

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